Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings ~ With Love

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By: Jennifer Farley, 02/07/2014


My beautiful child; you often forget exactly how powerful you truly are. With one glance, one thought, one act of kindness you can change your entire world. Release your need to focus on the things that are not working and look to the things that are. Once you get into the flow of The Universe, you will be surprised at how quickly things will come your way…..with love! ~ Creator

This Company Made “Love” Part Of Everyone’s Job Description For 5 Days

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MindValley  February 6 2014

SmileySunflowerLove Week: A ‘crazy’ tradition that started [at MindValley] on Valentines Day four years ago is about to turn into a global movement. Get your company or business to join us. And watch how this might change your company culture in remarkable ways ;-)

Several years ago, we decided that Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be a day just for lovers with lovers – it should be an entire week where everybody gets to experience a little love and appreciation at the workplace. After all, love and appreciation lead to happiness. And happiness is known to boost productivity.

February 2014 Newsletter: Releasing our Ignorance ~ Co-Creating the New Earth

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A few words about Ignorance from Mother Mary page 86
The Christ Blueprint ~ 13 Keys to Christ Consciousness by Padma Aon Prakasha

“Giving away your power to an idea of what you think is love, is ignorance. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge, discernment, and experience, of what the soul is. It is the cloaks and patterns that we put on ourselves in order to grow, experience, and evolve into what we call truth. A soul always wishes to follow truth; that is it’s nature, and what it is birthed from. In having concepts, wounds, and patterns, the soul starts to believe that this is the truth, and starts to follow these ideas and beliefs. Yet a soul needs these experiences of ignorance in order to grow its level of clarity, discernment, true love, and direction. The strongest moment for a soul to know truth is when it has been given an experience of truth. Then it can follow this. However, even this is fraught with danger, as the mind can also interpret itself to be the soul if the mind is too identified with one’s sense of Self.

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 7 February 2014

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By: Mike Quinsey, 02/07/2014

Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed  upon you by the cabal. For the time being it suits our purpose to let certain restrictions remain, allowing us to work towards completely releasing you from their control. With our ability to see what is taking place we can keep one step ahead of the cabal and restrict the degree to which they can impose themselves upon you. For example in recent times many attempts have been made to start another world war. Each time we have blocked such attempts and will continue to do so. In fact we acted recently so as to stop the commencement of intended hostilities that would have led to another world war. Be assured that there is no way it would be allowed, and such commitment by us is a guarantee of eventual world peace.


Kp Message 2-6-14”A Free-Flowing Post”

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20140206-115644.jpgI’m feeling some things coming out right now, so felt time to get it on internet blog paper. (By the way, the photos are of my head and feet at Kona Coffee & Tea… excellent mocha, and in my mind, about the best Kona coffee on the Kona Coast (and I do not say that lightly). PS, official grand opening on February 14.)

There’s a lot of stuff being posted “out there” that says this and that and all over and fear stuff and Obama’s full of this and that and Putin is the devil and Obama is too and planets  (and comets and Nibirus and other galactic stuff and liberals and conservatives and Rachel Maddows and Rush Limbaughs and who knows what) are heading for our planet so be sure to feel this and that and be afraid be very afraid and this and that…….

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Saint Germain – for 6 February 2014

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By: Nancy Tate, 02/06/2014

St. Germain,

Nancy: St Germain, I have been wondering since you gave the information the other day that you did, why did you give me what you did, and why the timing of it? Now I am wondering, what more, if any, is there that you would like to share with me so that I can share it with the world? I feel there must be at least a part 2 to this message.

St Germain: Yes indeed, my dear one, there is much more that I could share with you, and today we will make a start on it. It is a matter of being in the flow, and exploring the avenues that are due to be traversed in the journey of the people on this planet. As for the timing, it is a matter of addressing anything that is flowing into the hearts and minds of all of Creation.

Lee Harris ~ February 2014 Energy Forecast [Video & Transcript]

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Much has been made of the time that we are living in; the concept and idea that 2012 was a turning point.

Many ask, “When will the Golden Age begin?”

But wherever you look right now on the planet, things seem far from golden.

Destruction is taking place at gross levels. This is happening.

We are told stories that are not true, in order to get us to agree to policies and actions that will just bring further destruction.

So why do we agree? When did this begin?

In 2011, I recorded a message called “Year of Illumination”. In that message I spoke about how when things become illuminated, we see everything. We see the shadows as strongly as we see the light.

Djwhal Khul ~ Clarity

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Terri Newlon  February 6 2014

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Today I want to talk about clarity. Clarity on all levels or all dimensions.

We have Mercury going retrograde in psychic Pisces, as I call it, so there’s going to be a lot of mind chatter, a lot of mixed messages and signals. People misinterpreting a look on your face, you know like you might have a dull headache and they might think you don’t like them. That kind of thing. So there’ll be a lot of miscommunication and it’s important to clarify things and use as much clarity as possible.

I want to also say clarity of the soul is something that you can bring through your personality and through the ego function so “My clarity comes from my soul. I know my own soul. I understand myself. My clarity is soul-based.”

Work with statements like that and I think that it will be helpful for you. And of course as always promptly clean up any miscommunications or hurt feelings because that is important. You don’t want the negative energy coming from it.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel for February 6, 2014

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By: Marlene Swetlishoff, 02/06/2014

Photo: http://www.http//


Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love called manifestation. This quality involves the application of several other qualities of love, namely trust, determination, diligence, discipline and faith. In its application, this quality of love requires a set intention (either consciously or subconsciously) that what one strongly desires to become a reality in one’s life will come into one’s reality in order that one may experience the outcome as envisioned. This is a facet of love that is now coming into its own and is in its beginning stages of application. This quality requires inner power and drive to accomplish successfully. It requires focus and singleness of purpose as an individual practices creation of that which is desired to be experienced in their lives.


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