Messages from the Earth Allies

~Your Family of Light and the changes~

Lia's picture

Earth Ally Will Harader


Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.


Love Yourself By Earth Ally Will Harader

Lia's picture

Yes, love yourself. Stop looking for acceptance from outside. This hasn't worked for the thousands of years people have been on this planet, isn't currently working and wont work in the future. Love can't be found outside of yourself because what appears to be external is only an illusion. Love lies deep within, are you willing to look inside yourself? Most people aren't, looking inside offends the ego. Self-awareness and the ego are not compatible. In awareness we realize we are neither the body nor the ego/mind.

Our search for love from other people is what spoils most relationships. We look to our partner for happiness and when they fall we fall with them. This isn't love, but co-dependency. In a truly loving relationship when one person falls the other is there to pick them back up. Both partners are pillars of strength, together yet separate, helping each other along this path we all walk.

And now to address narcissism. Most of us have been told that loving yourself is this evil thing called narcissism. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Narcissists are obsessed with their body and/or ego. They think their body/ego is better than others and need confirmation from other people. When they don't get it they usually become very obnoxious. So narcissism is not really love yourself, it's still looking for external confirmation. If you truly love yourself you don't need confirmation from other people. You're free from the trap of co-dependency.

When you truly love yourself you'll discover what love truly is and you'll be able to truly love another.
Use Your Own Intuition

Re~ Hearter: Chat Session This Afternoon! ALL Are Welcome

Rain's picture

Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome. heart



heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain and Silver)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

We welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~Contagious Energies~ Path Home Into The Light

Lia's picture

Greetings, Many, Many, Many, Miracles, Blessings, and Magical Synchronostic Events~Follow the Signs, as they Guide you along the Path back into The Light. Each of you Have your Own Unique Path to walk Home. Listen to The Beautiful Music of Creation, calling You Home, Through Words of Truth. Listen to the Love from within your Heart, Your Heart Understands the Path Home~~Follow Your Heart, Your Heart is incapable of lying to you, and through Your Heart, you are Connected to your Soul. This is the Connection to your Higher Self, which is in The Present Moment of Now ALWAYS, ALL THAT EXISTS IN THE PRESENT MOMENT IS LOVE.



~ The Plain Truth about spirtual ego's~ New lightworker disease

Lia's picture

Pre~First Contact Information Update of the Highest Velocity Light
The Liberation of the Soul, The Revealed Evolution

Today's Decree “ WE Give ALL Awakened Light Workers, Full Grace, to Go After the Spiritual Egos and Take them Out of the picture, with Love. They do not serve any purpose, but further isolation and separation, AS well as attempting to interrupt, confuse and disturb the Process for others as they Awaken. All Awakened Lightworkers are to call them Out on their illusions. This is to be done, so that we can move forward Effortlessly without any further delays, in which in recent days and weeks they have  tried to do [they did slow down things, because they wanted to be in control of the Divine Plan, but they cannot control Love, and we must deal with this NOW, SO that something Grander may enter]. This is Decreed and Granted, and SO it is. In the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, egos, spiritual egos and any ignorance does not exist. And so it is In Heaven as it is on Earth and So it IS! Decreed

“ Spiritual egos have dressed up so many  fantasies as real, they “believed” them, and any “belief” is  the old paradigm. The new paradigm has no beliefs, only Love and Truth.”

Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. WE are Your Earth Allies here on your Behalf as Representatives of Your Future Selves~Galactic Humans, and WE are The Ground Crew for First Contact. With you Present in the Physical Manifest is US, Mother and Father God, and We Love you Unconditionally.

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars – 8 September 2013

mthree's picture Mary:

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.


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