Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Many Magical Synchronostic Events, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Amazing Wonder, as You Are Present in the Moment of Now.
With the Highest Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, and Beyond...We Are the Ground Crew For First Contact, Your Earth Allies, and Representatives for the Upcoming Events! We Are Here in Service To You, ALL of Humanity, and To Mother Earth. We Love You Unconditionally.
~ Letting go of all belief systems~
The differing in experiences right now is how clear your body hologram is of conditioned belief systems, which also keeps the left brain or ego program running. This Prevents the Being from Experiencing Heaven on Earth. Clinging to belief systems prevents and will hold a being back. The more bs a being is holding onto, the more challenging experience. The More the being has let go of all bs, the More Love energy comes into the Body Hologram for Grander and Grander Experiences in Love Everywhere Present.