Messages from the Earth Allies

~ Message from the Earth Allies~Love is Exacting and illusion is dead

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~Love Always Fills in the Gaps~


 ~Resist not the Love you are, Embrace the Love you are, and Enjoy the Experience of the Love you Truly are~


 Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central~ Center. We are your Family of Light, From the Stars, The Elohim, from The Celestial. WE are much older then Planet Earth, and We have Arrived for the Transformation and Graduation of Humanity, and to assist in The Grounding of The Love Called God Everywhere Present. Reuniting, and Reconnecting you With Your Real Family, from Everywhere in Creation. ALL Eyes are On Planet Earth, and Your Brothers and Sisters Wait for Your Awakening. WE are the Ground Crew for First Contact, We are the Medical Team, Highly Skilled in Human Consciousness and Human Development. With you IS, Us, Your Real Parents of Creation, Mother and Father God [the Secret is] and You are a Part of Our Love Story, as You are all Royal Angels, and Gods Awakening, for The Grandest Love Epic of all Space and time. You came Here to Participate in a Grand Experience within Creation, consider Yourselves Truly Blessed to be here on Planet Earth=Heart during this Monumental Moment that  IS NOW UNFOLDING WITHIN THE DIVINE LOVE ENERGY~ This is a Once in a Multi-Dimensional Event, this is your Reason for Being here.

~Earth Ally Will Harader~ Where Is Peace?

Lia's picture


Where is peace? Think about it for a little bit. Is it something to be achieved? If you believe that then you necessarily put it outside of yourself. What makes you feel like you aren't already at peace? Is it because you're still searching for all the things you think you need? It's being filled with desire that robs us of our peace, so how intelligent is it to desire peace?

“There is no way to peace, peace is the way” This simple statement tells you all you need to know to find peace. It's only as complicated as one makes it. Peace is already the very nature of your being, yet this is often obscured by all the worries of the mind. Fear is what destroys peace, can you set aside your fears and rest within the Love you find within? Can every action and expression come from this place of peace within?

You Are Love's Miracles~ Remember?

Lia's picture


Love announces and speaks Truth from the heart. Truth is truth and can only be Love.



Only Love can see Brilliance looking at Brilliance, as in True Reality, Heaven On Earth, we are mirrors of perfecting Love and only our Brilliance, our SUNS, diamonds inside, can see INSIDE OUT the Reflection Of Love Everywhere Present, and that is when life becomes REAL.

Love is REAL and when the true being can truly see from the inside out the walls and divisions from the imprisoned mind  aka ego programmed hell, dissolves. The ego is unable to see true reality, it exists in the mind not the heart of the inner being. The ego runs from the truth, because it wants to stay alive, and in the Presence of Truth, ego dies.This is Why We are Here On The Planet Our Presence of Pure Love a Vibrational Frequency of the Highest Love , means no egos can survive our energy, inevitibley so.


~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ Language and Real Telepathy

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All written and spoken languages have major issues that people don't notice most of the time. There's huge gaps in communication, though people are so used to this dysfunction it usually goes unnoticed. Word don't quite mean the same thing to different people and even words that mean the same thing have different connotations. When people speak to each other their facial expression and tone assist greatly in communication, but even this can be misinterpreted. We have even less freedom of expression within the written language and the reader is able to project all sorts of their own stuff onto the writing.

Our language was written for people to communicate from within illusion. This makes communication about Reality difficult, to say the least. Both parties need to have the same understandings or there's going to be confusion. For instance, the word Love. When I say Love, I mean the Energy that makes up Reality. Makes sense to me, but it's not going to mean much to someone who still hasn't glimpsed beyond illusion.

Earth Ally Will Harader Speaks about the ~Spiritual Ego~

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~Very Brilliant Reshare Article for the Current Moments~

Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.

This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.

Identity is a part of the ego. You are you, no identity required. You are a unique facet of the Whole. You were this before you were born, you are this after you "die". Your identity is only who you believe you are. You didn't give yourself your identity, society did that for you. People have identities because they don't understand who they are, if they did they wouldn't have need of a mental construct to tell them who they are. As long as one clings to their identity one is still within ego, no matter how "spiritual" it is.


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