Steve Beckow

To Hide and Bluff or Acknowledge and Be Done with It?

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To Hide and Bluff or Acknowledge and Be Done with It?


by Steve Beckow


As we begin our lightwork, it’s going to be important to be able to cop to and admit our own inadequacies, weaknesses, errors, etc.

As far as I can see, there’s a line and we stand on one side of it or the other. On one side, we feel constitutionally unable to acknowledge when we screw up and, on the other side, we can. The people who can’t acknowledge it often polish their story, bluff their way through, force others to accept their version, etc. Their lives get ever more convoluted and their story just grows and grows.


They may use all the right words and hide what they do from others – for a while. But sooner or later, the house of cards, which just gets bigger, collapses.


Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension

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Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension

2012 JUNE 13
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

An Hour with an Angel, June 11, 2012, with Archangel Michael

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And Linda, I believe you would like to make an announcement before we start?

Linda Dillon: Yes. Thanks, Steve, and thanks, Graham. I wanted to invite everybody to a free, emphasis on “Free,” Ustream class that I’m going to be doing this coming Saturday, which is the 16th of June. And it will be at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. And the purpose of the meeting is I have written this book, as you all know, called The Great Awakening. And it is basically a step-by-step process for Ascension. But during the course of the last, oh, few months since the book’s been out, there have been many questions, many queries. We’ve had some shift in energies.

The Answer to Every Troublesome Situation in Life

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The Answer to Every Troublesome Situation in Life

2012 JUNE 12
Posted by Steve Beckow

Dedicated to my wife, D’Arcy

Whether by inspiration, inference, or accident, I think I may have stumbled upon the answer to every troublesome situation in life.

The answer to every troublesome situation in life is: Cultivate the divine qualities.

What are they? Peace, love, harmony, balance, unity, joy, etc.

What a funny thing to say. To think that we can come up with the answer to every troublesome situation in life. But all this evening I tested this statement out and I’ve yet to come across a troublesome situation to which this statement does not seem the answer.

It’s become a parlor game to search for one.

    • Having trouble with your relationships? Cultivate the divine qualities.
    • Tired of waiting for something to happen? Cultivate the divine qualities.

Steve Beckow: An Introduction to the Events of 2012 – Part 4/4 2012 JUNE 11

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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 – Part 4/4

2012 JUNE 11
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


The galactics and spiritual hierarchy of this planet have been communicating with us via books, articles and Internet messages for decades. On one occasion they interrupted British TV to send a message to that nation. (1)

Their message has always been one of peace. They warned us on many occasions that we stood in jeopardy of destroying our planet with nuclear weapons, radioactivity and other dangers. But the elite that controlled this planet would not listen to them.

More Than Encouraging. Inspiring

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More Than Encouraging. Inspiring

2012 June 9
 by Steve Beckow

I wanted to correct an impression that I may have left earlier.


Although I feel myself rather worn out from messages from years ago that NESARA was coming tomorrow or the cabal was about to fall by the weekend, predictions which simply did not come true at the time, I was not trying to imply earlier that I don’t fully support Drake and Cobra in their work.


The notion of a global vote is wonderful, as is the notion of a global meditation. Just what’s needed. I’m very happy to see this kind of public mobilization being done.


In other years, we held World Freedom Day, World Disclosure Day, and they were great fun and hopefully accomplished a modicum of purpose.  Global mobilization is definitely the order of the day and if Drake and Cobra can achieve it, I’m as pleased as can be.


An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 3/4

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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 3/4

2012 June 10
by Steve Beckow

In the weeks and months ahead, besides the events already mentioned, we can expect to see the climate of the Earth approach an ever more uniformly-temperate state. We’ve worried about “global warming” but what we don’t know is that this very global warming is apparently intentional and designed to benefit the Earth.


Some animal species will be leaving the Earth and be reintroduced to other planetary situations where they’ll continue their spiritual evolution just as we’re doing. Other species will ascend with us.

An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 2/4

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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 2/4

2012 June 9
by Steve Beckow

The galactics here are human beings. Photo of Asket, Billy Meier's Timmerian mentor.


At the present time, we stand poised on the brink of events that will see us transition from the time of the fall of the cabal to the time of the rise of the new economic and social structures.

I’ve described the fall of the cabal. Let me now describe the new economic and social structures.


We’re watching the demise of the old cabalistic economy as we speak. This economy was designed to see that wealth was concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. We’ve seen the rise of the super-rich and the fall of the middle and working classes.

An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 1/4

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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 1/4

2012 June 8
Posted by Steve Beckow

Anyone who wishes to read the whole series ahead of time can go to the URLs in Footnote (1).

The first article in the series that I feel the need to write at this moment is in response to SaLuSa’s message of today (June 8, 2012), in which he says:


“You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling.


“For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end.” (2)

Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012

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Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012


There are so many themes that one could follow and so little time to cover what’s actually happening in the world. Perhaps we can take a moment out to look at how efforts to establish world peace have been progressing since, say, April 2012.


At the beginning of that month, SaLuSa told us that the basis for global peace had been laid and that we could now expect weapons of war to be immobilized as soon as the galactics are able to join us.


“At last we can tell you that the basis for world wide peace has been established, and quickly shall the weapons of war be withdrawn and immobilized. However, that will come when we join you and use our technology to ensure that once an agreement has been reached, that all countries obey it.” (1)


Two days later, he added that the world’s governments now knew that war must stop. He said that the divine deadline had passed before which the galactics had to stand on the sidelines to allow for karmic completions.


What Role Do the Universal Laws Play in Life? ~ Part 5

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What Role Do the Universal Laws Play in Life? ~ Part 5

2012 June 5
 by GLR Steve Beckow

Our tendency is to think of the universal law as a collection of stand-alone laws which we set about to legalistically understand. But Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos and keeper of the universal law for Earth and Venus, offered us a discussion of it on An Hour with an Angel on June 4, 2012, in which he pointed out that the universal law could not be understood or made best use of in that way.


He described how the laws were intended to work together to lead us back to God and how they could only be understood as a comprehensive and orchestrated whole. Let’s listen to what he had to say on the matter.


Sanat began by describing the Divine Mother’s intention in creating the universal law.



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