The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 2/5/2016

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Hui Hai replied, "I come seeking enlightenment."

Now, that is the fundamental error of all seekers. Enlightenment cannot be sought, and if you seek it you will never find it. Enlightenment is when there is no seeking. Enlightenment is when there is no desiring, not even the desire for enlightenment. Enlightenment is when you are still, calm, quiet, and there is no mind, no desire, nowhere to go, when you are suddenly here and now. That very moment is enlightenment: light explodes in you - you become light.


GFP Newsletter - 2/4/2016

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The only religious question worth asking is "Who am I?" That means diving deep within your own consciousness, coming closer and closer to your center. And when you have reached, penetrated the center like an arrow, one is surprised that nothing was ever lacking, nothing was ever missed, that you had not left your home, that you were already there, but your eyes were wandering far away. Only your eyes were wandering far away; you were rooted in your home. But your mind, your dreams, your eyes, your ideas, they had left you, and they were roaming all over the world.


GFP Newsletter - 2/3/2016

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Hui Hai once went to visit the great Master Ma Tzu. The Master asked him, "Why do you come here?"

Hui Hai replied, "I come seeking enlightenment."

The Master said, "Why should you leave your home to wander about and neglect your own precious treasure? There is nothing I can give you. Why do you seek enlightenment from me?

The visitor pressed him for the truth, "But what is my treasure?"

The Master answered, "It is he who has just asked the question. It contains everything and lacks nothing. There is no need to seek it outside yourself."

Seeking presupposes that it is far away. Seeking has taken it for granted that it is not now-here, that it is not in you, that it is not you. Seeking has already supposed that it is different, separate from you and somewhere else, and it has to be sought to be found.

This presupposition creates the misery for the seeker. The seeker lives in misery and frustration because the seeker has started on a wrong journey. The seeker is never going to find God, because God is not the sought but the seeker himself.


GFP Newsletter - 2/1/2016

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LA ILLAHA ILL ALLAH - there is no God but God. There is no goal but the goal. And the goal is not separate from the source; the source and the goal are the same phenomenon. This is one of the most fundamental things to be understood: to reach the goal one has to reach the source. The alpha is the omega.

If you go on trying to reach the goal you will remain in an eternal wandering and you will never come home. If you start searching for the source you will not only find the source, but you will have also found the goal. When the source is found the circle is complete.

God is not where we are going; God is from where we are coming. And our eyes are fixed on distant stars. We go on looking ahead. We are oriented towards the distant and faraway, and all those goals that we create are our own mind projections. The real goal is from where we are coming. It is in our very nature, it is in our very being, it is the very ground of our existence.


GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2016

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There is another kind of madness - that too has to be called madness because of a certain similarity - that is going beyond the rational mind. One is falling below the rational mind; the other is falling above the rational mind, falling upwards. In both cases the rational mind is lost: in one you become unconscious, in the other you become superconscious. In both cases the ordinary mind is lost.

In one you become totally unconscious, a certain integrity arises in you. And you can watch: in mad people there is a certain integrity, a certain consistency - they are one. You can rely on a madman.

He is not two, he is utterly one. He is very consistent because he has only one mind, that is the unconscious. The duality has disappeared. And you will find a certain innocence also in a madman.

He is like a child. He is not cunning, he cannot be. In fact, he had to become mad because he could not be cunning. He could not cope in a cunning world. You will find a certain simplicity, purity, in a madman.

If you have watched mad people you will fall in love with them. They have a kind of togetherness.

They are not divided, they are not split; they are one. Of course, they are one against reality, they are one in their dream world, they are one in their illusions, but they are one.


GFP Newsletter - 1/30/2016

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Madness is of two kinds, and modern psychiatry is aware of only one kind; and because it is not aware of the other kind, its understanding about madness is very lopsided, erroneous, faulty, and harmful too.

The first kind of madness that psychiatrists are aware of is falling below the rational mind. When you cannot cope with realities, when they are too much, when they become unbearable, madness is a way of escaping into your own subjective world, so that you can forget the realities that are there. You create your own subjective world, you start living in a kind of imaginary world, you start dreaming even with open eyes, so that you can avoid the realities that have become too much and are unbearable. This is an escape; one falls below the rational mind. This is going back to the animal mind. This is falling into the unconscious.


GFP Newsletter - 1/29/2016

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It is out of fear that a person wants power. It is to hide one's fear that a person becomes interested in power-trips. He wants great power so that he can feel that there is no fear, "at least not for me."

Even the greatest politicians are constantly trembling inside. To hide that trembling, they need great power around themselves; only then can their fear subside, can they console themselves. They constantly live in fear; fear is their problem.

And because all the politicians live in fear, they are creating a world of paranoia, a fear-oriented world. Now, the Americans are afraid of the Russians, and the Russians are afraid of the Americans.

This is so foolish. And because the Americans are afraid of the Russians, seventy, eighty percent of their energy goes into preparing for war; and because the Russians are afraid of the Americans - because the Americans are preparing for war - eighty percent of their energy goes into preparation for war.

Now this same energy can make this earth a paradise. There is no need at all for anybody to be poor in the world now. And if people are poor, it is because of these foolish politicians - these fear-oriented politicians.


GFP Newsletter - 1/28/2016

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When you dream that you are awake, that dream becomes a hindrance to awakening, because you are already thinking that you are awake, so what is the point of thinking of another awakening? You are awake in your mind, so you go on sleeping.


GFP Newsletter - 1/27/2016

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We're having some issues with our Internet connection, so updates to the site may be a bit more sporadic that usual. It should be all sorted out by tomorrow.

GFP Newsletter - 1/25/2016

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When God speaks, then there is no effort involved, then there is no deliberate composition of poetry or painting. Then one is in a kind of drunkenness - one is a drunkard. One is drowned in God and something flows. Then certainly the poetry is the voice of wonder and it has great mystery in it. It has the taste of eternity. It is nectar.

And blessed are those who can move and can be moved by such poetry, who can move into this poetry, this kind of poetry, and can be moved by this kind of poetry. Yes, blessed they are.



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