The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 2/25/2016

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The Masters do not tell the truth. Even if they want to they cannot; it is impossible. Then what is their function? What do they go on doing? They cannot tell the truth, but they can call forth the truth which is fast asleep in you. They can provoke it, they can challenge it. They can shake you up, they can wake you up. They cannot give you God, truth, NIRVANA, because in the first place you already have it all with you.

You are born with it. It is innate, it is intrinsic. It is your very nature. So anybody who pretends to give you the truth is simply exploiting your stupidity, your gullibility. He is cunning -- cunning and utterly ignorant too. He knows nothing; not even a glimpse of truth has happened to him. He is a pseudo Master.

Truth cannot be given; it is already in you. It can be called forth, it can be provoked. A context can be created, a certain space can be created in which it rises in you and is no more asleep, becomes awakened.

The function of the Master is far more complex than you think. It would have been far easier, simpler, if truth could be conveyed. It cannot be conveyed, hence indirect ways and means have to be devised.


GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2016

will's picture

The present is not part of time. Have you ever thought about it? How long is the present?

The past has a duration, the future has a duration. What is the duration of the present?

How long does it last? Between the past and the future can you measure the present? It is immeasurable; it is almost not. It is not time at all: it is the penetration of eternity into time.

And Zen lives in the present. The whole teaching is: how to be in the present, how to get out of the past which is no more and how not to get involved in the future which is not yet, and just to be rooted, centered, in that which is.


GFP Newsletter - 2/23/2016

will's picture

The great miracle of Zen is in the transformation of the mundane into the sacred. And it is tremendously extraordinary because THIS way life has never been approached before, THIS way life has never been respected before.

Zen goes beyond Buddha and beyond Lao Tzu. It is a culmination, a transcendence, both of the Indian genius and of the Chinese genius. The Indian genius reached its highest peak in Gautam the Buddha and the Chinese genius reached its highest peak in Lao Tzu.

And the meeting...the essence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Even to make a distinction between what belongs to Buddha and what to Lao Tzu is impossible, the merger has been so total. It is not only a synthesis, it is an integration. Out of this meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist and yet both.


GFP Newsletter - 2/22/2016

will's picture

ZEN IS JUST ZEN. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique -- unique in the sense that it is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with a total heart, with one's total being, not desiring some other world, supra-mundane, supra-mental. It has no interest in any esoteric nonsense, no interest in metaphysics at all. It does not hanker for the other shore; this shore is more than enough. Its acceptance of this shore is so tremendous that through that very acceptance it transforms this shore -- and this very shore becomes the other shore:

This very body the buddha; This very earth the lotus paradise.

Hence it is ordinary. It does not want you to create a certain kind of spirituality, a certain kind of holiness. All that it asks is that you live your life with immediacy, spontaneity.

And then the mundane becomes the sacred.


GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2016

will's picture

La illaha ill Allah - there is no God but God. There is no goal but the goal. And the paradox is that the goal is in the source. You have it already within you. It is there, vibrating, pulsating in your being.


GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2016

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When you come into the world, you come as a clean slate, as a pure virgin emptiness, and then things are added to you and you become lost in those thing that are added. You become identified with the knowledge that you accumulate, the wealth that you gather, the respect that you command, the fame that spreads. You become more and more identified with all that happens after birth, and you completely forget who you were before the birth.

The Zen people say, "Remember who you were when your parents were not born" - not even you, but when your parents were not born. Remember who you were: that is your original face. And to see it is to be free from all dreaming and all desiring. And to see it is the goal of all religion.

And to see it is to see God! Because God is not the goal, but the source.


GFP Newsletter - 2/19/2016

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Whenever you make a condition you destroy love. Remember it: never make conditions on love.

Let your love be unconditional, and never force the other to fulfill your expectations. Let your love be a sharing of freedom, in freedom.

Real lovers, real friends, make each other free. The more they love, the more freedom arises. Unreal lovers, pretenders, have a thousand and one ifs and buts surrounding their love. Their conditions have to be fulfilled; only then can they be loving. But this is not love at all. Love knows no conditions.


GFP Newsletter - 2/18/2016

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If you love somebody you don't expect that yes should always be said. If you love somebody you give freedom to say yes or no. You respect, you don't expect. Whatsoever comes from the other side is respected; even a no is respected.

Love can trust even a no. Hate cannot even trust a yes.


GFP Newsletter - 2/17/2016

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Remember, when you say something about somebody else, the first thing to be thought and pondered over is that it may be a truth about yourself and not about the other. The person who is really interested in self-knowledge will always ponder over the fact: "What I am saying about the other, is it truly about the other, or is it just a projection of me and shows something about me and not about the other?" And you will be surprised: out of a hundred cases, ninety-nine percent you will find to be your own mind.

But the mind is very cunning - it projects. It always uses a kind of transference.

For example, if you are sexually repressed and you see a couple hugging, caressing each other, you immediately jump at them and you start talking of morality, culture, society, and all that, and you start saying, "This is not right." But watch. Have a little insight in your own being as to what really is happening. You have a repressed sexuality. Seeing them in a deep, loving embrace, your sexuality that is repressed starts surfacing. It becomes stirred, and you become afraid of it.

Rather than accepting the fear of it, rather than looking into and watching it, rather than doing something about it, you become angry. Fear becomes anger when transferred; fear takes the form of anger. You become angry at the couple, and they are not doing anything to you!


GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2016

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The old and retired politician from New Delhi was assigned the topic for an after dinner speech, "Honesty in Politics". When he was called upon he arose, bowed and said, "Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: Honesty in Politics - there ain't any." And he sat down.

Politics cannot be honest. Greed, lust, how can they be honest? Politics cannot be peaceful. Ambitious people, how can they remain peaceful? If they remain peaceful they are losing time. They have to fight. They have to fight in every possible way. They can't lose any opportunity to fight. Any excuse to fight has to be used, and molehills have to be made into mountains, because it is through fighting that somebody becomes powerful.



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