The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/14/2016

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You have to disappear as you are, then the real arises. You don't have any idea, not even in your dreams, of what is the real. You are unreal and you live in unreality. You live in dreams, you are fast asleep. You cannot conceive of what awakening is going to be.

Only one thing can be said: whatsoever you know will not be there. This is the negative way of saying it.

Sufis have also chosen in the same way. They say fana - first dissolve, dissolve in toto. Nothing is to remain of you; and only then that great transformation. When you are absent, God becomes a presence in you - but only then. That condition has to be fulfilled.


GFP Newsletter - 1/13/2016

will's picture

The real self is utterly different; not only utterly different from your false self, it is diametrically opposite to it. You cannot have any idea of the real self through the unreal self. The unreal has to cease for the real to be. The unreal has to go absolutely.

What idea can you have of light if you know only darkness? Whatsoever you will think of light will remain a form of darkness. You know darkness.

That's why Buddha has chosen a negative way. He does not talk about the real self, atma, soul, atta. He talks about anatta, no-self, anatma, absence of self. He negates the whole idea of the self because the idea of the self will carry, will remain continuous with, your false idea of the self.


GFP Newsletter - 1/12/2016

will's picture

Nothing is a wastage. All those experiences - even going through false teachers, even going through unnecessary paths - have helped you. It has ripened you, it has made you mature.


GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2016

will's picture

The real man lives moment to moment. The real man has consciousness but no conscience. The religious man knows nothing of morality; although he lives in morality he knows nothing of it. The real man has no character; he is characterless, although only he has character.

What do I mean by this contradiction? He has no programmed character, he does not live in a readymade way, he is not predictable. Each moment he responds in a fresh way. He is true, he is one, he is integrated, but these things are not imposed on him. He has not practised them. He has only worked for one thing: he has tried to become more and more conscious. Now out of his consciousness, each moment characters arise and disappear. But he does not carry the load of a structure around himself. He has no armor of the character. He is continuously free; he is freedom.


GFP Newsletter - 1/10/2016

will's picture

A truth can be told only when you are ready for it. A truth can be given to you only when you are worthy of it. A truth can be transferred only when you have become a receptacle, not before it, not a single moment before it. When you are ripe, mature, ready, then not even a single moment passes by; Immediately... here you are ripe and there you are given the truth.

The Master cannot load you with something that is unnecessary. The unnecessary load will be heavy on you. It will be destructive, it may turn into poison, it will not nourish you. It may give you weight but it will not give you vitality.


GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2016

will's picture

We have lost the garden somewhere in the past: we have to regain it. We have to be again as innocent as children and immediately we are back in the garden. In fact we have always been in the garden, but our eyes are so full of knowledge that we cannot see the garden. When the eyes are cleaned of knowledge and the dust of knowledge disappears from the mirror of consciousness, suddenly the whole garden explodes.


GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2016

will's picture

The garden is again a symbol. The story of the world starts with the garden, the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, and life was eternally beautiful and blissful. The garden is the beginning of existence.

And then Adam and Eve were thrown out, or threw themselves out, by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

The moment you become knowledgeable you lose innocence. And innocence is the garden. In innocence, flowers bloom. In innocence, fragrance is released. In innocence, all is bliss. The garden is a symbol for innocence. And since Adam and Eve left the garden, man has been searching for the garden again and again.

The teqir, or the school of the Master, is called the garden of the Master - because with a Master you start vomiting the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. The Master is nothing but a process of taking out all the poison of knowledge from your system so that you can become innocent again. And when Adam is innocent, Adam becomes Christ. He enters the garden again - paradise lost, paradise regained....


GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2016

will's picture

You have to be changed, utterly changed. You have to be burnt, in toto. Your expectations come from your mind; your mind has to be destroyed. Only then and only then is God possible. So how can a real Master fulfill your expectations?

People go on changing from one teacher to another. A few days they are on a honeymoon with one teacher, and then as every honeymoon fades away, after a few days they are finished. When they first come across a teacher they are very enchanted; it seems as if now the time has come for fulfillment of their desire. But soon knowledge is supplied, and knowledge cannot quench your thirst.


GFP Newsletter - 1/6/2016

will's picture

No Master ever fulfills anybody's expectations; that is an absolute criterion. If somebody fulfills your expectations he is a teacher. In fact he is a follower of yours - he is fulfilling your expectations.

The real Master never fulfills your expectations. On the contrary, he goes on destroying your expectations. Whatsoever you expect, he will never do; he will just do the contrary. Why? - because if he fulfills your expectations he will never be abIe to change you.


We had some issues again with our site's host yesterday, so our site was down again. Still working on getting all that settled.

GFP Newsletter - 1/4/2016

will's picture

Information can never satisfy. It is as futile as informing a hungry person about bread: it is about and about, the bread is never supplied.

Great talk about the bread, but how can bread, just by being talked about, be satisfying? The talk of the lamp will not create light.



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