The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2016

will's picture

God is not a seasonal flower, it is a cedar of Lebanon - it takes time to grow. To reach to the clouds, it takes time. In fact time is not enough, it takes eternity. Time falls short.

And I am not saying that God is not available now. Another paradox to be understood: eternity is always now. The now is the door to eternity. But that door is available only to the patient one, because those who are in a hurry and say, "Instantly I want this," their very hurry creates such cloud and clamor in their minds; they cannot see the now. To see the now one needs a very unclouded consciousness. And the consciousness is unclouded only when there is no desire, no hurry, no impatience, no longing. The consciousness is unclouded only when you are not going anywhere.

Just sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. That is patience.


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2016

will's picture

Remember Lao Tzu's famous statement: "Seek and you will never find; do not seek and it is already found." In seeking you go astray, because seeking means "my will", non-seeking means let-go, disappearance of the ego. And whenever you are not, God is. Lao Tzu is right: seek and you will miss; do not seek and find.

Non-seeking is the way to find. It will look very strange, illogical, but this is how it is. This existence is illogical; that's why we call it a mystery. If it were logical there would be no mystery. If the existence were logical then there would be no need for religion, science would have been enough. Science would have discovered everything if the existence were logical. But it is not; fortunately, it is not.

Logic only goes to a certain extent, and then it flops. And when logic flops the real existence begins.

Existence is a mystery. The way to it is not logic but love. The way to it is not prose but poetry. The way to it is not the head but the heart.


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/NOW

will's picture

The more God has disappeared from the world, the more worries have entered into the world. You can watch it; there is a certain relationship. When people are in trust, in faith, when people know that God is, that we are taken care of, that we are not strangers on this earth, that we belong, that there is some invisible hand that is always ready to take us in the right direction, that we can live without worry, contentment arises, peace, silence, tranquility, a serenity.


GFP Newsletter - 12/30/2015

will's picture

Our site is finally back up and running. We'll likely be switching hosts soon as our current server, A Small Orange, has proven to be very unreliable. Hopefully that's the end of the interruptions.


A tramp knocked at a cottage door, and when it was opened he said to the housewife, "Beg pardon mum, but I wonder if you would not sew a button on a coat for me."

"Why yes, my man," said the woman, a kindly soul. "Come in."

The tramp entered and handed the woman a button.

"Very well," she said, "now where is the coat?"

"Ah, I ain't got nothing but the button, mum. I was thinking maybe you would sew the coat on."

But people who start searching for God don't even have the button. I am ready to supply the coat, but at least bring the button! At least a little thirst of your own, your own heart beating a little faster, a readiness to risk, a readiness to devote something, to dedicate, a readiness to sacrifice something...


GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2015

will's picture

I am not a salesman! I am not selling God to you! Why should I convince you? If you are thirsty you will come to the river. The river does not bother, the river is not in any need of convincing you, that "I am water and I can quench your thirst." If you are thirsty you will try. You will have to try; there is no other way.

But the problem always arises because we hear others, we don't feel any passion arising in our own being. Our passion is borrowed, superficial. And a man who has no passion for truth of his own is not yet man. He is still part of the animal world, he is still living unconsciously. At least something - just even a small thirst will do - but you will have to bring a thirst of your own.


We had some issues with our hosting service over the past couple days, so the site was down, but it appears it's all sorted out now.

GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2015

will's picture

Love is not a habit. It is the quality of freshness, of newness, that is essential, or otherwise life becomes a routine, a habit; and love is not a habit, a boring thing. Most people have lost all sense of wonderment. They take everything for granted; this sense of security destroys freedom and the wonderment of uncertainty.

GFP Newsletter - 12/23/2015

will's picture

Truth is not a thing, truth is a no-thing. Truth is not a commodity there outside you, it is an experience, it is in your interiority. It is felt, lived at the very core of your being. It cannot be possessed, it cannot be coveted - but that's how it goes on.


GFP Newsletter - 12/22/2015

will's picture

Truth is not like money, truth is like beauty. The more people see it, the more clear it is. The more people have it, the more people can have it. There is no question of coveting.


GFP Newsletter - 12/21/2015

will's picture

This has been one of the greatest observations of poets, painters, and the people who move in the dimension of aesthetics: that when a poet writes a poem about the moon he reveals some beauty of the moon which was not available before. And many more people will be able to see it now; their sensitivity will be aroused.

You have seen the sun rising, but if you have seen the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh of the sun rising, the sun in the middle of the day, the sun setting, you will be surprised: he has a totally different way of looking at the sun. He was so madly in love with the sun as nobody has ever been.

For one year continuously he was painting the sun and the sun and the sun, and he was standing continuously under the sun for one year. It was so hot, but he wanted to catch the sun in all its moods. He caught the sun in all its moods, in all its whims, in all its expressions, but he himself went mad. One year just standing under the sun, looking at the sun - the heat was too much, he could not bear it. His love for the sun was such that he went mad for it.

If you see Van Gogh's paintings of the sun you will become, for the first time, aware of the beauty of the sun. When you will look at the sun, something of Van Gogh's vision will have penetrated your soul.



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