GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2016

will's picture

God is not a seasonal flower, it is a cedar of Lebanon - it takes time to grow. To reach to the clouds, it takes time. In fact time is not enough, it takes eternity. Time falls short.

And I am not saying that God is not available now. Another paradox to be understood: eternity is always now. The now is the door to eternity. But that door is available only to the patient one, because those who are in a hurry and say, "Instantly I want this," their very hurry creates such cloud and clamor in their minds; they cannot see the now. To see the now one needs a very unclouded consciousness. And the consciousness is unclouded only when there is no desire, no hurry, no impatience, no longing. The consciousness is unclouded only when you are not going anywhere.

Just sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. That is patience.



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