A request for donations & an explanation of what the GFP is about
At the Galactic Free Press, we like to explore new and different ways of doing things. We give everything away for free, we don't try to sell anything, we don't have ads, and we don't offer special services for only those who can afford them. We give freely, and we're supported by those who can give freely. We see this as part of the new paradigm.
Asking for donations is something we're not very fond of, but we've learned that if we don't specifically ask, we don't get very much. I know there's a few people who don't think we shouldn't be receiving donations at all, but our landlord doesn't give us a house for free nor does the local supermarket give us free food for being "spiritual" people. We have the same expenses as most people, as well as paying for a web site and a few other services related to that.
The Galactic Free Press is very much our job, and I don't mean that like it's a burden. We're happy to do it, it's our passion. We put around 12 hours or more of combined work each day into the site through writing articles, posting articles, reading articles, searching for new things to post, running our TinyChat room, answering questions (through email, tinychat, on our site, and on Facebook), providing technical support to our users, maintaining a website, and fighting against the near constant stream of spam we get since we've become fairly popular. Providing our website, as well as a network of support for people through other sites as well, is no small task. We do need help through donations or through active participation.