The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/10/2014

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We have a new original GFP writing out today, "God is not bipolar, God is the full spectrum":

Continuing the theme of finding the Divine within ourselves, I wanted to further address the ideas about God that we've gotten from religion. If you're obsessed with the biblical old testament version of "god", me telling you that You Are God might make you believe you're supposed to go smite people or flood cities. If you listened to the new testament, you might think you're supposed to perform miraculous healing and go walk on water. Both of those ideas are there to put God outside of you, to search for external evidence of God. Religion had to put God outside so religion could control your beliefs about God. Every religion does this, they separate you from the Divine and then install themselves as the middleman. It's a very profitable scam.

If you see things the way I do, you see that Consciousness itself is a Divine miracle. Every sunrise, every sunset, every single Moment is a wholly awe-inspiring event for those who can see past the filters of their limited mind. That's how you begin to see the Divine Within, by being fiercely aware of everything that resides within your own Consciousness. By confronting your fears, by questioning everything you believe, by continuing to dig deeper and deeper and deeper.

You can read the rest here:

March donations: $340 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/10/2014

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If you can trust, something or other will always happen and will help your growth. You will be provided for. Whatsoever is needed at a particular time will be given to you, never before it. You get it only when you need it, and there is not even a single moment´s delay. When you need it you get it, immediately, instantly! That´s the beauty of trust. By and by you learn the ways of how existence goes on providing for you, how existence goes on caring about you. You are not living in an indifferent existence. It does not ignore you. You are unnecessarily worried; all is provided for. Once you have learnt the knack of trust, all worry disappears. ~Osho

GFP Newsletter - 3/9/2014

will's picture

We put out another original article from the GFP today, "If control is an illusion, how does the Universe work?", the following is an excerpt:

Previously I mentioned that Everyone Is God, and that the belief that God is in control of everything is an illusion spread by religion. I'm sure for some this is a frightening thought, as many find comfort in the belief that God has some master plan for their life. The idea that you create your own destiny carries with it a kind of personal responsibility that many don't want to accept yet.

God is not in control of the Universe, God Is The Universe. This is not some minor difference, if God is in control, then God must be separate from the Universe. Since you're part of the Universe, believing God is in control also separates God from yourself, which is something we don't recommend doing.

The next thing to understand is that everything is made up of Consciousness. A rock's consciousness is different than yours, and it can't express consciousness in the same way you do, but that doesn't mean it lacks consciousness. Don't just believe me when I say this either, this is not something to be believed, it's something that needs to be experienced directly to really be understood. There's a state of Being called samadhi where the true nature of the Universe is revealed, and there is no longer any separation between the observer and that which is observed. It's in this state that the Consciousness of Everything can truly be felt.

Read the full article here:

GFP Newsletter - 3/9/2014

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“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

GFP Newsletter - 3/8/2014

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You Tell Me I'm God, But What Do You Mean?

We created the Galactic Free Press with one main goal at Heart, to let everyone know that They Are God. We don't want to create followers, or leaders, or teachers, or spiritual authority figures, or anything like that, we want everyone to be Free and Equal. Things like teachers and followers represent the old dualistic paradigm, while we intend that everyone step up to their own Divinity. We'd like to see every single human being take a deep personal responsibility for their Life, to realize their own Divine Creative Nature, to realize the beauty (or ugliness) that they see in the world is a reflection of what they hold Within.

When we do tell people "You Are God!", it's often rejected immediately by the mind because it doesn't fit into preconceived notions of what God is supposed to be. One of the common themes we see is that God is supposed to be in control of everything. If someone is God, they're supposed to be able to just manifest things out of thin air, yet I wonder about this. This whole idea that God is in control needs to be looked at much more deeply.

Link to read the full article...

Current donations for March: $315 out of $3,000 monthly goal

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GFP Newsletter - 3/8/2014

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The key to not being offended is to stop taking yourself so seriously. Be aware of people who can't laugh at themselves.

“Broken Wind believed that we are traumatized as babies by intestinal gas or colic. The great shaman invented a technique called "gastral projection" to help release these traumas. His philosophy was simple: "To air is human ... but to really cut one loose is divine.”
― Swami Beyondananda

GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2014

will's picture

Often we're asked how one can stay loving when they're surrounded by suffering and conflict. That is all the more reason to be Loving, as Love is what heals suffering and conflict.

We re-heart you that Everyone and Everything Is God, no one is above another, and no one has any authority over you unless you give it to them. The wisest thing you can do is connect to the God You Are, within yourself, and the most foolish thing you can do is to forget this. Everyone has an inherent knowledge of Unconditional Love within them, now where do you think that comes from?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart.
~Helen Keller

Link to today's newsletter:

GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2014

will's picture

Often we're asked how one can stay loving when they're surrounded by suffering and conflict. That is all the more reason to be Loving, as Love is what heals suffering and conflict.

We re-heart you that Everyone and Everything Is God, no one is above another, and no one has any authority over you unless you give it to them. The wisest thing you can do is connect to the God You Are, within yourself, and the most foolish thing you can do is to forget this. Everyone has an inherent knowledge of Unconditional Love within them, now where do you think that comes from?

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2014

will's picture

Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

So you will see how absurd is the whole structure that you have built, looking for external help, depending on others for your comfort, for your happiness, for your strength. These can only be found within yourselves.
-J Krishnamurti

Note that this doesn't mean you can't share things like happiness with others, but having your comfort, happiness or strength dependent upon someone or something outside of yourself is making yourself a slave to the external world.

Link to today's newsletter:

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2014

will's picture

Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

So you will see how absurd is the whole structure that you have built, looking for external help, depending on others for your comfort, for your happiness, for your strength. These can only be found within yourselves.
-J Krishnamurti


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