Collective Evolution

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A Top Secret Black-Budget Secret Space Program That’s Reversed-Engineered Extraterrestrial Technology?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Yes, there are still many who would instantaneously think you’re completely bonkers for even contemplating any truth to the title above, but that comes from a place of innocent ignorance. It’s easy to dismiss something without properly investigating the subject for yourself, and the thought of an idea like this still remaining in the category of a “fringe” type of topic is unsettling. The masses continue to ignore a tremendous amount of evidence that points to the fact that we are not alone, and that we’ve actually been visited.

“Read the books, read the lore, and start to understand what has really been going on here, because there is no doubt that we are being visited.”  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) (source)

Why is this important? Well, it has tremendous implications in all fields, from history to science to energy and more. Unfortunately we’ve been bombarded with the idea of alien invasions, little green men and alien propaganda, which is probably a big reason as to why so many people have such a hard time even considering it as a possibility.

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Good News: Human Impact On The Natural Environment Is Actually Slowing Down

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

We’ve long known the detriments human activity has on our planet. And even more alarming is that, despite our knowledge, that impact continues to grow. But finally, there’s something positive surfacing about this rate.

Researchers have now found that though the impact of human activity on the planet is still, unfortunately, continuing to grow, it’s now doing so at a slower rate than our economic and population growth.

While humans continue to take over the planet at the expense of many species and the natural world at large, the upside is that the slowdown at least gives us reason for hope—suggesting we’re getting better at managing what we take from the environment.

“Seeing that our impacts have expanded at a rate that is slower than the rate of economic and population growth is encouraging,” explains lead researcher Oscar Venter from the University of Northern British Columbia in Canada. “It means we are becoming more efficient in how we use natural resources.”

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The Effects Of Negative & Positive Emotions On Our Health

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The existence of the mind/body connection was once completely shunned by mainstream science, with many dismissing it as mere pseudoscience. Fortunately, the conversation has shifted in recent years, thanks in large part to new scientific publications that  have made it quite clear that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions play a crucial role in regulating our overall health and biology.

There are several examples from different areas of science that prove this. Going through all of the evidence showing the strength of this connection can be a daunting task, which is why this article will provide just a few examples to get you started. It should serve as a good introduction to the unfortunate reality that much has been overlooked when it comes to the business of healing and medicine.

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What Is Shamanism – And Why Is It Becoming So Popular Again?

by Robert Owings, Collective Evolution

When asked about my connection with shamanism I have to start by explaining it wasn’t a conscious choice. Growing up, I learned about the existence of shamans and medicine men through movies and books.

However, I really didn’t concern myself with them until I was fourteen and discovered a book called The Way of the White Clouds at the public library. It was about Tibetan lamas and this very esoteric world that operated at the roof of the world.

Well, this bizarre world portrayed something I had always felt, or intuited might be possible. Fascinating as it all was, there was nothing I could do about this discovery so I proceeded on with growing up.

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Human Consciousness Is Taking A Quantum Leap: Lifting of the Veil

by Christine Horner, Collective Evolution

Something miraculous is happening. The invisible is becoming visible. Human consciousness is taking a quantum leap into territory previously unknown, as what began with just a few saints, sages, gurus, and a Saviour is awakening in the hearts and minds of millions around the globe.

Human evolution is undergoing a shift so profound; the proof can be seen with the naked eye. This shift is causing millennia-old beliefs and social structures to be scrutinized like never before — perhaps for the very first time.

Even world-renowned physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking ditched his prior position in his book The Grand Design, arguing that “belief in a creator was not incompatible with science” and that the Big Bang was as inevitable as gravity.

As science moves closer toward solving the Unifying Theory of Everything, will Dr. Hawking change his mind one more time?

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This Video Is Challenging Adults To Reconsider How They Talk To Children

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When you are in a discussion or an argument with someone, and they begin to raise their voice, how do you respond? You may subconsciously begin to match their tone. When harsh words are said to you, do you reply with kindness, or do you go into defense mode instead, finding ways to give them what they gave you?

How we interact with family, friends, a partner, a boss, co-workers, children, and strangers makes all the difference. As you walk down the street, how does a friendly smile from someone you’ve never seen before make you feel? Would you prefer them to grimace at you?

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, “The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.”

This quote holds very true for language. It is the key to unlocking every child’s potential, yet too many times adults belittle children. They punish them, make them feel inferior and scared. They teach them that harsh words and little compassion make for greatness. But they don’t.

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Scientists Discover Ingredient Within Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide That Suffocates Human Cells

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Monsanto’s Roundup, used in yards, farms, and parks around the globe, has been a top-selling weed killer, despite the controversial claims against it, which include its main ingredient, glyphosate, being declared by an international agency to be a “probable human carcinogen.”

The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has since followed suit, labeling glyphosate a carcinogen, while Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich announced that Russia had “made the decision not to use any GMO in food productions.”

A French court found Monsanto guilty of lying in 2009, having falsely advertised its Roundup herbicide as “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly,” and claiming it “left the soil clean.”

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“We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of Our Universe” – Delores Cannon Discusses Our Current Paradigm

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which time she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field.

Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books includes: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and more. According to Dolores, each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel.”

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What You Need To Know About The Science Behind Food Studies

by Main Path, Collective Evolution

Every week, it seems like a new study throws what we know about nutrition into shambles. It only gets more confusing if these findings contradict long-held beliefs, or even if it opposes research that was just done the previous month. One day you might read about how coffee is found to be good for your health, and a few weeks later that study gets disproved.

There’s a continual battle between science and the media over whether or not full-fat dairy is good for you, or if it shortens your lifespan. And as soon as you start to examine the pros and cons of different types of diets (Mediterranean, Paleo, et cetera), it gets so confusing that it’s no wonder the average citizen has a hard time navigating the grocery store. Although it’s a good sign that you want to stay on top of the most recent food studies, it’s easy to become disillusioned or completely confused.


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