Collective Evolution

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10 More Beautiful Images That Remind You We Still Live In A Beautiful World, With Beautiful People

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It seems sort of funny to think we have to “restore faith in humanity,” but when we live in a day and age filled with so many controversial, sad, and downright wrong happenings in the world, we do, indeed, need stories to lift us up.

In our day-to-day lives, we witness just how ungrateful and impatient humans, even, dare I say, ourselves, can be. Just last week I witnessed a totally zenned-out young woman coming out of a yoga studio to find someone had completely smashed in her car window to steal her purse. She was shocked, angry, sad, and ultimately, in her words, “at a loss for faith in humanity.” It reminded me how little trust we have in people because of situations like this.

We can’t leave our car doors unlocked, never mind lock them and leave our belongings in plain site. We’re afraid to go for walks in the dark by ourselves, and even a jog in the middle of the day poses dangers, since, as recent news has reported, doing so has claimed the lives of two young women. We can’t have a civil political debate over dinner, nor even trust the government at all, with more leaks showing just how corrupt the system truly is.

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Here, The Visitors Are In Cages & The Animals Roam Free

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Why do we go to the zoo? To see animals we’d never imagine coming across in our day-to-day lives wander about, eating, rolling around, and looking cute for our amazement. At least that’s what I get out of it.

As a child, I wanted to hear the trumpets of elephants, the roars of lions and tigers, the chatter of monkeys. I wanted to watch a giraffe walk elegantly about, its long neck stretching high and far for food. I wanted to marvel at the incredible array of colours on the seemingly endless species of birds. What a beautiful thing to be able to see so many animals from all over the world in my hometown.

But long before I understood the downsides of many zoos, I wondered if the animals were happy. Maybe it was because I’d seen Free Willy too many times, or maybe it was because I had this innate feeling that being locked up was wrong, and couldn’t possibly be a part of happiness.

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100% Off Grid Netherlands Town Will Grow Its Own Food, Power Itself, & More

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The idea that our body is a temple, that we only have one and should use it wisely, serves a microcosmic example of the larger truth of our planet.

Yes, we have ONE planet, so why would we do so much damage to it? Ignorance is bliss they say, and so while we use up Earth’s resources, damage it with our litter, create a suffocating amount of pollution, and so on, we indirectly harm the very body we call our temple.

And like our body, harsh treatment of the planet’s resources will eventually wear it out, unless we make big changes. But where to start?

The Netherlands have implemented a simple concept that, like the Amish lifestyle, allows for self-reliance, but also retains high-tech capabilities.

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The Perseid Meteor Shower Is Finally Here & Peaks Tonight, You Can Expect Something BIG

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

According to a statement made by Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office, “forecasters are predicting a Perseid outburst this year with double the normal rates on the night of August 11-12. . . . Under perfect conditions, rates could soar to 200 meteors per hour.”

Typically we get 80 meteors per hour during the Perseids, so tonight’s shower could be a historical one.

The Perseids occur when Earth enters into the path of Comet “Swift-Turtle,” though we usually only get to the edges of the debris trail that it leaves behind as it hurtles through space.

Below is a little video from Business Insider about tonight’s shower.

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We Just Used Up All The Resources Earth Generates In A Year & It’s Only August

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Earth Overshoot Day isn’t another one of those fun holidays that make Mondays, or rainy days, feel a bit brighter. Unlike National Donut Day, National Dog Day, or National Hug Day (which are all real by the way), Earth Overshoot Day marks the point when humans have officially used up all the resources Earth is capable of regenerating in one year.

That day came Monday August 8, five days earlier than in 2015. This means humanity successfully burnt through a sustainable amount of resources in less time than ever before. If we continue at this rate, we will need over 1.6 planets to meet our demands.

And if everyone in the world did like Americans do, we’d require 4.8 planets to have enough to go around. Australians take the cake however, using up 5.4 planets worth of resources each year.

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Why You Shouldn’t Let The Little Things Hold You Back From Your Dreams

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective Evolution

Reading a book recently, I came across the saying “the Devil is in the details” for the first time, and for some reason, I couldn’t wrap my head around what that actually meant. Instead of doing a quick Google search to satisfy my curiosity, I decided to let the thought go in hopes that the answer would come to me when the time was right.

I live in a rural area, surrounded by fields of wheat and corn, bush, and forest. I adore the scenery and often times when driving past, I’m reminded of being a little girl, when I wished I could run freely though a wheat field, without a care in the world — something I have yet to accomplish.

During one of my most recent nostalgic moments, I thought about how I really could run through that field if I chose (the joys of being an adult) but I would probably hate it because of the mud and the bugs and god knows what else that field contains.

And then it hit me! The Devil is in the details. I suddenly didn’t want to fulfill a childhood dream because of how I thought the experience would make me feel! My imagination can bring me to beautiful places but this time it brought me to recognize that my dream might not be what I imagined it to be.

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3 Kinds Of The Most Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials According To Abductees, Contactees & Experiencers

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)

The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), alongside the extraterrestrial hypothesis being one of multiple explanations for their appearance (which seems to  be quite a common phenomenon), is an area of interest for many people that’s continually growing, and for good reasons. This is in large part due to the fact that we now have hundreds of credible witnesses that have officially testified to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence, and its relation to the already disclosed UFO ‘problem.’

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This 1979 Documentary Exposes MK Ultra & The CIA’s Role In Psychedelic Movement

by Jennifer Sodini, Collective Evolution

Project MKUltra, sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Experiments on humans were intended to identify/develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control.

If you’re a fan of Stranger Things, MK Ultra may sound familiar (see: Hidden Programming Within Stranger Things), and the truth is just as strange as fiction.

According to Wikipedia:

Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973.The program engaged in many illegal activities, including the use of unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.

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7 Common Character Traits Shared By Most Creative People

by Dan Fries, Collective Evolution

Have you ever channelled all your energy toward finishing a certain artwork or composition?

Have you felt that pulsating frustration of not being able to perfectly capture a thought or a vision?

And when you finally do, you feel this sense of transcendence — like you have personified the phoenix metaphor cliché — while marvelling at the magnificence of your creation with utter disbelief that something so beautiful could come from you.

That, my friend, is the wonderful feeling of flow shared by most of the world’s creatives.

Everything around you, from the heart-wrenching spoken poetry and that catchy jingle you can’t seem to shake off to that hip campaign ad and those elaborate graffiti-painted walls, is the product of abounding creativity.

Have you ever thought about the artists behind these wonderful works?

How were they able to come up with such excellent ideas and the inhuman abilities to turn them into reality?

What do they do differently compared to most people?

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John Lennon’s Message To You: “The World Is Run By Insane People” (Video)

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

The war on terror, economic disasters, racial wars, big pharma and food quality/modification. When you look at our world today you have to wonder how we got here.

It was in my later years of high school that I began to feel relief about something that bothered me for a long time: I started to realize how the world really works. Now at 29 years old, I’ve interviewed, met with and worked with many of the top researchers in the field of truth seeking and several conclusions are clear, but one more than others: our world is run by psychopaths.

I want to be very clear here, this is not meant to be a judgment, to rile up our emotions and call these people evil, no. This is about coming to a stark realization about what’s really going on in our world so that we can actually change it.

“As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.” – Foster Gamble


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