Collective Evolution

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The Power of Presence, How “Living In The Now” Can Change Your Life

by Allie Stark, Collective Evolution

Presence is the powerful practice of being in the moment.

It is created through an acute awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and in our modern day society, being present doesn’t always come easily. The overstimulation and distraction that come from technology, social media, work, family life, social engagements, and the never-ending “to-do” lists regularly take us out of the now and into a memory from the past or a fear about the future.

Cultivating the power of presence comes from creating the space to observe one’s mind and one’s self. This skill of observation allows us to look at our own lives and the lives of others without attaching judgment or analysis. Using this awareness, we become mindfully attuned to all that is around us through our five senses (smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound) as well as our physical sensations — you know, those signs from our bodies that we often tend to ignore.

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The Muscle of the Soul: How To Unlock It And Use It to Decrease Stress

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We have published many articles on the concept that we, as human beings, house a soul in our physical bodies and that our eyes are the gateway to this essence. We’ve talked a lot about the relationship between the mind, body, and soul and the importance of keeping it balanced and in harmony. However, have you ever contemplated what the physical muscle of the soul could be? Well, therapist and filmmaker Danielle Prohom Olson has; in fact, she claims that by relaxing  your psoas, or what she terms “the muscle of the soul,” you can reconnect with the powerful energy of the Earth.

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Mainstream Media Silent After Another Major Oil Pipeline Spill While North Dakota Protests Continue (How Ironic)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Native American tribes across the country continue to march in their respective cities to show their dedicated support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Media outlets have covered the ongoing protest exhaustively, which makes it interesting that, when a prominent pipeline in the Southeast broke, major media outlets didn’t cover the news nearly as thoroughly or frequently.

While some outlets did report on the spill on their websites, the focus remained on the forthcoming gas shortages and the resultant spike in gas prices residents could expect. It’s another testament to the fact that mainstream media would rather focus on how news will affect consumers than how it will affect the environment.

The Colonial Pipeline has main lines running through roughly 10 states. Having broken in Shelby County, Alabama, the rupture caused a leakage of 250,000 gallons beginning on September 9th, forcing workers to close the pipeline.

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4 Ways to Detox the Neurotoxin Fluoride From Your Body

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Used as a rat poison for decades, sodium fluoride has been being added into the U.S. public water supply since 1961 as a means for improving dental health. Now, more than 60% of Americans consume it. But that’s not necessarily a good thing.

A plethora of studies have shown that the negative health implications of fluoride in the water far outweigh the benefits of decreasing tooth decay. For instance, prestigious medical journal The Lancet noted that the additive is actually a neurotoxin and is classified in the same category as arsenic, lead, and mercury.

Researchers believe that, as a result of fluoride most commonly being ingested through water consumption, certain foods, and toothpastes, it is contributing to a worldwide “pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity” that is leading to disabilities like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments.

A 2012 study by the National Institutes of Health even found a link between children’s IQ scores and fluoride exposure:

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Documents Reveal Sugar Industry Paid Off Scientists, Shaping Mass Perception Of Nutrition For Money

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

According to newly uncovered documents, in the 1960s the sugar industry began funding research to cast doubt on sugar’s role in heart disease, mainly by pointing the finger at fat instead.

A recently published analysis based on correspondence between a sugar trade group and researchers from Harvard University clearly demonstrates how food and beverage makers actively shape the public’s understanding of nutrition for their own financial gain.

The Evidence

In 1964 a group known as The Sugar Association went over a campaign to address any “negative attitudes toward sugar” after studies linking sugar with heart disease began to emerge, according to documents that were dug up from the now public archives. The following year the group approved a project called “Project 226,” which involved paying researchers from Harvard the equivalent of todays $48,900 USD for an article reviewing scientific literature, supplying the materials they wanted reviewed and reviewing drafts of the article prior to publication.

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Lunar Eclipse In Pisces: Releasing Inhibitions

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 16th in the West and in the early morning of September 17th in the East. It will be visible throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The exact time for this Full Moon will be at 7:05pm Universal Time, but the Eclipse will start 2 hours before. (Click here for your time zone.)

Like last month’s Lunar Eclipse, this one is penumbral, which is when the Moon is just outside of the Earth’s shadow (umbra). This causes a subtle dimming. However, this particular one is stronger than last month’s, as it will be much closer to the umbra and will be be more noticeable visually.

This is the third of three eclipses occurring in the last month, with the Solar Eclipse in Virgo (two weeks prior) being the strongest. Eclipse season happens every six months and signifies a period when certain aspects of our lives experience changes to serve our evolution.

Themes and circumstances related to these changes sometimes begin to unfold in the month leading up and could still play out over the following three to six months. To add to the mix, we are also having Mercury Retrograde, which really reinforces the need to make adjustments.

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The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Just Deliberately Bulldozed Sacred Sioux Burial Sites…

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The battle between the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Dakota Access Pipeline Company continues. In fact, mere hours after lawyers representing the tribe filed evidence in federal court revealing that some of the pipeline’s planned route would infiltrate a sacred burial site, the company shockingly began work there.

Bulldozers broke through the land as hundreds of Native Americans from a plethora of tribes feverishly fled to the scene as a means for protecting the sacred site-turned- construction zone.

The company’s security forces fought back, attacking the Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray. The tribe’s lawyer requested an emergency temporary restraining order in order to keep construction from commencing on the sacred site.

Jan Hasselman, staff attorney with Earthjustice, who is representing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in Federal Court, and Dave Archambault, the Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, spoke with Democracy Now! regarding the situation.

You can read the transcript from Democracy Now, or watch the video below.

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The Cove Hunt In Japan Is Back & Dolphins Are in Serious Danger – They Need Our Attention

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When we think of endangered species, one of the first things that comes to mind is how human activity has played a part. From deforestation and climate change to toxic chemicals in the air and water, the reality is grim. But just as terrible is the unnecessary practice of poaching. Take “Drive Hunts,” for example.

Drive hunts involve herding dolphins and small whales at sea into a cove area, where they are then either killed or selected for live sale to marine parks and aquaria across the globe. Hunts in Japan comprise the biggest single slaughter of whales and dolphins in the world. It has even been documented that some dolphins take more than 30 minutes to die. But to keep the controversial backlash to a minimum, curtains are pulled across the shoreline to hide the killing process from the public.

In the cove of Taiji in Japan, some dolphins are chosen for use in dolphin shows; however, many die of shock before even making it to be transported to their new lives. This annual dolphin drive and slaughter is now back, having begun on September 1st. So as dolphins swim off the southwest coast of Japan, they may, indeed, be greeted with a heart-breaking, end-of-summer welcome.

It’s not only dolphins that are targeted, it’s:

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Doctors Told Him He Was Definitely Going To Die & His Cancer Was “Incurable” – So He Decided To Try Cannabis Oil

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Every day, millions of people suffer from cancer and the harmful effects that stem from conventional treatment methods. Many of these people are told by their doctors that their disease is “incurable,” comparing their lives to an hourglass whereby their time on Earth is quickly running out. Cancer patients are led to believe that they only have two treatment options: chemotherapy or radiation, which are often coupled with surgery. Both chemotherapy and radiation negatively impact the body’s natural ability to heal itself as it harms healthy tissues. One study even proved that chemotherapy is ineffective more than 97% of the time (watch Dr. Peter Glidden discuss these findings here). What if I told you that a cure for cancer not only exists and is proven to be effective, but that you can also make this all-natural remedy yourself (here’s how)? For decades, cannabis has been studied and used to treat and kill cancer cells. There have been numerous medical studies performed and countless examples of people consuming cannabis oil to completely heal themselves from cancer.

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Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters With Dogs & Pepper Spray

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction.

If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oilfield to Illinois.

The project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 more tribes from across the U.S. and Canada, as well as activists and alternative media outlets arounds the world.

These are big time human/earth rights violations.

The DAPL has huge potential to leak into the Missouri River. How does this make any sense? If it does, it would pretty much destroy the lives of an entire nation that depend on it for their livelihood.

Below is a video with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now who was at the scene.


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