Collective Evolution

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Following The Money: How The Monetary System Is Rigged To Enslave Humanity (And The Solution)

by Robito Chatwin, Collective-Evolution

No one is immune to debt, and the majority of us are in some form of financial debt (1, 2, 3). Studies show that not having enough money, and especially being in debt, causes serious physical and mental distress (1, 2, 3). This article investigates why banks put people into debt, and uncovers why a world without any debt is completely possible.

The modern word ‘bank’ stems from the word ‘banca‘ used in Italy during the Middle Ages, but the goldsmiths of 17th Century England are often cited as where contemporary banking began (1234).

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Hubble Just Discovered Another Moon Hiding At The Back Of Our Solar System – Here Are The Details

by Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just found a small, dark moon orbiting Makemake, which is the second brightest icy dwarf planet in our system after Pluto in the Kulper Belt. Some of our readers might know NASA as an acronym for Never A Straight Answer, a term coined by former NATO allied supreme commander Robert Dean, but that doesn’t mean everything the agency reveals to the public is misinformation (though an unfortunately large proportion of it probably is).

The newly discovered moon is 1,300 times fainter than Makemake. Nicknamed MK 2, it was seen approximately 13,000 miles from the dwarf planet and has a diameter estimated to be about 100 miles across.

According to the NASA statement, with comments from NASA scientists Alex Parker and Marc Buie:

Makemake is in the class of rare Pluto-like objects, so finding a companion is important,” Parker said. “The discovery of this moon has given us an opportunity to study Makemake in far greater detail than we ever would have been able to without the companion.”

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9 Natural Healing Essential Oils To Have In Your Home

by Alanna Ketler, Collective-Evolution

Essential oils can do much more than just produce lovely smells to make your home or bath smell pretty. Being highly concentrated oils from herbs, spices, and other plants, they hold some amazing healing properties. Essential oils are wonderful because they are completely natural and often do a better job than their synthetic, chemically-laden counterfeits. If you are interested in essential oils but aren’t sure where to start or which ones to buy, then this list is for you. Here are the top 9 essential oils to have on hand.

1. Lavender

Lavender is my all time favorite essential oil. It has a wonderful, floral scent and is an amazing relaxer. It promotes a peaceful sleep and can even relieve headaches. Lavender can also be very beneficial for various skin rashes and can be an effective disinfectant for burns and cuts. For fresh smelling clothes, add a few drops of lavender to some aluminum free baking soda and put it in with your laundry.

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How You Can Get ‘High’ On Dirt

by Alexa Erickson, Collective-Evolution

No, we’re not talking about the type of high cannabis or psychedelics might provide. We’re talking about being high on life, feeling good and warding off depression and other lower states of feeling. That’s what new research is saying about dirt!

With a plethora of pills on the market today to help ease and eliminate depression, it can seem defeating to feel like we live in a world where holistic remedies are buried beneath synthetics. However, soil microbes may be on your side, as they have been found to have similar effects on the brain as Prozac, minus the side effects and potential of chemical dependency.

How Dirt Can Make You Happy

Long before modern medicine came to be, natural remedies were used to cure mental and emotional issues. But while ancient healers may not have always had the scientific resources to understand why some things worked, modern scientists can now help further connect the dots.

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Mercury Retrograde In Taurus: A Shift In What We Value And How Others Value Us

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective-Evolution

The planet Mercury is in its retrograde phase from April 28th until May 22nd, 2016. This is an astronomical/astrological phenomenon that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period.

From our perspective on Earth, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards because of the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologers observe retrograde planets differently compared to when they appear to be forward moving. Retrogrades are recognized as a time when we are reworking how we orientate ourselves with the themes and energies of that specific planet in a specific sign.

Mercury started its pre-retrograde phase on April 14th; therefore certain things that have been put in place or occurred between then and the 28th will still be going through a ‘sorting out’ process throughout the following three weeks.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Completely Reversed In One Week In Mice Using New Protein Injection

by Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

Last year, a team of Australian researchers used a non-invasive ultrasound to assist in removing toxic plaque and lesions from nerve cells commonly associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. This was a big breakthrough, as the researchers were able to reverse the processes commonly associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s, you can read more about that here.

This time,  researchers from the University of Glasgow, in conjunction with the Hong Kong Univeristy of Science and Technology, have discovered that one injection of a protein called IL-33 can reverse Alzheimer’s-like symptoms and cognitive decline in mice. The protein is actually made by the body itself as part of its immune defence against serious infection and disease, ones that affect the brain and spinal cord.

After the injection, the mice instantly improved their cognitive function and memory, restored to that of a normal mouse within just one week of having the injections.

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Have You Been Seeing Crows? What The Crow Symbolizes (More Than Just Death)

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective-Evolution

The other morning I ran out to my car to grab my purse when I heard the loudest “CAW” from right behind me. I looked back at my house and noticed a crow perched on a window ledge. When I looked at it, it cawed again and flew away. My immediate thought was, “Oh my god, who is going to die?”

I honestly don’t think I am alone in thinking this. Crows have long symbolized death because they are carrion birds, birds that feed on dead animals. There are many myths surrounding carrion birds. For example, ravens and vultures are said to symbolize war, death, and misfortune, and they are even said to be depicted as familiars of witches.

Of course this is all speculation and I’m sure many people will already dispute the mystical representations that birds have, so I advise you to keep an open mind if you choose to read further.

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These Earthship Homes In New Mexico Are Off-The-Grid, Made With Old Junk, And Totally Adorable

by Alexa Erickson, Collective-Evolution

Homes are havens. We find comfort, solace, well-being, and so much more in our cozy shelters. They are a positive aspect of society, right? The idea of them is, yes, but have you ever thought about how much energy is consumed and how much waste is produced by each and every home on the planet?

Traditional modern housing does not take into consideration sustainability. It is about providing us the luxury we so desire without having to think outside the box, relying on public utilities and fossil fuels rather than greener options. However, there has been a serious urge in recent years to wake up to our impact on the environment, leading innovators from all over the world to utilize alternative forms of housing as a means for protecting the planet we live on. One of those ecologically-friendly housing alternatives happens to fall under the revered off-the-grid movement.

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Video Of Prince Talking About Chemtrails & The New World Order

by Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

As most of you reading this probably know by now, music legend Prince passed away yesterday at the age of 57. His memory will assuredly live on, especially here at Collective Evolution. Not long ago, Prince shared one of our articles on his Facebook page, and he has spent much of his time raising awareness about issues threatening our safety. In particular, he has spoken about ‘chemtrails,’ otherwise known as geoengineering, and the New World Order.

Several years ago, Prince was a guest on a show hosted by Travis Smiley, an American talk show host, author, political commentator, and activist. During the interview, Travis asked Prince about his song ‘Dreamner,’ which Prince reveals was inspired by American civil rights activist Dick Gregory, a  social critic, writer, and entrepreneur. He explained that Gregory had said something that “really hit home” for him:

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Full Moon In Scorpio: Navigating The Intensity

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective-Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd, 2016. During Full Moons, we feel a push and pull between two opposing signs; in this case, the polarity is between Taurus and Scorpio.

The themes build up in the 2 weeks leading up to it and then resolve themselves in the 2 weeks following by facilitating some sort of action or change. A release may happen as well. The days closest to the Full Moon are generally the most lively, revelatory, tense, and emotionally charged of this process.


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