Collective Evolution

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Glyphosate Discovered In California Wines, Including Those Made With Organic Grapes

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

On March 16th, Moms Across America received results from a test conducted by Microbe Inotech Lab of St. Louis, Missouri that showed 100 percent of the wines tested (10)  contained the chemical glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which is the most widely used herbicide on the planet. In the past two decades alone, many billions of pounds of this stuff have been sprayed all across America, and billions more all over the world.

Moms Across America has initiated multiple tests of glyphosate in water, urine, breast milk, baby formula, and more. Findings have also been reported in cereal, bread, honey, cow’s milk, soy source, pet food, and beer.

According to their report:

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VAXXED [Uncensored] The Fight To Release A Controversial Documentary

by Jefferey Jaxen, Collective Evolution

No Tribeca, no problem for the new documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, recently withdrawn from this year’s New York film festival at the behest of co-founder Robert De Niro. It is safe to say that the buzz generated by the censoring of this film has overshadowed Tribeca’s 2016 film festival.

Adding more fuel to the soaring public interest was producer Del Bigtree’s release of his uncut interview with ABC news regarding the film. In typical fashion, the mainstream media sliced and diced Bigtree’s vital ten minute interview into a few soundbites to frame an anti-vaccine narrative.

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Buddhists & Leading Neuroscientists Agree: “Consciousness Is Everywhere”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and Quantum Mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world. We can see in these great examples the fruits of human thinking. Regardless of the admiration we feel for these great thinkers, we should not lose sight of the fact that they were human beings just as we are.”

– the Dalai Lama

Scientists and Buddhists from all over the world are starting to see the similarities between their disciplines, and the research which is emerging as a result is truly exciting. A classic example of a scientist diving into ancient wisdom is Nikola Tesla, whose work was heavily influenced by Vedic philosophy. You can read more about that here.

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The Cancer Industry Exposed In Less Than 2000 Words

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It’s hard to believe that approximately one in every two people will develop some form of cancer within their lifetime. As a result, cancer awareness has skyrocketed. Millions of people around the globe are helping to raise money and awareness for cancer and cancer treatment. This overwhelming support from the public just goes to show how many good hearts are out there, and in no way should we dismiss that generous spirit. There are, however, some important facts relating to this disease about which many people are still unaware.

While it is of course disturbing that cancer rates are at all time time high, the prevalence of this disease is causing people to take notice and to question, which is always a good thing. People are becoming more aware of the disease, looking into alternative treatment options and trying to determine the cause of this illness. People are starting to wonder why so many of us are so sick. So despite how gloomy it may appear, there is hope for all of us.

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8 ‘Antibiotics’ Our Ancestors Used Instead Of Pharmaceutical Pills

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by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In a day and age where we are given a pill for every conceivable ill, it may seem strange to hear someone reject swallowing one down. We have come to believe here in the West that medications are our only option and remedies found in nature mere snake oil. But with big pharmaceutical companies shamelessly trying to make a buck at every turn, it’s important we remember that, long before these pills came to be, people were surviving naturally, utilizing hundreds of years of collected knowledge.

The overuse of antibiotics has reached an all-time high, and the results of this uncontrolled experiment are, quite frankly, alarming. Drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” are evolving faster than scientists can keep up with, casting doubt on our future ability to fight off these bacteria.

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Change Is The Only Constant – So How Do We Manage It?

We have all heard the saying that Change is the only constant (other than death and taxes, of course), and for most of us, it’s becoming more and more a reality. Gone are the days of people working for the same company for 30 years, or the guarantee of finding a well paying, secure job after finishing a degree or training program. And although it has become much more acceptable than it used to be to start your own business, it’s still challenging to be an entrepreneur due to so many factors being in constant flux. The way the world works has completely changed and it means things are not stable or predictable anymore.

Personally, the last few years have involved constant change for me, and I’ve learned how to manage in this state pretty well.

One of the most important skills I have learned is to Embrace Change. Try avoiding it or resisting it and you’ll see: It doesn’t work. Yes, there is almost always some fear and even anxiety as you anticipate the worst, so step back, BREATHE, and sit in those feelings for a moment. Consider the worst case scenario, and really FEEL IT — see it happening and realize there are steps you can take to mitigate or deal with it.

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How To Remove Pesticides From Non-Organically Grown Produce (Important)

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

What’s the difference between organically grown produce and non-organically grown produce? Well, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic farms and processors must not use any genetically modified ingredients. This means that organic farmers can’t plant GMO seeds, an organic cow can’t eat GMO feed, an organic soup producer can’t use any GMO ingredients, and so on. Farmers and processors must show that they aren’t using GMOs and that they are protecting their products from contact with prohibited substances from farm to table. In order for something to qualify as organic, it must also be free from most synthetic materials, like pesticides and antibiotics. (source)(source)

Conventional food, obviously, has none of these restrictions. Food grown in this way can be genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, and injected with antibiotics.

“How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Jane Goodall

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4 Powerful Ways To Uplift Your Mood

by Danielle Fagan, Collective Evolution

Fear. Anxiety. Depression. Rage. Confusion.

These are powerful emotions that can quickly distort our perception when we let them take over. Even the way we speak about these emotions can reveal just how much they can change the way we see things:

“I fell into a deep depression,” “I saw red,” “I had an anxiety attack,” etc.

When our emotions spiral out of control, they completely warp what we see and can make it exceptionally difficult for us to make sound decisions. For example, if you’re wondering what direction you’d like to take in your life but feel depressed because of your current situation, how could you possibly find your answer? Or, if you’re in the heat of an argument, how can you find a resolution when you and your partner are in a “blind rage”?

In order to achieve clarity, we must be able to see things as they truly are without the distortion of powerful emotions.

Even feelings like infatuation and excitement can distort our judgement. How many times have you felt overly excited and jumped too quickly into a situation that didn’t turn out well? Or spent money on an “impulse buy” in a lineup at a store that you regretted later? Or kept yourself in a toxic relationship because you were infatuated with the person?

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How To Access Your Intuition (Gut Instinct)

As someone who has often been led by her emotions, I can tell you that this is not the best way to navigate life. Emotions are important but ultimately unreliable when it comes to making decisions. Many people have made a decision because they felt like they were going with their gut, but it still led them down an unhappy path.

It is important to note the difference between illusion and gut instinct.

Intuition, or gut instinct, is from your divine self.

Intuition is void of emotions and can seem illogical because it comes from your soul, which is more than thought and emotion.

Tapping into your intuitive brain takes practice.

For those of you that do intuitive readings for others, you’ll notice that the moment you get too emotionally attached to the person you’re reading, you lose clarity. That is because emotions, although they can be beautiful, are hugely distracting.

If life is art, then emotions are the paint and your truth is the canvas.

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11 Benefits of Hugging – Backed By Chemistry

by Dr. Fahad Basheer, Collective Evolution

Hugging! We often hug each other when we are happy or when we see the person we love most. We often feel joy and happiness when hugging another person, and a hug can convey a lot about how we’re feeling and how we feel about each other. Each time we sincerely hug someone, we are actually conveying our love and joy for that person in a way that can never be explained through our words alone. We feel all our burdens ease away while we are in a hug, and those worries are replaced by increased feelings of happiness and trust.

Do you know why this happens while we hug each other?

Have you ever wondered what happens within you while you are hugging someone?

Let us examine some of the most amazing physiological miracles that happen in our bodies thanks to hugs.


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