Collective Evolution

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States With Medical Marijuana Have Decreased Painkiller Deaths By Dramatic Amounts

***Check out the Holistic Cannabis Summit for everything experts are doing with Cannabis right now:***

Throughout the United States, prescription drug overdoses have been a major problem. But now, with the rise of medical marijuana in many states, the number of deaths from pharmaceutical painkillers is on the decline.

Deaths caused by prescription of Opioid (opium), Vicodin, and OxyContin have approximately tripled since 1991, and every day 46 people die of such overdoses in the United States. However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die overdoses of opioid drugs each year.

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6 Books You Probably Don’t Know About That Will Keep Your Attention Until The Very Last Page

Reading is incredible. It sparks our imaginations, enhances our critical thinking skills, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brain, and much more. While our love for reading in general will never die, it does seem that, these days, its popularity has waned significantly. Many kids today, and plenty of adults too, can’t seem to wrap their heads around sitting and doing ‘nothing’ for any extended amount of time when they could instead experience new and intense sensory information every few seconds instead. You’d be hard-pressed to find a child (or teen) that won’t throw a fit the moment you take their cell phone or iPad away from them, and it’s not illogical to wonder if children today are even using their brains; surely the constant TV watching and time spent on social media doesn’t challenge their minds in the way that a book can. Whether you’re an adult or a child, reading is definitely a good idea; the key is to find something that interests you. The rest is easy.

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2 Short Videos To Get Your A** In Gear & Inspire You To Be Great

“In this life, you are never going to be younger than you are right now.” I first heard this statement in the movie The Spectacular Now, and it hit me so profoundly that I was never able to look at the world in the same way again. There is nothing particularly revolutionary about the idea itself — in fact it’s quite commonsensical when you think about it — but for some reason it struck a chord that I just couldn’t shake off.

We all have those particular quotes, videos, or personal experiences that, for one reason or another, impacted us profoundly. In hopes of sparking that within you, I wanted to share two particular videos that I feel have the potential to do just that.

The first is from speaker, performing artist, visionary, and filmmaker Prince Ea. Titled Why Most People Die Before Age 25, it outlines how we all have greatness within us and why now is the time for us to stop obsessing over the irrelevant and to instead step into our personal potential.

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Research Reveals That Fermented Foods Can Change Brain Activity In Women

Before probiotics became the much-discussed topic of the microbial world, cultures around the world were praising fermented foods. Dating back to the Neolithic tradition as a form of preservation, fermentation has become a big topic in today’s health-conscious era focused on living a holistic lifestyle.

Research has uncovered some pretty incredible things, like the brain-gut connection, which essentially says your gut has a brain, too. This makes it pertinent that our gut flora is healthy, and so scientists continue to observe what makes it thrive, and what makes it suffer. Dr. Emeran Mayer, a UCLA professor of medicine and a specialist in gastroenterology, and his team of researchers have discovered even more on the subject: drinking a milk fermented with probiotics can change the brain activity of women.

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Breath Awareness: 4 Insights On How Breath Can Provide Mind-Body Healing Benefits

How many times have you been worked up, and had someone tell you to “breathe”? That one word holds so much power. As soon as someone brings to our attention that we’ve escaped our breath, we immediately take an indulgent inhale. Breathing is innate. We do it without thinking simply because our bodies require it to survive. But there is much more to breath than meets the eye.

Our breath reveals a lot about our current state. When we’re uncomfortable, stressed, anxious, or fearful, we may find ourselves breathing very shallowly. When we’re relaxed, we breathe slowly. We can spin ourselves into a tantrum, and we can soothe ourselves into a safe and secure space, all by how we breathe. There are countless breathing practices to relieve physical and mental ailments, bring about a sense of calm, and even raise our vibrations. These practices makes breath so much more than essential, but incredibly transcendental. To shift our state of being through our breath so much so that we can change our wellbeing is a beautiful thing.

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Lunar Eclipse In Libra: Making Changes In How We Relate

Happy Equinox Everyone! We will be having a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, March 23rd. It will be visible in all of North America, Australia, and New Zealand. It will also be visible in most of Asia, Russia, and South America. 

A Penumbral Eclipse is different than a total or partial eclipse because it is less noticeable. It looks more like a subtle shadow rather than being completely dark, like a total eclipse, or looking like a bite has been taken out of the moon, like a partial eclipse. 

It will last for 4 hours, but if you are in a part of the world where it will be occurring near Sunrise or Sunset (or Moonrise/Moonset), it will be visible for an even shorter period. Click here to find out the specific timeframe for your geographic region.

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A Complete Guide To Dopamine Imbalance: Symptoms & Reactions

Are You Suffering From A Dopamine Imbalance?

You know how it feels.

That unmatchable sense of satisfaction you get after you accomplish something that you had always wanted to.

Whether it’s breaking the weightlifting record at your gym, getting into an energetic mode and completing eight hours of work in five hours, or achieving a long-term goal that your friends (and even your Dad) thought you’d never do, that feeling can be highly motivating to take the next big step in your life.

That feeling is dopamine rushing down your spine.

What is Dopamine? It’s a chemical compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter. It acts as a messenger between brain cells. Despite being generated by just a handful of brain cells, it acts as a powerful stimulant for many major physical and cognitive functions, including memory, movement, motivation, and pleasurable reward.

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9 Quotes From Buddha That Might Resonate With Your Soul

The teachings of many of history’s religious and philosophical figures are timeless, but are often mistakenly taken at face value. It’s easy to slap a quote on an image or a t-shirt and pass it around, but it takes deliberate thought to actually internalize the true meaning behind the words, and often these quick philosophical ‘bytes’ are passed over too quickly for this to happen.

It’s easy for us in this day and age to be “spiritual” by identity and pass it off well without ever truly living spiritually — without  recognizing and benefitting from what we can learn from having a spiritual relationship with ourselves and this world. Because of that, it’s common to come across a great deal of logical spiritualists and fake ‘new-agey’ type personalities that don’t truly live the core of what these great teachers have shared.

So I wanted to share my own perspective on the true meaning behind some of these quotes.

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Read This When You Are Tired Of Everything

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

We all get tired. We all know what it is like to feel like we want to give up, throw in the towel, and just stay in bed. You know what? Sometimes it’s okay to stay in bed, but at some point we have to be real, to look at ourselves, and move on.

The world can be a tough place; we all know that. We have all felt tough financial times, emotional challenges, and uninspired at work. But who says it has to be that way?

Why have you forgotten how powerful you are? Why have you allowed your own thoughts and ego mind to convince you that you are not capable of creating a life you truly want?

This world in place can bind you, but only if you continue to give your power to it and allow it to interfere with your own choice as a sentient being on this planet. Sure, challenges can come up and things can be hard, and painful, but these situations are only temporary and help you to grow. Stop seeing them as a bad thing!

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The Amazing Power Of Vulnerability

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

What does it mean to be truly vulnerable?

This question has been on my mind a lot lately. Being vulnerable means letting your guard down, and it means risk. By completely exposing yourself and expressing your thoughts and feelings, you risk being hurt, you risk being rejected, and you risk being seen. Understandably, many people find being vulnerable challenging and frightening, particularly men, at least in my experience. They often have a more difficult time showing or expressing emotion, having been told by society, their parents, or their friends that it’s not ‘manly’ to do so. It’s not uncommon for men to feel weak or effeminate when expressing emotion, so often they lock it all away and bear the burden of holding on to so much. But there is such power in being able to be absolutely vulnerable with someone, and deep connections are made in this way.

As C.S. Lewis once said,

“To love at all is to be vulnerable.”


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