Collective Evolution

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Here’s What Has Helped Me To Stop Hating Myself

by Alice Calch, Collective-Evolution

Now, when I can easily talk about that time, I admit: I used to be engaged in self-destructive behavior. You could say that anyone is subject to self-destructive behaviours, but the thing is in borders. While we often think of these disorders as typical of adolescents and young adults, they actually cover all age and socio-economic groups.

We must define self-destructive behavior as any activity which poses a threat to mental or physical well-being that is self-imposed, that an individual has made a life-choice engaging in such behavior – it is not imposed by any external source. These behaviors may be relatively mild, such as avoiding certain responsibilities, to severe, including eating disorders, addictions, and self-mutilation. When severe self-destructive behaviors result in death, it is usually by accident, as the individual does not consciously choose death. Thus, someone with anorexia may die, but s/he has not chosen that result.

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‘Voting Is Rigged & Used To Pacify The Public’ Says Three-Time US Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

by Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

“This is the way the system works, it’s a rotten system, and I see elections as so much of a charade. So much deceit goes on. . . . whether it’s a Republican or a Democrat president, the people who want to keep the status quo seems to have their finger in the pot and can control things. They just get so nervous so, if they have an independent thinker out there, whether it’s Sanders, or Trump, or Ron Paul, they’re going to be very desperate to try to change things. . . . More people are discovering that the system is all rigged, and that voting is just pacification for the voters and it really doesn’t count.”  

Above are the words of Dr. Ron Paul, three-time presidential candidate and a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Similar to Bernie Sanders, Dr. Paul attracted significant attention while he was in the running, appealing to the intellect of the masses and helping to   wake people up to the realities of the U.S. electoral system.

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Mars Is Moving Retrograde In Sagittarius & Scorpio: Here’s How It Could Affect Your Life

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective-Evolution

Mars is retrograde from the period of April 17th to June 29th. This occurs every two years on average and it is the least common of all the retrogrades.

When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards from our geocentric (Earth-based) perspective. Technically it is not really going backwards, but it appears that way due to the positioning of the orbiting path of our planet and the retrograde planet.

Retrograde motions represent a process of reworking how we orientate ourselves with the themes and energies of that specific planet. The most noticeable retrogrades are those of Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

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He Cured His Cancer By Giving Unconditionally – An Incredible Story Of Self Healing

by Sharmini Gana, Collective-Evolution

This is the incredible story of how Brice Royer healed himself of cancer through giving to others unconditionally.

Most of this article is in Brice’s own words – through research and firsthand experience, he has become an expert in unconditional giving and paying it forward since being diagnosed with cancer in 2012.

First, a bit of background for those of you not familiar with Brice’s story: Four years ago, Brice was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and told it would likely kill him. He fell into denial and depression, became bed-ridden, and contemplated suicide. While doing some research, however, he came across a fascinating theory which maintained that giving and receiving freely with love and kindness could help people heal and recover from depression, and was a wonderful way to build community.

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How You Can Reverse Cavities & Heal Tooth Decay Naturally

by Alexa Erickson, Collective-Evolution

In Western medicine, the majority of us have come to accept that, when we are told we have a cavity, there is no other option except to let it continue to decay or get your tooth drilled out and filled with synthetic material. But if you are among the many who have grown skeptic of the single story our medical system offers, you will be happy to find that, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal, you may be able to reverse cavities and tooth decay with your diet (1).

The study looked at 62 children with cavities, dividing them into three different diet groups. Group 1, who ate a diet high in grains and phytic acid, had an increase in cavities. Group 2, who consumed a normal diet supplemented with vitamin D, developed fewer cavities and saw improvements in the ones they had, and Group 3, who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, and who also took vitamin D, saw the greatest improvements, with nearly all cavities healed (2).

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They Will Have To Re-Write The Textbooks For This One

by Alexa Erickson, Collective-Evolution

In a world that is always moving forward, we really can’t be all that surprised that we continue to find errors in things we so long believed to be true. Scientifically and historically, it can seem like a difficult idea to grasp, as many of us had valuable information drilled into our brains from childhood and onward that fueled us to find fields we could become experts in. But this information was always meant to just help us better understand the world we live in.

Just a couple of weeks ago, researchers at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine made a discovery which will forever alter the way we look at the brain, concluding that there is a direct connection between the brain and the immune system. This connection is by way of vessels that were previously assumed nonexistent.

Jonathan Kipnis, a professor in the Department of Neuroscience and the Director of the University’s Center for Brain Immunology and Glia, expressed his surprise at the discovery: “I really did not believe there were structures in the body that we were not aware of. I thought the body was mapped.”

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What Exactly Is Reality? No Metaphor Can Describe It

by Tom Bunzel, Collective-Evolution

How many times have you heard teachers use analogies to try to bring home a point? For example the common image of the self being like a wave in the ocean –experienced as separate, but where does the ocean end and the self begin. So “it’s all one.” But in many ways we actually use analogies to separate us from reality –to create the illusion that we “know” something mentally when it really needs to be fathomed much more deeply –with all of the senses.

Take for instance the experience of going outside on a clear night and looking at the stars. We can identify the moon, which is supposedly “close” and then begin to drift out, discovering a planet perhaps and a constellation, and then? Remember the Hubble Deep Field experiment which trained the supertelescope on a supposedly empty part of space, and discovered billions of galaxies –not stars, but galaxies?

Our first impulse is to use a word to “explain” what we’re seeing or experiencing.

Oh, it’s “infinite.”

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Is What You Are Thinking About Impacting Your Life Negatively?

by Leona Henryson, Collective Evolution

There are two great laws of physics. One is quite old. The other, quite new.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is just altered into different states.

All matter can be reduced to energy – nothing more, nothing less. 

Now scientists are saying what many have known for years: Everything in this Universe of ours is, at its very base, energy. Atoms are made up of energy, and when they form themselves into certain patterns, they create matter – trees, chairs, the human body, and so forth. Some energy stays in a non-material form. One of those non-material forms is our thoughts – especially those with intention. And just like all forms of energy, our thoughts have power. They can create matter, just like any other form of energy. And this is where the awesomeness and the responsibility of our thoughts come in.

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Understanding Tantric Sex & How To Actually Incorporate It Into Your Life

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

If you’re not entirely familiar with tantric sex, you may be under the assumption that it’s simply about having marathon sex sessions. And while that in itself may sound both wonderful and incredibly intimidating, the actual tantric experience is so much more than that.

What Is Tantric Sex?

Tantric sex is an ancient Eastern spiritual practice that is meant to broaden one’s consciousness and to connect the polar masculine and feminine energies.

Practicing tantric sex can enable you to reach new levels of sexual energy by exposing sexual energy you never knew you had. You and your partner will undergo an intense focus of concentration that can ultimately allow you to experience hours of incredible sex, intense orgasms, and a new connection to both each other, yourselves, and the outside world.

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Robert De Niro Appears On Live TV To Discuss Autism-Vaccine Controversy

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

A documentary which explores the possible harmful health outcomes of vaccines titled Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe was set to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival later this month, but after receiving severe public backlash, was pulled from the festival.

One of the founders of this major film festival is Hollywood star Robert De Niro, who recently made an appearance on live television to comment on the move:


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