Collective Evolution

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8 Mind Shifts That Can Trigger Success & Happiness

As much as our lives may be impacted by our circumstance, I’m a firm believer that they are far more influenced by our attitude. While we may collectively look down up certain things, you can almost always find an opposing, positive stance to pretty well everything.

Take a rainstorm, for example. Most would find it annoying, gloomy, and/or unfortunate, but others (such as a farmer) would consider it something to be happy, relieved, and/or excited about.

With so much of our experience being within our control, why do so many of us continually choose to take such pessimistic and negative views towards things? Here is a list of 8 mind shifts that I personally feel could be the keys to finding the always sought-after success and happiness:

(NOTE: Of course there are certain experiences that will be far more difficult to apply these mind shifts to, but this list is more of a friendly reminder to be applied wherever possible.)

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Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, & Syria – What Country Is Next On The NWO Agenda?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The war on terror is a sham. It is based on false premises and propagated by those who claim to fight it. The so-called ‘Islamic State’ is fully financed and supported by the Western military alliance and America’s allies in the Persian Gulf. Fortunately, more people are starting to wake up to this fact, and are recognizing that a massive propaganda campaign is currently underway which intends to persuade the public into believing in and fearing a ‘terrorist’ enemy. As former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook explains, this tactic is meant “to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.”

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How Diversity Enhances Our Creativity & Work Ethic

Diversity is both a sensitive and an important word. We strive for it in the world, but we require it in order to build teams and organizations worthy of innovation. Why? Because great ideas are borne of many great minds, and those great minds cannot cover widespread ground if they all draw from similar experiences.

Diversity allows for a plethora of perspectives to come into play, which, in turn, can lead to better decision making and problem solving. It encourages discoveries and breakthroughs; simply being exposed to diversity can shift your own way of thinking and doing. And there is plenty of research to support this. Over the decades, scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, and demographers have weighed in, coming to the conclusion that, without a colorful community, we can only see black and white.

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Following The Money: Who’s Really In Control ?

“As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.”

– Foster Gamble

The video below is a short clip taken from the Thrive documentary, a film that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by “following the money upstream.” Created by Foster Gamble, the heir to the Proctor & Gamble Corporation, it represents his efforts to reveal the hidden truths of our world to the masses. Gamble was groomed for the establishment and chose a different path once he saw how corrupt an institution he would be entering, and he and his wife Kimberly Carter Gamble have done a tremendous job of opening people’s eyes to what is happening on Wall Street and around the world.

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This New Experiment Will Allow Us To ‘See’ Quantum Entanglement With The Naked Eye

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Researchers in Switzerland have devised an experiment that would allow humans to directly perceive quantum entanglement for the very first time. Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles, at the quantum scale, interact in a way in which they become linked, demonstrating that ‘space’ might just be the construct that gives the illusion of seperation between two physical objects. That being said, the behaviour of particles at the quantum scale does not mimic the behaviour of physical systems that are much larger.

If we think in terms of a cosmic scale explanation, two electrons created together are entangled; if we send one to the other side of the universe and then do something to one of them, like spin it, the other will mimic the behaviour instantaneously. This means either that information is travelling faster than the speed of light, or, again, that the vast distance we perceive between objects really doesn’t exist at all.

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5 Foods & Spices That Can Prevent & Help Treat Diseases

by Alex Erickson, Collective Evolution

We are living in a day and age where the pharmaceutical companies continue to dupe us into believing we need to ingest synthetic medications in order to get better. But did you ever stop to consider that perhaps the best medicine is prevention? Eating whole, organic foods has been found to result in better overall health, keeping a variety of conditions and diseases at bay. But as we all know, sometimes, no matter how good we think we are to our bodies, situations arise that affect our health.

Plenty of foods and spices serve as powerful medicines both in terms of prevention as well as healing. Used in ancient medicine long before money became the driving force that led an industry to control our wellbeing, they are buried beneath the advertisements and marketing campaigns of pharmaceutical giants, waiting for you to realize their true, beneficial properties. And while they may not be patented, or have multi-billion dollar human clinical trials to prove they can prevent and treat your ailments, they humbly exist nonetheless.

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6 Reasons Sleeping Naked Is Good For Your Health

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Society requires us to cover up, some cultures more than others. We are so used to wearing clothes throughout the day that it almost feels odd when we shed our layers once we get home. One sleep survey found that a mere 8 percent of Americans snooze in the buff, making it surprising to many to learn that sleeping without the confines of clothing can offer a variety of health benefits.

From the many studies to the personal experience, we already know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, but why not round out your rest with the added bonus of sleeping naked? Here are six benefits of baring it all in the name of health:

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The Incredible Science Of Precognitive Dreaming

The world of dreams is a mystery to all. We dream every night when we go to sleep, though sometimes we remember our dreams and sometimes we do not. It can be a lot of fun to relay your dreams to friends and coworkers the next day, but often their significance is only perceptible to yourself and you end up boring your audience with a long, drawn-out recall of the previous night’s adventures.

Have you ever woken up from a dream so real that you were overcome with whatever emotion had been triggered in the dream, such as sadness, anger, bliss, or excitement? How about waking up with a huge sigh of relief that it was only a dream? Dreams can seem so real to our minds that our bodies actually respond as if they were.

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ADD Or Something Else? Studies Reveal Creative Genius Linked To Being Easily Distracted

A study conducted last year by researchers at Northwestern University has linked creativity with an “inability to filter irrelevant sensory information,” with the startling implication being that those who have difficulty in shutting out sensory information while focusing on a specific task or creative project might, in fact, be showing signs of ‘genius.’

According to their press release, it’s the first physiological evidence that real-world creativity may be associated with a reduced ability to focus. Researchers describe how some people are more sensitive to the daily bombardment of sensory information, a phenomenon which they describe as “leaky” sensory filters:

“Leaky” sensory gating, the propensity to filter out “irrelevant” sensory information, happens early, and involuntarily, in brain processing and may help people integrate ideas that are outside of the focus of attention, leading to creativity in the real world.

– Darya Zabelina, Lead Author of the study

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3 Subjects Schools Should Teach To Improve The World

Children spend a vast portion of their lives inside educational institutions. From a very young age, we are put into schools and told how the world works, learning to absorb information rather than question it over the course of many years. We memorize enormous amounts of information, much of it irrelevant to our future lives, with the goal of acquiring the credentials necessary for us to find our place in this world. All of this, quite often, leaves us incapable of thinking critically, and while there are admittedly many positive aspects of modern day education, the drawbacks do appear to outnumber the benefits (at least in my opinion). I believe it is these issues within the education system which are inspiring more and more parents to choose alternative forms of school for their children.


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