The real man lives moment to moment. The real man has consciousness but no conscience. The religious man knows nothing of morality; although he lives in morality he knows nothing of it. The real man has no character; he is characterless, although only he has character.
What do I mean by this contradiction? He has no programmed character, he does not live in a readymade way, he is not predictable. Each moment he responds in a fresh way. He is true, he is one, he is integrated, but these things are not imposed on him. He has not practised them. He has only worked for one thing: he has tried to become more and more conscious. Now out of his consciousness, each moment characters arise and disappear. But he does not carry the load of a structure around himself. He has no armor of the character. He is continuously free; he is freedom.
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Sunday, January 10, 2016 - 21:00