Religion became a pathology, religion went neurotic, because of the demands of the ego. The ego wants something utterly difficult so that it becomes a special privilege if you attain it - only you have attained it, nobody else. It wants truth to be something like the peak of Everest or walking on the moon; something so special that you can claim. Through it, you become special.
Because of this, religion slowly slowly became sado-masochistic. "Torture yourself" - the more you torture, the more religious you are. And when a person tortures himself, teaches others also to torture themselves, out of necessity he becomes doubly pathological. He tortures himself, so he is a masochist, and because he teaches others to torture themselves he becomes a sadist.
In the name of religion, sado-masochism has existed on the earth. That's why only neurotic people become interested in religion. The healthy person avoids it.
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