GFP Newsletter - 12/18/2015

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The Fruit of Heaven - what does it mean? If you have heard it from somebody it simply means "fruit of heaven". Then you start thinking of some fruit. It is not a fruit, it is fruitfulness. The fruit only represents a state of fruitfulness. The fruit represents three F's: one is fruitfulness, another is flowering, another is fragrance. And when all these three F's exist together - the fruit, the flower, and the fragrance - the fourth F comes into existence. That is fulfillment. That is the real goal.

Now if you try to decipher, to decode the symbol of the Fruit of Heaven, how are you going to work, how will you decode it? The Christian will think it means Kingdom of God, and the Brahmin will think it means God-realization, and the Jaina will think it means freedom of the self, and the Buddhist will think it means freedom from the self. Again you have fallen into the trap of the herd.

Be a little more intelligent. Be a little more trusting of your own being. Decode these beautiful metaphors on your own; meditate on them.



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