GFP Newsletter - 12/5/2015

will's picture

Egoistical pride is never love for oneself. Egoistical pride is just the opposite.

The person who has not been able to love himself becomes egoistic. Egoistical pride is what psychoanalysts call the narcissistic pattern of life, narcissism.

You must have heard the parable of Narcissus: he had fallen in love with himself. Looking into a silent pool of water, he fell in love with his own reflection.

Now see the difference: the man who loves himself does not love his reflection, he simply loves himself. No mirror is needed; he knows himself from inwards. Don't you know yourself, that you are? Do you need a proof that you are? Do you need a mirror to prove that you exist? If there were no mirror, would you become suspicious of your existence?



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  7. How To Learn To Love Your Body: Forget Societal Standards - Collective Evolution
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  8. Daily Message ~ Saturday December 5, 2015 - Trinity Esoterics
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  9. I Love You More…… - The Creator Writings
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  10. Watch How People React To Being Called Beautiful - Collective Evolution
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