There is no goal of life, for the simple reason that life is its own goal. The goal is intrinsic, not something outside; not there, far away, but herenow, in this very moment.
The very idea of goal is future-oriented.
The moment you start living for a goal you stop living in the present, in the immediate. The goal becomes more important. Tomorrow becomes more important, and you have to sacrifice today for tomorrow; and the trouble is, tomorrow never comes, has never come, is not going to come ever.
But you go on sacrificing your today - which is your only treasure, which is all that you have got.
You risk that which you have for that which is only a mind desire.
But the society, culture, civilization, religions - they have all conditioned the mind of human beings to live for ideals, goals, to go on sacrificing the real for some imaginary paradise, future life, eternity, God. All these names mean only one thing: Don't live now.
All the cultures and all the civilizations and all the religions are against the "now" - and now is the only reality.
- THE ARMIES OF LOVE - Galactic Free Press Original
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