~ October intensity~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We are Just In the 4thday of October and already the Inensity of this Months Energies are Full Speed Ahead. Energy is On the Move for Manifestation~ There are No Seatbelts. We will have More about these Energies in our Next Update. We Love You and We are With You all the way. We are heading into the Unknown Completley.... and We are All Co Creators. Together we are manifesting the New Earth=Heart. Just Choose Love, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Eyes Closed to Eyes Open


  My Gift is words and I will not be denied. Just a mantra I have to do before I write and it will not always be the same. Hello, my name is Darryl Gene Hufstedler. Yes I'm a real person. Look it up.  The title is my journey. Will you travel with me? All inquiries are welcome. I will do the best I can. You will have to dig deeper for my galactic name because i don't even know it...just kidding. No really what is it? I have been on this trip for awhile and have been on what i felt was the right path only to discover that I have been running into the wall of un-enlightenment. Believe me there are alot of paths that lead NOWHERE. I like to use "proper english" what a joke. THE TRUE LANGUAGE IS LOVE. Wow, myself in battle with MYSELF. When was the last time you questioned your own thinking? Isn't it about time you did? No I'm fine. I have been an observer and realized that my place is more. What do I do? AHHHH. My eyes are crusty and dry from the tears I've shed for the life I've wasted. Is it really wasted or a life experienced? Who knows? I know because I've lived it. I am setting this up as a human story. So please connect and expand on this GRAND DESIGN. Has anyone done that game where you improvise a story from where the other person left off and so on? I was not meaning to sound so negative, just starting a story.   



           Love to all.





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 October 2, 2012                    www.eraofpeace.org



            In the United States of America we are in the midst of a Presidential election that is modeling to the world the antithesis of our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love. The candidates at national, state, and local levels have spent billions of dollars to have the media bombard us 24-hours a day with every conceivable negative thoughtform about their opponent. Even though we know

better, it is very easy to get pulled into the polarizing fracas, thus, we

become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.


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Emmanuel Dagher: Monthly Energy Forecast ~ October 2012 “It’s Like Giving Birth!”


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“It’s Like Giving Birth!”

Blessings my friend,


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Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Love is Your True Test of Reality


  Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 3, 2012


Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:

Hello, Dear Ones, our brave Lightworkers that you are. We come before you today to speak of Faith. Faith is an elusive term at times and at best.

We beseech you not to waiver in your faith, your faith in what is to come, of what is happening in your lives right now. For, dear ones, it all depends upon your Faith.

Faith for some right now is being put to the test, for what appears to be reality is not always what you had hoped for. We are here to tell you that now is the time to look beyond what is seemingly your reality, beyond what you are hearing and seeing and experiencing with your five senses.

Dear Ones, we are trying here to tell you that you have gone beyond that. Step out of that reality that you are seeing and hearing and experiencing with your five senses and venture into that arena of Faith where you don’t need proof in the old sense, with what you can prove with the old “scientific method”.


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I want to tell you a story about a lifetime lived in the middle ages. There was a boy who was terribly abused and neglected by his parents. He knew nothing but bitterness and hatred. He was surrounded by unhappy, mean and cruel people.


He found the church, and found that he responded well to the structure and the dogma which contained the people within the faith. He learned, grew, and took on more and more responsibility, more and more power, in his church.


A novitiate came to him. The priest chose this novitiate to work out some of his pain. The priest felt there were demons everywhere, and did not understand that the demons were projections of his own pain. He took an interest in this novitiate, but soon enough, found that mentally torturing this novitiate was far more satisfying than teaching, explaining or giving anything to him.


The priest drove the novitiate mad. Messed with his reality to the point of madness. The novitiate became so tortured, so insane, that he killed himself.


After that, the priest felt pride. He understood that things changed with his flock after that. He no longer had anyone's respect. But he had their fear. He had their disgust. He had their obedience. And it was WONDEFUL.



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Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging


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Tazjima: A Message from the Great Divine Director



Good morning! I AM the Great Divine Director. I have dropped by to inform this scribe of my intention to utilize her services as a messenger, with her permission, of course.

Events move swiftly. The floodgates are about to open, as humanity suddenly awakens. This is an event unprecedented in the history of this planet and indeed, the Universe. There have been mass ascension events involving small communities but never before on a planetary scale. As has been relayed by other scribes, this event has been long planned and meticulously designed to finally bring this planet, once again, into the Light. Make no mistake; you are about to witness miracles in the days and months ahead as the former “sheeple” are about to wake up from their seemingly endless sleep. As a consequence of these developments soon to take place; it will be up to the wayshowers to step forth into the limelight and to actively begin to take up your various assignments.


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The Pleiadian High Council: We Revel at the Strides you are Making


-through Wes Annac-


As you find yourselves reaching the strides that your move through physicality is seeing you reach, you are finding that the etheric aspects of higher dimensional consciousness are beginning to merge with your physical and conscious perspective.

Whereas before many of you had awaited your dreamtime experience for the most metaphysical of interactions to occur before you, you are finding now that your physical Lives are becoming ripe with the higher dimensions as they become more prevalent on your world. With the dates that you dear souls have reached along your ever-important Cosmic Calendar, the energy delivering your ascension to you is being seen to but we must stress that it is your job to integrate and absorb this energy unto and within yourselves, dear souls.

It is your job to absorb the energy you are being given and to work through the still-prevalent patterns of ego in yourselves that can tend to inhibit the higher dimensional soul growth of any soul who still employs them.


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Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Truth Of Yourself



Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Truth Of Yourself – 4 October 2012

God said:

You appear in cycles of yourself. You recycle yourself. You are like paper you fold and refold, reformatting yourself.

You don’t quite yet know what it is to breathe. You have been holding your breath. You have been trying to be more of what you are not rather than what you are. What you truly are is beautiful. You cannot be something else, and yet you keep trying to be other than you. I am talking about many levels. You keep kidding yourself. You are not more of a person or a younger person because you dye your hair. It’s fine to change your hair color. It is better not to give attributes to hair dye that it cannot have. It, like you, can only have an illusion of being something else. What a market there is for this illusion.


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The Art of Giving



Pubblicato in data 03/ott/2012 da jordanduchnycz

Happy living lifestyle tip for the day! Give to yourself, Create for yourself, and Give to others! If you divy up your time in this way, you can create some beautiful shifts in your reality. If you do it enough, you can inspire those around you to do it as well. What if everyone just gave simply because they knew it would be inspiring and bringing others up? That would be awesome! I want to help create that, and this is how i know how to do it.

Do not neglect yourself ~ most importantly ~ and don't become a slave to the system.

If you are curious as to why i said working at mcdonalds is death, watch Food Inc or something like that. They're all run by the same people, it's a little intense. I love them and allow them, and would like to create something different. 

Power in numbers! We are one! Chop Chop, time to change the world! :)


Thanks Ellion



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Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council (Now Working With The Earth Council) ~


Greetings, I am Mira. I salute you from the Earth Council and from all of us who have your welfare at heart. We have a 100% of our focus on you. What is occurring on the Earth right now is monumental. Whether it is your oceans, the core of the Earth, your ecosystems, weather, drought, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, all are contributing to the realignment and balancing of the Earth’s energies.

Some of these energies are impacting your personal lives in the form of relationships, finances and personal transformation. It adds up to change in the grandest sense. Many are having trouble adjusting and adapting to these major forces. The currents run strong across the planet. Everyone feels it in one way or the other. It is not making for business as usual.

You have political upheaval and economic upheaval in some pivotal places. Bear in mind this is contributing to the making of a new way of being on the Earth. As sad as it can be to see the old slip away it is important to remember to welcome the new into your hearts. How do you know that it won’t be better? It could be a lot better.


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Thought this was really an eye opener for those who continue to put down marijuana..It's been used as a Divine connector for millenia..Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love..Puff, puff..pass... LOL :)


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Meeting With A Seraphim

Today I had mediumship with something new: Seraphim. They are closer to God than I think angels. The one I saw was golden, like a lion with a bird face, and had giant Egyptian-looking wings. I was taken aback by its Glory, so it changed form to something more accepting to me: the little jeweler from MIB. We spoke. I had many questions, and it spoke hardly at all, with the most succinct answers. 'I am asking a lot of questions, huh?' I said, a little embarrassed. It popped back into its proper form, and I sat on its lap. I felt supported, embraced by the wings and arms, it felt solid, and was warm just like I am. It had expressive eyes and was quite gentle. 'Can I have a feather?' I asked with my most wondrously excited smile. It reached up and plucked one, as I reached out to touch it, He placed the feather somehow inside my heart center. It felt quite warm and content. Then He had to go. Tonight He came back. I took notes. S: we don't use words.

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Dragonling Garden.. Releasing the Karma of old wounds


So yesterday I went to see an energy healer in the hopes they would be able to assist me in moving on (what felt like) a stagnant energy that I'd been having trouble with for a while... What I got though was a whole other level...


Like any good healer we sat and chatted for a little bit, we talked about what I had worked through myself and been able to shift and the difficulties I'd been having trying to get this "thing" to release and move on. After about 20mins of chatting (and playing with some amazing Chinese gongs for a little bit of sound healing) we got down to the nitty gritty..


As we began the process the healer called upon the guardians of light and his soul group to assist in the process that was about to occur. He told me that usually his group will show up to him as Dr's or Lawyers (if there is negotiation to be done) Today, he said they have shown up with Ouzie's and Machine Guns AKA Rambo style ready to do battle... Great, I thought... Just what I wanted to hear... Not!!


Turns out this "thing" was karmic, and dated back well thousands of years off planet, back to a time when I had gone into league with the powers that were.. Seems (surprise surprise) I was duped!! I had gotten involved with a group of "scientists" who were playing around splicing different species dna together... Now, what the purpose of this was i still don't know, and quite frankly don't really care... BUT, I had spliced my soul with that of a dragon in an attempt to garnish the dragon power... Sigh, the things we do!! I had taken a dragon egg from the kingdom of the dragon's to use as a power source, only I had handed this power over to the dark one's and they in turn had used it to control me. I can't tell you how the tears flowed as I was able to return the power source back to the dragon's and watch as the dark one shadowing me was left with no defenses and nowhere to go... Except to the light



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10.3.12 The Physics of Transformation


10/3/12  A “Hit of the Day” from Judith and the celestial team

From Judith—As a human, my experience of navigating through the intense and often volatile currents of  transformational energies we’ve been in this year is beyond any I have ever known before! Sometimes, it’s as if I’m traveling blind, through processes that my brain cannot concreive of, and I literally have to feel my way through.  The advantage is that it has forced me to rely on feeling rather than thinking–on discernment and discovery rather than categorizing and labeling–because there are no “boxes” to put what I  experiemce in, anyway!

Another advantage is that, when a shift in the energies set a whole new experiential process in motion,  I’ve  begun to get  little, revelatory “hits” about  what’s going on at an energetic level  By “hits” I mean sudden rushes of insight that don’t come from any cognitive processing (that would be “inconceivable,”  anyway!). The hits are simply an “inner knowing” that is suddenly there, all at once and fully formed, in the area of my heart center.


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Interesting Night


I had an interesting night last night. I have been going to sleep with a meditation on you tube. I had problems sleeping due to the energy but sometime in the night the youtube started talking with the same voice saying they were spirit and I would regain my abilities and was part of God, etc. Everything that I have learned. I woke up enough to know it wasn't my imagination or a dream. I went to the ladies room and came back and it was music. The video continued to play but I didn't stay awake long enough to hear the whole video (hour long) last night but it kept replaying then. It sure felt like an angel speaking to me. Has anyone had a Youtube replay automatically?


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Archangel Indriel. ~ Remain Centered In Your Heart. ~ By, Bella Capozzi



 October 3, 2012.

Dearest Children of the Light, I am Indriel, beloved compatriot and guiding presence.  You are so loved,  and it is of this I choose to remind you.  I seek this fine day to commend you on the work you have done thus far.  I know you have not had an easy go of it, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Yet here you are still.  You continue, onward and upwards.  There have been innumerable stumbling-blocks along the way, yet never have you once allowed yourself to be dissuaded.  You sometimes falter and there are times you question both yourself and your mission.  Of course you do!  It is quite natural, and it is just as natural for you to quickly recover yourselves and soldier on.  No matter how rough the journey has been and regardless of the depth of challenge that awaits you in the days to come-know that it is not in you to quit.  You are the forerunners of a brand new society, a brand new race in a sparkling new land.   You are leading the way for the occupants of that new society to evolve and find their way home.  Most amazingly, you operate without open access to your true abilities and tools, and are blazing that trail without the benefit of maps or clearcut directions.  Do you understand now how perfectly magnificent you are?


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Are UfO's Real? Thats a No Brainer


I come from a long line of USAF enlisted members.  My grandfather served in the USAF and went on to get a degree in engineering and acepted an engineering position at Headquarters USAF, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton Ohio in 1956 and remained there until his retirement.. I served 6 years as an enlisted member of the USAF in the Strategic Air Command and alo later worked as a civilian employee at HQ Dept of the USAF, Wright Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio. Post Vietnam ERA. I held a top Secret Security Clearance. During my service career I worked around AWACS saucer dome battle manaagement aircraft years before the general public even got to see one.  I also had the opportunity to observe the  SR-71 Blackbird spy plane the  USAF designed and built the in the 50's and claimed it was the fastest thing smoking on the planet for 40 years. What do you think they were doing for fourty years sleeping on thier desk.  They also built the same rockets used in space programs at NASA even today back in the 50's. The USAF since the 50's have developed and rolled out many generations of weapons delivery and armament systems but have not shown the public the same pace in aircraft development, i.e. new weapons on old planes.

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The transmutation and “cleansing” phase of the lower and mid astral plane / 4th density is under way


                     RED GALACTIC EARTH  

 3 October 2012

By Red Galactic Earth

Over the last few weeks and days, it has come to my understanding through direct experience that the beings on the astral plane are resolving any karma and any old psychological wounds, just as we have been and are still doing.

The astral plane is the place we go to after our physical body dies and the holographic image or “ghost*” of our being goes to, in order to solve any unresolved issues collected in that life time and sometimes previous life times too.

There are various levels or ‘bandwidths’ of the astral density and I believe that just as the higher vibrational light is entering the physical world , so too does it enter through the astral.


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Cooties 101: What Every Healer Should Know

Okay, I was going to title this: Infectious Disease 101 for Energy Healers, but who would have wanted to click on that? In doing my research for another article, I noted that a significant amount of Reiki is done in hospitals by volunteers working on cancer patients. Most of the bigger programs have Reiki practitioners who are 'official volunteer status', which means, there is documentation to prove that 'they have had their shots' and that they understand basic infectious disease control precautions. I thought about it over the past few days. You know, in my Reiki classes when I trained, we never even washed our hands! Did you know in the O.R. we have three classes of cases? Clean, clean-contaminated, and dirty, depending on the part of the body we are planning to work. In the event of someone with something that may be contagious to a following patient, the entire room undergoes a 'terminal clean'. We are hyper vigilant about infection, for a good reason. (The most infectious disease is the prion, the cause of Creuzfelt-Jakob and Mad-cow disease spongiform encephalitis. After a brain biopsy, we dispose of all instruments used on the case.) So I thought, you know, there are some well-meaning Light Workers out there, who may or may not have physical contact with their clients, and they ought to know the basis on this infectious disease stuff so they can make their own decisions with this information. Basically, there are three topics to discuss: 1) Things that are catchy to you and to your other clients 2) How to keep yourself and others from spreading anything infectious 3) Things you can carry to someone with a weakened immune system, and possibly kill them Here are some things that are 'catchy' between people: PARASITES: 1. lice http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001843/ If links don't work here is another link to those that will: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/09/hey-healer-cooties-and-you.html 2.

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Here I am, in assisted living, and trying to be a “little bright spot” for my companions. And OH! How they are rewarding me, just for smiling!

A group of use went out to see the Harvest Moon. We all felt so good, and my camera-ready friend took pictures.


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Re-membering Our Limbs



Ascension resulted when Re-membered were the limbs. Re-membered as they once were in the wholeness of presence.


Our spiritual limbs became disconnected as disorganization fell onto the floor so to speak of our once great Body. For long now we have gone without, desperately seeking what will bring us back to the ecstatic state. Thus we moved to the surface world to one day find our lost inner voice to re-engage our magic. The Surf if ripe and the board no longer needed as we have Re-membered our way back to ripeness in order to mutate into the Surf of brilliance.


We all have recalled at some point what wholeness feels like, even those who are not Star seeded can honestly admit they have a yearning for what brings them higher in emotionality.


We are in essence bringing in the Re-membering of limbs to our surface world so that at some point We as a collective can have complete clearance to the inner sanctum we came from. This is initiated by each of us and then brought together from within to without. But it shows up within first.


Bringing in the Light requires only Re-membering that you are the Light. Bring in your central force by opening your arms, speaking your peace, adjusting your microphone so that all can hear what it is that you’re perfect heart muscle has to say.


The disconnection of emotion coming together is the result of growing awareness that brings the unseen into focus showing up as presence. A sort of smoothness enters the room from which confusion then charms into elevated acceptance of what is here and now.



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The Golden Age Daily ~ Merging The Joy Of Activity With The Peace Of Stillness



October 3, 2012



The Golden Age Daily
As the days of this incredible and transformative year pass, we are discovering more and more of that which brings us joy in our daily activities. Talents, skills, ideas long hidden or boxed up are arriving to be implemented as useful, manifesting tools. In addition to this invigorating flux of Divine Creativity, we are finding increasing peace within. Even just a short meditation expands into an infinite moment of stillness in the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being of Source.  We have done immense and commendable work on cleansing and releasing all that which has been hampering our connection to Spirit, and support from all levels and layers of the Spiritual Realms are flowing in at an all-time high! Can you feel the excitement?! It’s familiar to the feeling of graduating high school and stepping into the next level of experience, be it acquiring more advanced knowledge in a specific field of interest or going out into the world and being of service in ways that fulfill ourselves and those with whom we share this beautiful sphere.


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Mildred Ryder ~ The Peace Pilgrim


Mildred Ryder ~ The Peace Pilgrim


Mildred Norman Ryder, AKA Peace Pilgrim
July 18, 1908-July 7, 1981
Spiritual Teacher, Non Violence Advocate, Peace Prophet Thank You to Michael Hopkins

We must walk according to the highest light we have, encountering lovingly those who are out of harmony, and trying to inspire them to a better way.  Whenever you bring harmony into any unpeaceful situation, you contribute to the cause of peace. When you do something for world peace, peace among groups, peace among individuals, or your own inner peace, you improve the total peace picture.  No action is fruitless.

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2012 Galactic Alignment: Doomsday or the Dawn of a Golden Age?



2012 Galactic Alignment: Doomsday or the Dawn of a Golden Age?

“We shall not cease from exploring, and at the end of our exploration we will return to where we started and know the place for the first time."

T. S. Elliot, Little Gidding V

The spectrum of scenarios expressed about December 21, 2012 ranges from apocalyptic “end of the world” rhetoric to the promise of a golden age or a mass ascension of humanity to a higher state of consciousness. Famous prophets and prophecies such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the Hopi Blue Star, South African Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, and certain interpretations of the Bible, to name a few, are often cited as evidence for major events in this timeframe.


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Spectacular Ships Dock and Decloak Over Mt. Rainier on an Early Autumn Day


Part 2: Mt. Rainier Ship Photos

by Scott Mowry


I had an inkling something extraordinary was in the air. I just felt it. I had been expecting them to show up for quite some time now. And apparently, this was to be the day.

I wasn't doing anything special on this day. Just driving from the grocery store on my way home at around 5:30 PM on a late Friday afternoon, September 28, 2012.

But as I took the left turn heading down the street where I live, I caught a glimpse of a positively magnificent scene unfolding in front of me. There it was –– big as life.

That's how the mountain hits you. At least, that's always how it hits me. No matter how many times I have seen it before, Mount Rainier never fails to fill me with awe due to its utterly mammoth size. It literally towers over everything in the Pacific Northwest area like some sort of monolithic giant bursting through the ground to rule over all its territory. It is something to see.


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Mega-Banks Plan to Steal Your Money -- Iran Will be Blamed


Source: HumansAreFree.com, 10/2/12

After the US banks allegedly received a warning to prepare for total collapse, and all legal bank deposit protections have been pulled off, I've stumbled across more bad news.

According to Susanne Posel (Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism), the mega-banks are planning to steal our money, collapse the US dollar, and blame everything on Iran.


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Light Language Transmission October 2012


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A "Spark" off The ol' Block



The Presidential war, I mean debates were typical as ever, but that’s due to the original design of them. Democrat vs Republican. I think Romney looks great for 65, and they both seem sincere in wanting to assist us. This is not about who takes office. This showed me quite clearly that we are in over our heads at the mercy of those that have been titled the elite, cabal, illuminate and the black hats among some titles. If we don’t have “Legions of Angles, (ETs) that are wiser and more advance as in love over war type scenarios, then we are in for some turbulence that we by ourselves have proven over and over for thousands of years that we stand little to no chance in resolve one more time again. Unless.


We need unity now as always, but now is a different now than the now we were in as the group Soul that we are. This now is about 70 days away from 12/12/2012, which is the beginning of the end of the 12/21/2012 cycle, which is a cycle, within a cycle, within a cycle, etc.


Did you know of this? For the sake of space and time, without elaborating the details here I will give the jest of it. It’s the end of the year cycle, within a few days, this just a yearly cycle, but it’s also the end of several cycles within one another. Every 3,600 years a planet called planet X or Nibiru swings by for a bit, Dec, 2012 is that time, then the Mayan cycle of every 5,125 is up then, then 13,000 years of the Atlantis and Lemuria cycle, then 26,000 years going into and then through the Photon Belt and this within a two point some million year cycle and one that is 4 ½ billion years somewhat close to the age of Gaia, (Mother Earth) and even one that is somewhere at 14, 16 or 19 billion years depending on the researchers accuracy of these? The point is the intensity of cycles within cycles.



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awareness forword



Tony de Mellon an occasion among friends was asked to say a few words about the nature of his work. He stood up, told a story which he repeated later in conferences, and which you will recognize from his book song of the Bird. To My astonishment, he said this story applied to me.



A man found an eagle’s egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard  hen. The englet hatched  with the brood of chicky and up with them.

All his life the eaglet did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyaryd chicken. He scratched the eaerth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would  thrash his wings and fly a few  feet into the air.

Years passed  and the  eagle grew  very old.

One day he saw a magnicifent biad  above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty  among the powerfull wind currents, with  scarcely a beat of  its strong golden wings.

The old eagle, looked up in awe. “who’s that ?” he  asked.

“That old  eagle the king  of  the birds, ”said  his neighbor. “He belongs  to the sky. We belong to  the earth-we’re chickens. ”So the eagle tolived and died a chicken, for  that’s what  he thought he  was.

Astonished? At  first  I felt  downright  insulted! Was he publicly like ning me to  a  barnyard chicken? In  a sense, yes, and also, no. Insulting? Never. That wasn’t  Tony’s way.

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The Oracle Report ~ Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Enlightenment,


 October 4, 2012

First let me begin by saying thank you to everyone who sent warm wishes, energy, and messages about my grandmother’s passing.  I was overwhelmed by the outpouring and buoyed by the love.  There is no way I can reply to everyone, so please know that your thoughts were well received!  I am truly blessed.


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The Alchemist and the Liquid Energy of Creation Taking Form.




I was watching a show the other day, Fringe, and there is an eccentric scientist on the show and he said something that slammed into my heart so hard tears fell from my eyes with recognition.  As he was working on some experiment to help solve a case, with so much passion and excitement he said “This is what I was born to do.”   Man the explosion inside of me really took me by surprise.  And in truth, I cannot even tell you what I do, but I did have to wonder about it.  There are a million psychic out there, so it can’t just be readings… and really, beyond readings, it doesn’t feel like I am doing very much.

Yesterday, however, was like an avalanche of information FINALLY being released to us.  I also realized when we get information, constant, usable/applicable information, there is actually weight to it.  I’ll explain that one in a moment.


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2MIN News October 4, 2012


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By Angelicview ~Spirit: That’s Why the Starseeds are Here


The title says it all, right? I don’t even have to write an article. What? I do? Okay. ;)

I spent a long time this evening reviewing some of the prophecies. I received a nice, long one from my friend, Silent Winds of Change. Many of these prophecies from long ago speak of catastrophic situations here on Earth. Even the ones from my trusted NDE’s speak of these catastrophes, after which follows a “Golden Age”.

Now, just to get this part clear, I do not fear catastrophes. If the Earthquakes need to come and the Volcanoes need to explode and the Asteroids need to hit Earth to usher in this Golden Age, then let it be.

And I do not fear death. In fact, I welcome it when it is my Time to go.

So I was sitting here at my computer finishing up some late-night reading and video-viewing when I got a strong “urge” to take the dog for a walk. It was after 2a.m. – nearly 2:30! But I know I’m going to receive a message from Spirit when I suddenly need to take a walk. And so I put the dog on her leash and out the door we went.



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Courtland ~ Portal Processions ~



Brightest LOVE Blessings!


As the portals open ~ we are all being squeezed through such tiny spaces ~ like a vice grip tightening the space ~ the energies are forcing us to become precisely aware of our surroundings ~ ~ ~ of our Present Moments ~ and if you are in spaces that are not within those empowered Moments of NOW … you are most definitely FEELING this “vibrational vacuum” ~ like being sucked through the neck of a bottle ~ those remnants of old are finding every which way to flee your BEingness ~

WHY?  Because your frequency field … can no longer sustain their presence within your SOULspace!!  While it may sound pretty simple … many Lightworkers are feeling this on practically EVERY level … and this is due to the opening of the Portals … for you CANNOT take with YOU that of the LOWER vibrational energies … there is NOTHING to sustain their presence in the Higher realms! 


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Your Beacon of Light in a World of Darkness – Beyond the Clouds



Your Beacon of Light in a World of Darkness – Beyond the Clouds

4th October 2012

By Trinity Bourne

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

With so much suffering and pain in the world how easy it is to forget that there is a light within our hearts that permeates through all things!

We may become clouded, yet the light always shines if we search a little deeper. It never goes away. Sometimes all that is required is a shift in perception. This world we live in may be configured to pull us from a state of pure presence, but remember, we have a choice. In every moment we can remember that pain and sadness are an invitation to realign with the boundless, liberated beings that we truly are…



Touching a space of true Love!

“Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing:
the last of human freedoms to choose
one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances,
to choose one’s own way. “

    Viktor Frankl


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Recently Updated Mass Arrest List Hits #180 ~ Bankers and Brokers and Inside Traders Arrested, Oh My!


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are Posting this With the Highest Love! Love The Earth Allies



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Former Credit Suisse banker Kareem Serageldin arrested in London on fraud charges


GlobalPost.com - 9/26/12

Former Credit Suisse banker Kareem Serageldin has been arrested in London. He's wanted in the United States on fraud charges.

An ex-Credit Suisse banker wanted in the United States on fraud charges has been arrested in London, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Kareem Serageldin, the former head of the Swiss bank’s Structured Credit Trading business, has been accused of manipulating the value of certain mortgage securities during the global financial crisis to boost his bonus, according to the Financial Times.

To read the rest of this story, visit GlobalPost.com.


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Knowing Your Worth ~ 4 October 2012


We anchor another layer of Galactic Free Space, our holographic universal nature of Being.  From the July purge came the August surge of personal responsibility and manifestation.  As we released pain, fear, separation, etc., and as we integrated the potent Light infusions, we came to a new level of potential.  The month of nine completed the reunion, and in this month of 10 we fully integrate the new level of Being. 
This is the Ascension, an internal increase in your vibratory rate, such that at the faster vibrations, you become less dense form and more subtle availability, abel [sic] to create in new ways.  The typos often inform, just as if you study language, it will always inform.  Why is the month of sept (7)-ember the ninth month?  When they changed the calendar, why didn’t they change the names to match?  They did it with July – Julianly renamed!  It is because the information is still relevant and necessary, or they would have.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Guidance Learn to trust yourself



Thursday, October 4, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Guidance

Learn to trust yourself


Take the time to develop a symbiotic relationship with your higher self, and your entourage of light beings as they want nothing more than to assist you on your path. Take the time to quiet yourself and go within, either when you are talking a walk in the garden, or nature, in meditation or even in a wonderful luxurious bath filled with salts and scents to help you feel your connection to all that is. In those moments, ask your questions and be open to receive the answers that you seek.

Chat Sessions Hosted By Eric


Crystal Clarity Consciousness

Galactic Council Member Eric has started regular chat sessions called Crystal Clarity Consciousness.

These chat sessions are an outlet for people to share how and what they are experiencing and for those just awakening to help guide them with some of what they may be going through. ALL are welcome.


Crystal Clarity Consciousness will be every Tuesday and Thursday in our regular chat room (CLICK HERE FOR CHAT ROOM) from 9:30 - 11:30 am eastern time. This is 6:30 - 8:30 am pacific time.


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The Best Traits of Effective Writing



For ordinary readers, how can you tell if a writing is good or not? If you want to critique a writing, these are the traits you should look for.


Topic and Ideas

The first thing readers look for is the topic of the story. If they find interest with it, they will read it. A good topic is not always interesting. A good topic always has a purpose. While the ideas about it should be clear and should only focus on the topic being discussed.



A good writing is organized. It has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion. The organization aim is to make the readers follow the story properly.



A writing has a voice that fits the topic. A good writing is able to reveal the true voice of the author.


Word Choice and Fluency

This means making the words and sentences logically connected that flow smoothly and clearly.


Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

Of course a good writing follows the basic rules. A good writing has words and sentences that are spelled correctly and grammatically right. It also uses the proper punctuations depending on sentence and word usage.


For sample good writings, check this, essays on leadership http://www.essayscapital.com/blog/essays_on_leadership/.


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Vatican butler alleges harsh conditions after arrest


Reuters.com - 10/2/12
By Philip Pullella and Naomi O'Leary

(Reuters) - Pope Benedict's former butler, on trial for stealing papal documents, told a Vatican court on Tuesday that during the first weeks of his detention he was held in an isolation room so small he couldn't stretch out his arms and with light on constantly.

Pope Benedict's former butler Paolo Gabriele (R), accused of stealing and leaking the pontiff's personal papers, sits at the start of his trial at the Vatican Sept. 29, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Osservatore Romano

Paolo Gabriele said that during those weeks he had suffered damage to his eyesight and had felt under psychological pressure. On the first night in the room in the Vatican's police station, "even a pillow was denied me", he said.


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Meditation -- spiritual or not -- calms storm-tossed lives


Oregon Live - Nancy Haught9/26/12

Someone you know meditates. Almost four out of 10 adults do, according to a recent Pew survey. They say it helps them cope with anxiety, pain, depression, stress and insomnia. Meditation improves their ability to think clearly, focus their attention and face difficult situations with greater peace and calm.

For some, meditation is a spiritual practice. It's part of almost every religious tradition. But for a growing number of Americans, meditation is not a matter of faith as much as it's a fact of life.

To read the rest of this story, visit OregonLive.com.


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Lucas - Whirlwinds Of Change - The Month Of Change - 4 October 2012


I completely can not get why people do not see all the changes happening in the now. We see timelines implode, people jumping from one timeline to an other just by making different choices and having an other focus, we see the opposites played out hard and all that is not of the new paradigm will be exposed and revealed.  It is all happening now.



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Quadriplegic Since High School, Now a Successful Painter Who Inspires Others


Source: GoodNewsNetwork, 9/27/12

Robert Thome's dream of becoming a professional athlete was shattered when he broke his neck during a high school football game. As a 15-year-old quadriplegic, he thought his life was over until in rehabilitation he learned how to use his mouth to actively pursue his second-favorite subject, art.

Without the use of his hands, Robert began painting with his mouth. At age 30, he became a member of a global for-profit company that allows him to live independently with a thriving career as an artist.


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Volcanic activity world-wide 4 October 2012


Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com - By T, 10/4/12

Kilauea volcano sat by (C) NASA.



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Fla. Gov. Says State Needs More Water from Ga.


Weather.com - Gary Fineout, 10/4/12

As many as 2,500 jobs in Franklin County are under immediate risk if the oyster industry can't get more fresh water into Apalachicola Bay. (Flickr Photo/Ryan Marshall)

EASTPOINT, Fla. -- Florida's oyster industry appears near collapse and needs help to survive, including getting more fresh water into Apalachicola Bay from Georgia, Gov. Rick Scott said Wednesday in pledging to try to help.

Scott said the crisis affecting the Gulf Coast shows that federal officials need to adjust how much water is flowing downstream, a dispute that has triggered years of lawsuits among Florida, Georgia and Alabama. Oysters require a mix of fresh and salt water to survive. Drought is contributing to the problem according to state agriculture officials.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Study finds Southern Hemisphere becoming drier


Phys.org, 10/3/12

A decline in April-May rainfall over south-east Australia is associated with a southward expansion of the subtropical dry-zone according to research published today in Scientific Reports, a primary research journal from the publishers of Nature.

CSIRO scientists Wenju Cai, Tim Cowan and Marcus Thatcher explored why autumn rainfall has been in decline across south-eastern Australia since the 1970s, a period that included the devastating Millennium drought from 1997-2009.
Previous research into what has been driving the decline in autumn rainfall across regions like southern Australia has pointed the finger at a southward shift in the storm tracks and weather systems during the late 20th century. However, the extent to which these regional rainfall reductions are attributable to the poleward expansion of the subtropical dry-zone has not been clarified before now.

To read the rest of this story, visit Phys.org.


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The Divine Balance October 2012 Newsletter


By Joe  Weaver



A wave of Light has been growing. Some people have been riding the wave while some have been trying to run away from it. The wave is one with All That Is and it is who we are. How could we possibly separate ourself from another part of our own Self? The wave is awakening the parts of our Self that have been dormant for a long time. All who wish to wake up are waking up and becoming more whole and growing with the wave. When the remembrance of Self and the truth of All One are embraced things come more into balance. All is a collective Being of individual elements and personalities that make up the collective consciousness of All One.


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~ A Baby's Foot~



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Venus in Virgo: A Star at Last



by Star Sister

One of the signature experiences of our times is the sense of living through simultaneously occurring energetic shifts, over and over. You know the feeling. Everything’s moving, and everything’s fast–and everything’s changing. We don’t always know what’s happening, but more and more of us are sensing that, on at almost every moment, something big is going on.

The truth is, many big things are going on. Small but profound energetic shifts that happen almost daily. They include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars into and out of signs. All of them are nested inside much larger shifts that happen only once or twice a century or so. The Uranus-Pluto square, Neptune’s entrance into his own sign of Pisces, and Venus’ passage across the Sun are examples. Even these are nested inside even larger shifts, that only occur once in every 2,000 years or so and are happening in our lifetimes. The passage from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius is one of these larger cosmic shifts


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CNN Insider: CNN is A Hoax


Thank You To Sineh~

CNN Insider: CNN is A Hoax Thanks
If you've been paying attention, you know that the American media act as presstitutes for rich and powerful Americans.

But it turns out that the American media will turn "tricks" for foreign johns as well ...

Specifically, three time Emmy award winning reporter Amber Lyon was until very recently a respected CNN reporter:

Lyon was fired from CNN after she refused to stop reporting on her first-hand experience of the systematic torture and murder of peaceful protesters by the government of Bahrain.

Lyon's special report on Bahrain was scheduled to run on both CNN's U.S. and international networks, but was pulled after only a limited showing due to pressure from the Bahrainis and their lobbyists.

At the same time that Lyon was risking her life to do on-the-ground reporting in Bahrain, another CNN journalist was filming a paid propaganda piece on how the Bahraini leaders are a bunch of friendly pro-democracy reformers.


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Our Initiation into October~ Wes Annac



These past few days have been absolutely amazing for me. I have reached a personal inner-shift point that is just unparalleled in the amount of positive effects it is having for me. I have reviewed every aspect of my Life and seen where I was holding myself back, and a simple shift of perspective really does change everything.

How often have we heard from our channeled sources that much of the transmutation-work we have set out for ourselves involves simply changing our perspective to a more Lighted one? They have meant it when they said this and I can see why.

The previous article that I wrote, ‘Infinite Horizon of Potential’ focused on the importance of turning within for our ascension rather than looking only outward toward various different channeled sources and truthseekers, but there is a deeper aspect behind the need for us to simply turn within. It is very easy to say that we need to turn within but it can be harder to do so than some may realize, and at first it was a bit harder than I realized as well.


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Shelly Dressel ~ A Message From The Goddess Of Creation ~ I AM that I AM and It’s Enough



Is there anything in your life that you have wanted for a long time and it just never seems to manifest? That is the focus of this channel. The Goddess took us into the All That Is as she usually does, and then created a space of perception. She invited us to consider something we’d like in our lives, looking at the creation or the desire as it is right now. So often there is something we’ve been seeking to have and it therefore becomes very detailed; as if we consider it, change it, enhance it, shift what we want, going on and on.

She then had us look at how long we’ve wanted whatever that may be. In doing so, it was interesting to see the energy of what people desired. For many, there was an energy consistent with what they wanted from past years into how it looked now. Then even in looking towards the future, still the same. So, the Goddess worked with us on changing the past. We did this by aligning with the emotions associated with what we were seeking. We could release whatever may have been stuck or kept us from being open to receive.


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Love or Fear – What Are You Afraid of?



Love or Fear – What Are You Afraid of?

17th May 2012

By Carmen Allgood

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

When we narrow it down to all the emotions we can experience, the good news is there are only two choices, which makes our decision-making process simple. There’s love, which is our deepest desire, and then there’s that thing we call fear, which we find intolerable. In the long run, love is really everything, and fear is truly nothing.

It’s as important to know how to become unbound as it is bound, and that old cliché, ‘turn and face the music,’ seems appropriate here because we always choose one experience at the expense of the other.

Until we can pinpoint the underlying cause of all fear, we’re going to struggle with the unrest it causes in our psyche, and diminish the awareness of our own perfect peace and joy, which are our natural inheritance.


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How Many Layers Does This Onion Have?


by Julie Trump, Achieving World Peace Now! Oct. 2, 2012


At the beginning of the second Iraq War in 2003, we put out a lawn sign that read, “Peace not War.” No sooner was it in the ground than a man in a pick-up truck driving through the village shouted, “You can’t have peace without war.” The bifurcation of his logic stunned me. Yet I knew he was speaking for a multitude.

If I had a chance, what could I say to change his mind? Nothing…at least not directly about the war. It would have been better to dialogue about the price of gas or how we need the rain. Something quotidian. Chances are that though we couldn’t agree on how peace is best achieved…by having an innocuous dialogue about an unrelated topic, we’d have more sympathy for the other’s point of view on peace no matter how divergent. Because one thing is fairly certain, ultimately the man in the pick-up and I both desire peace. In that, we are of One Mind.


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The 2012 Scenario: Connections by Suzi




Many have written in about dealing with delays and many others are contemplating how to cope with waiting.

I got an email from a young guy who’s in college and not feeling very passionate about his time in school. Solid dates are what he really wanted so he could make his plans on whether to start a business or tough it out in classes.

He admitted to being lazy about meditation and didn’t feel drawn to doing any kind of work at all, yet he still was wondering how to connect with his guides. In his estimation, nothing much has been happening.

His message made it clear to me that it’s easy to call oneself lazy and continue to be so, but we have no call to complain about how long it’s taking if we won’t participate ourselves.

A reader writes that as he takes in what SaLuSa and others speak about, it’s becoming obvious to him that there’s reason for the delays that have nothing to do with waiting for the “dark” to give up. Channeled messages have said previously that all deadlines have passed, and that the galactics can impose their will on those who refuse to stop the obstruction.


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Obstacle Illusions



Obstacle Illusions

3rd October 2012

By Carmen Allgood

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Everyone in the world is seeking truth, because our whole purpose in life is revealed through our experience with ‘what is.’ What is, is what is true. How could it be otherwise? To experience truth all we have to do is be willing to recognize and accept it for what it is. Belief is not required to know the truth, because beliefs are simply opinions, not facts, and are subject to a lot of variables.

Quite frankly, most of us can barely agree on anything. Beliefs are actually stumbling blocks towards truth and hinder our collective search. This, in turn, is due largely in part to the notion that most of us believe it is much more important to be right than happy, because we view being wrong as a defeat. If this is not the case, then to what can we attribute all the conflict in the world? For it is certain if there is an ultimate truth, it must be aware of itself, and we must be a part of it.


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