GFP Newsletter - 3/12/2014

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Surrender is just like love. That's why I say only lovers can become sannyasins -- because they know a little of how to surrender. Love is the first step towards the divine, surrender is the last. And two steps is the whole journey.

Practicing Eternal Balance - Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Our hearts are being expanded as we assume our greater roles in helping awaken the planet, and a lot of seekers are learning to remain balanced when stress seems to overwhelm them.

A lot of things can bring us down here on earth, but we don’t have to let them convince us that life can’t still be heavenly. Like I’ve said before, more beauty exists here than most people understand or give this planet credit for, and we only need to open up to it to begin noticing it.

Remaining balanced in the face of the usual stress will strengthen our resolve to handle difficult situations when they come our way, and as we practice our balance, we’ll increase our ability not to protrude from the center.

Being centered enables us to see life through a much more positive lens than ego-fueled disarray ever will. The heart space helps us stay centered so we can feel the divine energy we’re being given, and in doing so, it enables us to enjoy the reality around us in a greater way.


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Earth raises a plasma shield to battle solar storms - New Scientist


Earth can raise shields to protect itself against solar storms. For the first time, satellites and ground-based detectors have watched as the planet sends out a tendril of plasma to fight off blasts of charged solar matter. The discovery confirms a long-standing theory about Earth's magnetic surroundings and offers us a way to keep track of the planet's defences.

"It's changed our thinking about how the system operates," says Joe Borovsky at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the research. "Earth doesn't just sit there and take whatever the solar wind gives it, it can actually fight back."


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People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do



A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.


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Chemtrails Cause Harm, Even If You Don’t Believe they Exist


Are you aware of chemtrails? A controversial ‘conspiracy’ topic, chemtrails are chemical sprayings in the air that ultimately expose the population to toxic chemicals and heavy metals. And they are causing harm, even if you don’t think they exist.

A common phrase used for chemtrailing is aerosol spraying. Some claim the aerosol spraying is apart from the engines, and others claim it’s part of jet fuel. It could be both, but however the chemtrail is administered, the liquid used maintains heavy metal particulates as nanoparticles to keep them from clumping together.


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SO News March 12, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares

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DEAR FRIENDS- Everyone on Planet Earth is looking for love. Deep inside our bodies, hearts and spirits we all long for that passionate, powerful, thrilling, enlivening- and lasting- connection with a true mate of our soul.

For most of us this longing is yet to be fulfilled- and that includes those who are already in a relationship!

As a psychotherapist and spiritual guide, people often ask me questions about love, sex and relationships. And the ones they ask the most- the ultimate mysteries of joyful connectedness- are these.

How can I find my soul mate? How can my relationship stay sexually passionate and fulfilling over time? How can love last?

While each of us is different and unique, we are also all the same in a fundamental way. And so in replying to these ultimate questions I always tell people this: the key to finding your soulmate, and to making love and passion last, is to connect with, liberate, accept and truly love YOURSELF more and more every day.


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HS Message: The Importance of Active Co-Creation at this Time


Higher Self message by April Bender

First, let me clarify what I mean when I speak of co-creation, especially given the context of my last message concerning the utilization of your solar plexus chakra, or seat/throne of divine empowerment in order to travel within to various inner realms/dimensions, and how co-creation is a natural by-product or expression of such soulful adventures and integrations.


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Keep Shining! - The Creator Writings


GFP commentary: I know some people hate when we comment on other's posts and we try to do it as little as possible, but in this case there's something in this message that could set a person up for disappointment. When it says no harm will come to you, understand that no harm will come to your Soul, your True Self. As far as your physical body goes, you still may experience pain and trauma there.


Lovely one; you may have noticed the ‘darkness’ creeping in around the edges of your light. Do not be alarmed! It knows it’s time is coming to an end and will do anything it can to hold on to what life it has left. The Universe will let no harm come to you…..keep shining brightly! ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 12, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


"My Goddess" - Renee Oglesbee - site ©



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Kundalini Activation - or - WTF Is Happening To My Body?!?


We see this fairly often, a person goes through an intense spiritual or transcendent experience, and afterwards they begin having some very strange things happen to them. They may start having sensations of intense heat or energy flowing through their body. They may start hearing tones, often very high-pitched. Their body may begin to feel like it's vibrating, or they may feel pressure in their forehead. It's common for people to believe they're going insane or even dying when this stuff starts to happen, but don't worry, all this is actually quite normal for a being who has chosen to raise their Consciousness, and it's called Kundalini activation.

Now the term Kundalini itself is tied up with the various Hindu religions and also a number of Western mystery schools. As such, there's a lot of conflicting beliefs about Kundalini and a lot of people who will tell you the "right" and "wrong" ways of going about it. I'm going to steer clear of all that stuff as much as possible, and simply share what I can confirm from my own experiences.

The first thing to understand is how the chakras work. There are seven main chakras that are aligned with your spine. One at the very base of your spine (root chakra), one a little below your belly button (sacral chakra), one a little above your belly button (solar plexus chakra), one in the center of your chest (heart chakra), one in your throat (throat chakra), one in your forehead (ajna chakra or 3rd eye), and one at the very top of your head (crown chakra). Each chakra corresponds to something different, for example the throat chakra has to do with communication, among other things. There's a number of websites that do an excellent job explaining which chakra corresponds to what so I wont bother going into detail here (here's one such website: ).


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How to Channel (a parody)


First, you'll want to decide upon who you want to channel. For popularity's sake, it's recommended that you choose an Archangel or Ascended Master as these will automatically get more attention. These are also a safe bet because these beings are unconditionally loving, so they won't get ticked off if you spout pure nonsense using their name. You may be tempted to channel your own Higher Self, and while that's best for your own personal evolution and getting connected to your own source of Truth, it's not nearly as profitable as claiming to channel a being like Archangel Michael. People automatically trust a brand name they're already heard of.

Next, you'll need a way to begin the messages, and for this I recommend "Dear Ones". I'm not really sure what the appeal is, but starting channelings this way is very trendy at the moment and going with current trends is a sure way to be popular. You may believe that parroting and repetition shows a lack of creativity, and you're right, but you don't need to be creative or original to channel.


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The Power of Willingness - Meredith Murphy


In my experience, willingness creates doorways. It opens up possibilities that were not there before. Literally openings are created as we choose to be willing to experience something, to discover something, to be shown something, to receive more of something.

A lot of times we think having more of what we want in life has to do with skill, information, or capacity. But in fact, everything is already connected with us, in the innate Oneness of life. To experience something we simply have to be in resonance with it. So in essence, willingness says, I'm opening to shifting into a vibration that will draw this to me. I'm open to my energy changing to accomodate this new experience in my life. Willingness creates space for something new. 

What are you willing to let in today? To learn to hold as part of your field, essence and energy-wise, so you and this wonderful new experience in life, can meet?



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A Dream of God - Jeanne Crescenzo


I once had a dream that God was going to appear In front of me. I remember being very excited but also shocked when I appeared In front of my self. Looking just as I am, flaws and all, but smiling with waves of unconditional love. My idea of God as I was taught was finally put to bed. This other God, myself as the Universe, was much more interactive and creatively powerful.

-Jeanne Crescenzo
Visit Jeanne's website


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We Are the Most Beautiful Creations - The NDE of Mellen-Thomas Benedict


So the light was showing me the Higher Self matrix. And it became very clear to me that all the Higher Selves are connected as one being, all humans are connected as one being, we are actually the same being, different aspects of the same being. It was not committed to one particular religion. So that is what was being fed back to me. And I saw this mandala of human souls. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I just went into it and, it was just overwhelming. It was like all the love you’ve every wanted, and it was the kind of love that cures, heals, regenerates. 


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