The Master brought the kettle, poured tea in the cup - and went on pouring. The cup was full, and the tea started overflowing in the saucer, but he went on pouring. Then the saucer was also full. lust one drop more and the tea would start flowing on the floor, and the professor said, "Stop! What are you doing? Are you mad or something? Can't you see the cup is full? Can't you see the saucer is full?"
And the Zen Master said, "That's the exact situation you are in: your mind is so full of questions that even if I answer, you don't have any space for the answer to go in. But you look like an intelligent man. You could see the point, that now even a single drop more of tea and it will not be contained by the cup or the saucer; it will start overflowing on the floor. And I tell you, since you entered this house, your questions are over-pouring on the floor, overflowing all over the place. Go back, empty your cup, and then come. First create a little space in you."
To create space is meditation. The Master had created a perfect situation.
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Saturday, January 24, 2015 - 17:09