And the Indian masses are very much against anybody declaring himself Bhagwan because then a great competition arises. This has always been so. Mohammedans don't want anybody to declare that he is the prophet of God. Why? Because if he is the prophet of God, then he is the latest prophet of God: then Mohammed is just an antique model. Then Mohammed can be discarded. So they have decided that there will no more be any prophet of God; Mohammed is the last.
Why? Has God gone bankrupt since then? Has he abandoned humanity since then? Has he nothing to say to humanity again? He stopped with Mohammed? Why? Why didn't he stop before?
For Christians he stopped before, with Christ; he is the only begotten son. But why didn't he stop before Christ? He stopped for the Jainas, he stopped with Mahavira; he is the last teerthankara.
And so on, so forth. Each religion wants his prophet, his teerthankara, his messiah, his godman, to be the last. So whenever somebody becomes the blessed one and declares it, all other religions will be against him.
How can God be finished? God is creativity. He will go on creating more and more Buddhas. They will be coming, they will be coming forever and ever.
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