GFP Newsletter - 7/14/2016

will's picture

Do you know how many Hassid mystics have attained to God? Do you know how many Zen Masters have attained to Buddhahood? Do you know how many Sufis have attained to the ultimate state? Nobody cares, nobody wants to know. People live in a small, cozy corner of their own religion and they think this is all.

Neither Indians nor anybody else is specially spiritual or holy. Spirituality is something that happens to individuals. It is the individual becoming aflame with God. It has nothing to do with any collectivity -- nation, race, church.



  1. Sighting Infinity - Heavenletters
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  2. Genius! Animal Shelter Enlists Pokemon Go Players To Walk Its Adoptable Dogs - Inspirational
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  4. Researchers Find RoundUp Responsible for Harmful Algae Blooms In Great Lakes - Health & Wellbeing
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  5. Daily Message ~ Thursday July 14, 2016 - Trinity Esoterics
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