Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Don’t fight – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 03, 2013

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(Translated from original language german

My child, do not oppose and do not fight against that, you do not like. No matter what it is. All that which you resist will persist, and will at the most only get stronger because you give it energy. If you want something to get rid of or change, then send your love into it. Look at it, send your unconditional love into the situation and let go. This is the only reasonable method to really change something. The more you fight and struggle against, the more stronger however the resistance of that you’re fighting against will grow. Do you understand this? You know now, love heals everything. ~

Your Divine Mother

Group Physical Avatar Report, 11.3.13

Lia's picture

 Hello friends. This information is particularly useful to empaths, the highly sensitive and those who identify as light workers of all kinds.
NOTE: The Physical Avatar is a spiritual aspect of a human being that exists outside of space and that monitors and regulates the health of the physical and emotional bodies. The Group Avatar serves as similar purpose in the collective.
With another solid week of solar flares, another pass of the Uranus/Pluto square energies and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, we are definitely in another "vibrational upgrade." Ringing in the ears, Kundalini type symptoms such as physical vibration or even shaking are possible. Another interesting phenomenon is actual individual organs vibrating. I experienced this myself recently with a vibration near my high heart/thymus area. Other organ areas of potential vibration are the stomach/spleen and liver. Also, either very deep or light/disturbed sleep are both possible right now.
The third eye/Ajna chakra area is highly active, along with energetic "downloads" that may take a visual/colorful form. It is helpful to have pen and paper handy for any images or messages that you may receive. Waves of joy may correspond with waves of sorrow or depression releasing. It is helpful to not mentally engage or "judge" it, and just let it pass through. Remember to keep hydrated and to BREATHE. It is anticipated this high frequency period will let up gently next week, but will have a significant impact all the way up and through the 11:11 Stargate.
Coming in 2014 from Starfield Press, the next book in the BrightStar Empowerment series, "The Aquarian Healer."
New Essence Spray!

Final Blessing from Keuka… Crystals from the Sky…

Doreen Smith's picture


 2013/11/03  Kauilapele's Blog

I took my final walk here at Keuka Lake this morning. It was quite cold. Maybe it was 30 F. A beautiful clear day, crisp and nippy.

As I reached about 1/4 mile down the road, I saw a few flakes of snow!! What a treat!

All I can say is, I felt this was a crowning blessing for all of us who have participated in the work we have done here in the Finger Lakes region. Although there continues to be more to do (which is why I’m leaving shortly after this for the next phase of “The Journey”), this Finger Lakes mission piece opened many “Gates of Unveiling” for this entire Northeastern portion of the US, as well as the world.

Thank you all. Thank you Keuka. And thank you Suzan, for sharing your Keuka Lake house (also here) with all of us, for this mission.

Much Aloha, Kp



Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ St. Germain ~ 3 November 2013

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St Germain,

I am here today to tell you of something that is taking place within the confines of the government. There is a solidity that is being formed as I speak, and it is that of the ones who are no longer willing to support the lies that have been going on for so long within the governmental standards of operation of this country, United States of America. It is not only a matter of not being willing to go on with it, but of being determined to bring it all back to a successful transition to the honor and integrity of the original concept of governance that I brought forth to the country when I first was called to the task.

Yes, this is St. Germain and as I bring this news to you I also bring to you your part in what I speak of. It is a matter of all of you recognizing where your rights have been taken away, and seeing what it is that you can do to bring it back to square one. You are the ones who can do it, and as soon as you see what it is that you can do, then as you march forward in that energy you will find a gradual, in some cases, and instant in others, movement that brings it all to what it is that it is destined to be from this moment on.

Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013 By Kara Schallock

Lia's picture

Since the Lunar Eclipse of a few weeks ago, we have been balancing our Divine Male and Female within. We’ve been stepping more into our Power and with the Solar Eclipse tomorrow (November 3), we should have anchored this more into ourselves. It hasn’t been an easy passage and personally, I have had very disrupted sleep and daily headaches. Last night was the first time I slept through the night and woke with no headache! I know many of you have been experiencing the same, along with some big challenges especially in relationships, which fits perfectly with this balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine. We can no longer be in the New and have relationships be of the old. The old relationship was possessive, controlling and fearful. This isn’t Love! It’s fear and is the product of the old male paradigm. In the New and with the balance of our Divine Male and Female, true Love is at the Heart, which is about Freedom, Respect and Flow. There is a true Heart connection and that is never about owning another or about having rules about how to be. So with this Solar Eclipse, let go of the old and allow all your relationships to breathe and evolve into the form it needs to evolve into, even if that is to let go of the other or a particular form that you have projected onto it. See the other (whether lover, partner, boss, child, co-worker, parent, friend, etc.) with New eyes and Innocence. Go deeper and ask yourself what your intention is within a particular relationship.

Sarah Varcas ~ Fully Alive! : Uranus/Pluto Square

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Fully Alive!

The current nature of this on-going Uranus/Pluto square is akin to having teeth extracted without anaesthetic. I know… horrible image, way too visceral for nice, spiritual people and not that pleasant for the rest of us! It’s just that to write with any honesty about this cosmic event, exact today, visceral is going to have to be where it’s at, because this is no walk in the park (unless you’re being chased by a man with a chainsaw that is) and it’s certainly no vacation (unless it’s, you know… at the Bates Motel…). Okay, so I’m guessing you’re getting my drift here, and it’s not just that I’ve been watching too many slasher films in my spare time. This square contains a whole load of very powerful, desperately pent-up energy and if we want to work with that energy in a constructive way we’re going to have to embrace the darker side of our psyche, the unappealing aspects of life and the repressed energy which fuels us from the shadows and distorts much of who we are and what we do.

The Dawn of Self-Empowerment by Owen K Waters

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November 3, 2013
In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.

One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects.

With New Reality consciousness, order comes to society automatically because people are heart-centered. They simply don't engage in actions that would be harmful to themselves or others because they unconditionally love all people, and would therefore do no harm to anyone. New Reality consciousness is one of responsible freedom. With it, people are self-empowered and fully consider the effects of all of their actions from a place within their hearts.

During this time of gathering unity, please see the film, A Separation

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Exopermaculture Posted on

Note: I know, it sounds contradictory. Why see a film called “A Separation” when we are starting to gather together? Why not just leave all that awfulness behind? Well, read on. It may be that if we truly grok the mysterious depths of human separation it can help catapult us into our transformed future.

Are you, like me, a person who tends to judge others? Do you have firm, unshakable beliefs that guide you every moment? Do you ever notice it is always the children who suffer from adults’ decisions? Does it puzzle you, how we can get so caddywumpus in our relations with each other, how no matter what we do, how we try, something comes up that knocks our whole game-plan off course? That boxes us into complicated, competing needs? Ever contemplate the seriously multifaceted nature of any human situation that involves even one person, not just two or many?

Hilarion ~November 3~10, 2013 The crumbling ashes of the old

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Beloved Ones,

The world teems with newness amidst the crumbling ashes of the old. Every living being and consciousness is being blessed with healing and renewing energies that come from the cosmos. Along the path of each soul, miracles are abounding! Everywhere one looks there is evidence of the higher realms being felt and in many cases, being seen. The greatest miracles are taking place within each soul as they are being filled with the spirit of love from the higher dimensions. Each soul is beginning to express their higher version of themselves and this is having a wondrous effect upon the whole planet. Humanity as a whole is realizing the power for positive change that they carry and are utilizing and mobilizing into positive works that benefit the higher good of all.


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