Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Cosmic Weather ~ New Moon Report for 11.3.13: This Magic Moment

Lia's picture

Thursday, 31 October, 2013 

My perception is my filter through which I create my reality. I choose to see endless possibilities before me. ~ Sue Krebs 

Hello friends. Welcome to the next in our Fall “eclipse season,” – the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. I’ve been reading reports on this upcoming New Moon that have been rather all over the map, with an inclination however, to be rather “doom and gloom.” That’s not exactly my take on the energies, as challenging as they may be for some.

They are also very powerful, magical and distinctly creative. I feel that some of the fear associated with this new moon/Solar eclipse is rather likened to some people’s fear of spiders, snakes or the dark. When looked at clearly for what they are, they become much less fearsome. They also have their own potent “medicine” and gifts to share.

This is definitely not going to be a one-size-fits-all new moon energy. They never are really, but this one especially so. The Shamanic Grandmothers showed me a swirling pot (think bubble, bubble, toil & trouble kind of thing.) When the water stopped swirling it became perfectly clear like a crystal lake and I could see all the way to the bottom.

SaLuSa 1. 11. 2013 by MADAD

Lia's picture
 SaLuSa (1)


The higher reality is upon those who chose to experience it as soon as they complete the necessary transformation of their beings, into those aligned with higher energy flow. Throughout their first experiences in their higher realities in this process of Ascension, all others will have great source of information when they decide to finish their own preparations. It will be stored in collective consciousness of all Humanity on Mother Earth and every one that desires to experience more will be guided to connect to them, it will be very easy to find these energy patterns as they will be of pure Love and Light, and they will create powerful attraction for all those searching for upliftment and change. All previous learning experiences do not carry such strong energy, except those that you already know from your history, and you already found out the true purpose for them. They were guiding you all that time needed for your growth and were showing you the path of Love and Light. Although they were connected with very hard life experiences, they were also the choice of all those who decided to be the ones that will show the way, as you are doing now.


Energetic update for the New Earth

Lia's picture

The unfolding of the New Earth energies over the past few linear weeks has been at an ever increasing expansive rate and this rate is now expanding and growing once more. Unlike the very “chaotic” energies of the linear month of October, the New Earth energies will now increase in frequency in order to help support the DREAMS that reside within YOUr heart space.  The heart space is seeded with TRUTH and that TRUTH has lain dormant within the heart space for your entire incarnations upon this planet. Only now as Mother Earth heightens her frequency have these seeds begun to grow and sprout, supported at all times by the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

Are Step into the most creative energy field of a lifetime ~ tonight

Lia's picture

As the sun sets tonight, we cross a threshold into a 24-hour period when the veil between visible and invisible realities will be as permeable as it will be in our lifetimes.  The day  we know as Halloween is one of the great energetic hinges of the year.  Our Star is equidistant from both the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice and the cosmic mysteries of Light and Dark that each celebrates.   

In the ancient Celtic world, this day was known  as Samhain.  Across the globe, throughout time, it was the Day of the Dead -- a celebration of the profound mystery of transformation that underlies Life in all its forms and cycles.
Here’s why this year's Samhain is different from any other we will ever again experience:

* It takes place during a time of massive cosmic shift. We're crossing an energetic threshold of massive proportions, when great cycles of time, spanning millennia, are concluding and beginning.  In these times, everything that happens is intensified and accelerated.

* It happens as our Sun prepares for a reversal of its polarities.  Over the last week, our Star has sent a powerful surge of solar energy into the Universe, accelerating our individual and our planetary transformation.  

* It occurs during the potent Balsamic Moon that precedes every New Moon.  During the  three- and- a-half day Dark Moon before the New Moon, old energetic forms are dissolved and the  future begins to come into being.  At this time, the cosmic matrix is most receptive to our most deeply felt intentions -- and we are most able to receive evolutionary direction and guidance from the Source.

The Creator Writings - Head And Heart

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings 


You are always being given signals and signs as to your true path. There is no ‘war between heart and head’, you will just know. If whatever choice you are making feels right within your whole self, then it is. ~ Creator


On this Hallow’s Eve, let us move from Scared to Sacred - Ann Kreilkamp

Doreen Smith's picture


 October 31, 2013  Ann Kreilkamp

And see this.


Yesterday morning, on our walk, we passed by the house above, which sported a Dead and Breakfast sign surrounded by a particularly “scary” set of inflatables. If you look at the tall black figure on the right, you’ll see that by its side (at the bottom of the tree) is a black tiger with bright eyes. Well, that tiger’s head moved — from left to right and back again, every few seconds. The effect was decidedly eerie and menacing. Puppy Shadow? Well, for the first time ever, he whimpered. He actually whimpered as we walked by.

“Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.” — Alan Cohen

A few years ago, a filmmaker traveled the world, seeking to document places where “scared” turns into “sacred.” 


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With all the news about Japan’s Nuclear Plant (Fukushima), Sun’s Magnetic Field Reversal, and increasing EMF emissions from everyday items that we are constantly bombarded with, I figured there must already be something on earth to protect our bodies/vehicles until such moment in time when our DNA completely changes to adjust to all the radiation (I am being told that our bodies are changing with “radiation/emf tolerance” upgrade. However, that will take a substantial amount of time to go through this transformation, and in the meantime we need something to assist our physical vessel to withstand everything. It’s hard enough going through DNA upgrades, when we are also being bombarded by all the radiation and emf emissions, not to mention pollution and stress of everyday living.

Samhain is here, and Day of the Dead is Right Around the Corner

Lia's picture


Written by Caroline Aguiar

Today is October 31st, Halloween as most of us know it, but its original name was Samhain.  On November 1st is Day of the Dead.

This is the time when the veils between the two worlds, that of the living, and that of the dead is extra thin, although we’ve been told this veil had come down long ago. I’m a firm believer in this concept.

The veil which separated the two worlds is non-existent.  At these special times during the wheel of our year, we are reminded that we walk together as one, living, and non living, with our Galactic families, our guides, and angels, for we are all one.

Please take time today, to light a candle for your dearly departed.  Remember the fond memories you have of them, and wish them well.




Lia's picture

29.1013 – I woke in the early hours and transcribed these words.

The plight of the Redman was long and hard.  We accept the path we walked was not ours to keep and the meadows we laid down in were sweet indeed.  We sang to the land and she answered through the wind, whispering in the trees and high above the mountain passes.  The road stands clear before us; sweet memories from the past drift into view and we stand at the crag and welcome you here once more.  We rest in the peace and solitude, expressing our heart’s desires, and we openly express our disquietude at certain intervals coming up for inspection.  We know this has been a time of diligence and fortitude and we express our sorrow at such interludes, however, on the horizon is so much more and an opportunity to soar high in the clouds as the Eagle rises in grace and majesty.  We shall not burden you with more trials of endurance, so please be at peace my child.  We overcome a network of high expenditure and low resources - all is about to change for the better!


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