Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Miracles and the NOW~

Lia's picture

Many are unable to accept the miracles that are attempting to birth through, around and within them at this time.  Miracles are that which seems “impossible” and I would guide you strongly to understand that NOTHING is impossible, you have merely been taught over and over again to believe that something is impossible.  This blog may  trigger many of you, for many of you may also fall to the teachings of illusion that seek to teach you that someone writing a blog such as this has it all figured out. I am in human form and as such have work to do as ALL have work to do, that work is to clear the debris of the old 3d earth paradigms as it comes up for release within me.


Lia's picture

by Nancy B. Detweiler

This is the first article I posted on My Way of Love Blog.  I re-post it in order to supply a check list for you to use to evaluate your progress in spiritual growth and understanding.  Have you moved beyond the lies and into a much more fulfilling spirituality based on Truth?


Originally posted on July 13, 2009

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Emmanuel Dagher ~ Energy Forecast ~ Divine Intervention In Action ~ November 2013

Lia's picture


Emmanuelpeaceofficial1It’s a privilege for me to share the sacred moment of now with you again.

So much has happened since the last time we checked in with each other, and I’m excited to share it all with you.

In last month’s Energy Forecast, it was mentioned that the end of September to mid-October would serve as a time of rest and relaxation. That time period provided us with the opportunity to prepare for the energy shift that began a few days before the October 18th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and is in full bloom now.

The Significance of the Lunar Eclipse

The recent Penumbral Lunar Eclipse created a doorway to higher consciousness. A Penumbral Eclipse is when the Moon is within the shadow of the Earth.

This Eclipse gave us the opportunity to release deeply rooted resistance and energetic blocks we’ve carried in our shadow self. This release supported us to experience a quantum leap in our personal and collective journey to higher consciousness.

The Lunar Eclipse supported many of us to illuminate ourselves from within motiving us to share our gifts with the world around us in a more open and authentic way. During the Eclipse emotions always run high so things felt quite intense and amplified, however they eventually settle not too long after.

You Are The Caretakers – Remember And Accept Your Role

Eddie1177's picture


It’s time to remember this again.

You are Earth’s Caretakers.  Gaia has her tasks and you have yours.  It is a perfect relationship.  Gaia gives you everything you need to perform these tasks.  No illness takes place on Earth that doesn’t have a cure growing somewhere on her to cure it.  You are immensely loved.

Every creature here is aware of your role.  It doesn’t really take much for you to be it’s caretakers.  With love in your heart for the other creatures, everything would just be part of your normal day.

Every entity here has it’s purpose.  The intertwinings and relationships are perfectly planned.

Please begin to do your part.  No one needs to go out of their way to do this.  Heart-based love will guide you to these tasks.

Thank you for doing what you can to further this reminder.

This video will help remind you of just a small piece of the amazing animals we have on this beautiful blue planet traveling through space.

Thanks Mike for posting this video again.

It wouldn’t hurt to send some love to Nahko Bear and Medicine for the People also.

Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua

~ Anna Merkaba ~ Pleiades High Council: Cell resonance and restructuring - 5 November

Eddie1177's picture

CELLRESONANCEANDRESTRUCTURINGPLEIADESMERKABAWhat we are trying to say to you is the fear that many of you are experiencing at this moment in time, is nothing more than the remnants of civilizations past, the remnants of you bodies remembrance, and the celebration of your hearts’ knowing.

All of this is but a normal reaction to the universal truth that your bodies are being bombarded with at this very moment in time. The universal truth of Freedom, Self Power and Self Reliance. The universal truth of Love, Light and Peace. The universal truth of ONENESS with each other, the universe and the eternal OM. The energies that your bodies were and still are affected with are such as to allow the rapid transformation of your psyche for more and more of us, your galactic brothers and sisters are entering GAIA’s planetary system. And so, another massive awakening of the sleeping souls and the penetration of the outer layers of the atmospheric convergence is about to be experienced by you all…


Dearly beloved children of the sun the moon and the stars, dearly beloved star seeds, star people, moon people and sun gods, we come to you today to reiterate the importance of the journey that all of you our dearly beloved light workers have chosen for yourselves at this moment in history. A history that is unfolding and changing with every beat of the moon, with every beat of the sun, with every beat of your hearts.  We are here to reassure you and to inform you that all is well in the universe, that all is unfolding as it should.

~ Ute Posegga-Rudel ~ Messages From The Realms Of Light: The New Fluid Reality - 5 November

Eddie1177's picture

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013

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The new light and energy has indeed brought a new level of reality into our world.  This is a new experience since we had the game-changing solar eclipse on November 3. While the influx continues it needs our growing awareness so that it can become more and more a tangible reality, ultimately for everybody.

The density and 3dimensional solidity is being gently pushed into the background, to still be used only in  the moments when we need to manage our daily life that is still grounded in the old ways.

But what is becoming now more and more real is a fluid  reality, allowing many and multiple joyful solutions to a question, to a ‘problem’.

It is not anymore a stern, one-sided and exclusive truth that seemed up to now to answer our questions in this world of illusionary solidity.

There is a new guiding force now in our world with the easiness of love, joy, and of our truth, that leads to solutions. And they can be manifold.

Form is not so much the point, but essence, while we from now on are learning to dance a dance in many colors and gliding realities. They allow a constant flow of kaleidoscopic change, to enjoy the pure lightness of Being.

~Jennifer Hoffman~ The Energies of November - 5 November

Eddie1177's picture


November is a month whose energies lend themselves to tying up loose ends, cleaning out our emotional, mental and spiritual closets, and taking a long look at what we want to change in our lives.

That doesn’t mean we can’t start new things, but the energy may not be there to support new beginnings in an easy or graceful way right now, partly because of a pesky Mercury retrograde which is going to keep us on the path of clearing out our stuff all month. We’ll be making lots of changes this month but they may not be outwardly visible until December.

Remember that density (3D) is the last place that changes become visible, not the first. By the time they trickle down to 3D so we can ‘see’ them, they have been propagated everywhere else energetically.

Since early 2013 we have been in the process of profound transformation, individually and collectively, and if we have been avoiding certain issues, we will find ourselves facing them and having to choose our path. There are only two options now, the past or the present, one keeping us where we are, the other propelling us into an unknown future.

~ Emmanuel Dagher ~ Divine Intervention in Action:Energy Forecast, Eclipse, Solar Flares - 5 November

Eddie1177's picture


Divine Intervention in Action

Energy Forecast - November 2013

Blessings my friend,

It’s a privilege for me to share the sacred moment of now with you again.

So much has happened since the last time we checked in with each other, and I’m excited to share it all with you.

In last month’s Energy Forecast, it was mentioned that the end of September to mid-October would serve as a time of rest and relaxation. That time period provided us with the opportunity to prepare for the energy shift that began a few days before the October 18th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and is in full bloom now.

The Significance of the Lunar Eclipse

The recent Penumbral Lunar Eclipse created a doorway to higher consciousness. A Penumbral Eclipse is when the Moon is within the shadow of the Earth.

This Eclipse gave us the opportunity to release deeply rooted resistance and energetic blocks we’ve carried in our shadow self. This release supported us to experience a quantum leap in our personal and collective journey to higher consciousness.

The Lunar Eclipse supported many of us to illuminate ourselves from within motiving us to share our gifts with the world around us in a more open and authentic way. During the Eclipse emotions always run high so things felt quite intense and amplified, however they eventually settle not too long after.

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 5 November

Eddie1177's picture

Blossom: Ok. Here we go again! Hello! Your last communication brought some mixed FEELINGS into my inbox. Some were delighted with all the information you brought through. Others furious that you said The Event will take place by the end of 2014. Boy, do I cop some stick sometimes on your behalf, yet compensated completely by Loving words from those that 'Get it'. So, I wonder what you choose to speak about today. Under the circumstances I FEEL the ball is in your court.


The Federation of Light: Greetings Blossom to you and each one who participates in our endeavours to assist the rise of ALL. We understand of the mixture of emotions derived from our words chosen, for each one is travelling their own path and each one therefore, shall react to that which we offer according to where their footsteps are placed along their journey. We come only to assist ... This we repeat over and over. Even for those who would prefer to throw the towel in ... we are assisting their growth ... though they certainly do not see it this way.



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