Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Patricia Cota-Robles ~ Be A Peace Commanding Presence In The Midst Of Chaos

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The New Moon Solar Eclipse that is taking place November 3rd will bring to fruition the greatest collective purging of the obsolete patterns and human miscreations associated with the old Earth that Humanity has ever endured. This is occurring in our individual lives and in our collective lives as the Family of Humanity. The Company of Heaven has assured us that with the intervention of our I AM Presence, this facet of the Divine Plan is being God Victoriously accomplished. Now, we can more easily move forward with the next step of our Ascension into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

~ Ute Posegga-Rudel ~ Messages from the Realms of Light: The Arrival of the New Light - 3 November

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While the new energies of light are arriving, carrying a further expanded consciousness of cosmic proportions, it is important, to open up to their magnificence.

Because without us receiving and utilizing them, they cannot propel forward the planetary evolution and our own ascension.

As we receive them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light body.

In fact, they are of a powerful substance of clearest light and energy, and pristine Purity, which instills the information of transforming our carbon based body into a crystalline structure.

They require us to let go of the old three-dimensional experience in the total system of our body-mind and replace it with the Power and Presence of this intense light. It is coming through our Beloved Sun from our Galactic Center; and through our Galactic Center from the Great-Great Sun around which our Galactic Center is revolving.

The increasing solar activity, whether earth-directed or not, rises constantly our frequency, if we allow it. Because we are not our earth-bound body. But we are in a Single Consciousness One with Gaia, the Spirit of our planet, One with the Spirit of the Sun and the Spirit of the Great Central Sun, and ultimately One with All-That-Is.

We are indeed blessed in a way we never have  been blessed before.

How do we open up and receive these Great Cosmic Forces?

The Creator Writings - Change The Focus

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The Creator Writings


If you choose to tell others what they should be doing with their Earth-plane journey, you are stunting your own growth. For each quality, action, feeling and missing piece you see in another, you are lacking in yourself. Focus your attention to where it should be; the rest is nothing but an ‘ego stroke’ and distraction for you. ~ Creator


Eliza: On Being Highly Sensitive

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 Elizabeth Ayres Escher

Note to newer readers: I published this post about a year ago before my blog was “discovered” by very many people. It is a timely subject for those who have felt different all their lives, as I have. Also, our being “different” is now starting to be recognized as a gift, an exciting development and one that is long overdue. I’ll be writing a new piece soon, as a result of my attending tomorrow’s (October 29) telegathering being held by Judith Dagley (see her blog:, if you are interested in attending — starts at 6 pm Pacific Standard Time). Meanwhile, it is time to recognize our gifts and to utilize them for the good of the Collective.

Also, this is a personal story of my experience being highly sensitive in a blockhead world. There may or may not be echoes from your own life here. Blessings! Eliza

On Being Highly Sensitive

What you are – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 01, 2013

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Sirian Heaven  November 01, 2013

(Translated from original language german)

What are you, my child?

You are love, you are unconditional love, born out of my essence. You are part of my creation, a part of my Self. You are a beautiful immortal being. Your soul may be young or old, but it is immortal and will “someday” re-merge with me. Sometime in the infinity of Being, we will both completely be also energetically and physically ONE again. You are not separate from me. All separation is only an illusion. In truth as a part of me you are connected as with invisible threads inseparable from me. Enjoy your earthly life, my child. Make your experiences, let your light and your love so beautifully illuminate the Earth, and later, in all eternity, come back to me, my Beloved. ~

Your Divine Mother

Barbara Hand Clow: Galloping through Quantum Fields with Uranus/Pluto: November 1 and 23, 2013

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 November 2, 2013  Ann Kreilkamp

During this climactic November, the more astrology the better, to help us both place the exciting/terrifying chaotic personal and planetary Uranus/Pluto energies in perspective as well as remind us to center ourselves and breathe through the heart into action.

~Marc Gamma~ Archangel Rapheal: Be prepared to receive the great Wave and set to hold tight - 2 November

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[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans, another week has passed by and I, Archangel Raphael have another message for you. As my brother, Archangel Michael has announced already, we shall adapt our messages to each other. This is being repeated here so all of those just having joined us recently will be in the know.

Everything announced here by my brother last weekend will be followed now subsequently here:

Your planet and all of you humans on it – presently you have arrived at some sort of fault – and what is meant by it has been explained to you respectively some of you had to look it up in the Internet. I do agree that we do make it easy always for you when it comes to reading our messages.


Reading resp. consumption of news or messages does not mean these have automatically been understood in the true sense of it. We feel that you take not enough time in order to get their real sense ! Many of you measure up themselves on how many messages they laid their eyes on when reading those. This is not what we are aiming at – really.

~Ann Albers~ Messages from Ann and the Angels – 2 November

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Each moment of your life is new, precious, and unique. It can never be recreated exactly the same way. In each moment, you get a chance to say, “Who am I now? What do I want to bring into this moment? Do I want to bring my past into my present? Do I want to create a new experience? Do I want to see what unfolds?” You get to choose, dear ones, what you bring into each special, precious, and unique “now.”

If your past was painful you can make a choice right now to focus on something better. You can say, “Yes, I remember how much something hurt me, but in this moment, no one is hurting me now. No one is in charge of my reality now except for me! Now I choose to take my attention and turn it away from the pain. I choose to love myself and be kind to myself. I choose to do something nice for myself. I choose to focus on something that uplifts my soul. I choose to focus on perhaps uplifting another’s soul. I choose to focus on anything I possibly can, however small, that is loving and kind.” And in this fashion, dear ones you build spiritual muscle. You practice turning away from habitual and ingrained memories and thoughts that do not make you feel good… now. You learn that you and you alone get to choose who and what is carried with you into each moment. You remember, that you are a NEW YOU with each and every breath you take.


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