Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Jullie Miller ~ Elohim Lumina: Give Yourself Room to Grow 2 November

Eddie1177's picture

It is well established, in order for any method, even goal to be successful it is paramount that you are fully engaged, ensuring each step a success – meeting any challenges head on without deviating from the outcome you have envisioned. Maintaining absolute focus is its own challenge, yet when you undertake a new goal, and you wish to achieve a great outcome, you not only demonstrate your whole-heartedness, but your actions are also merged with your entire mind and body in full concentration and every ounce of effort that is derived from your heart and soul. When you are able to move through each step without being derailed from external distractions, and maintain your focus fully without wavering, then the outcome you wish to see manifests into not being just probable but actually happening.
Just as you pray, the best prayers that are felt within you and touch all that you are, are those you have been fully engaged in, where you hold nothing back, your mind is unclouded and your heart is full of yearning for God to shine His infinite Light above and below you. Such surrender to your prayers will always bear productive fruit that will show you a new road to take in life, one that will enrich every part of you. Permanent surrender in any endeavour dear ones ensures your success and it also aligns you to the never-ending power and energy of the Divine. Some of the experiences that you will encounter will be indescribable but will provide you with incredible information for your journey.


Lia's picture - Nov. 1, 2013

Hello Luminous Being,

New Codes of Creation are being transmitted to us from the Great Central Sun. They are being received by our sun and impulsed to us. The Solar Eclipse this Sunday will transmit new codes for creation to Earth, further empowering Earth's ascension and our own upliftment into more and more embodied light.

These codes give an infusion to our collective and individual consciousness, inviting a remembering of our eternal-ness. Combined with the Lunar Eclipse energies of bliss, Sunday's solar eclipse will propel us into reflections of purpose, self-expression, strongly urging us to bring our life into alignment. NOW.

When the Earth completed it's shift into a 5th dimensional expression last December, 2012, New Harmonics of Creation were released into our Earthly experience. Earth, which had long been in a very contained sphere energetically, existing in duality, was now open for connection and participation on a galactic scale.

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward: November 1, 2013

Lia's picture


Matthew Ward 222Matthew Ward as received by Suzy Ward, November 1, 2013 –

[NOTE from Suzy: When this message was ready to send out, I discovered that I had no Internet connection—the problem couldn’t be fixed on-line and Comcast’s technician couldn’t come until today. I changed the message’s original October 27th date to November 1st, the distribution date.]

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You would feel greatly uplifted about the state of your world if you could see Earth as we do, sparkling and glowing ever more brightly as her balance improves with each release of negativity. Although the extremes of duality still are in play on the planet, many positive scenarios are unfolding.

Kp~ None of this Outer Stuff is Anything I (personally) Am Paying Attention to Anymore (and tough Alohas if you don’t like it!!)

Lia's picture

Occasionally I get “messages” (could be emails, websites, news programs, etc., etc.) that point out what is going on in the (so-called) “outer” world. This happened here, that happened there, false flag this, weather event that. All I can say about all those things (at least in this now moment) is,

“None of this ‘Outer Stuff’ is Anything I (personally) Am Paying Attention to Anymore (and tough Alohas if you don’t like it!!)”

Now I’m not saying that everyone has to be like me. There are indeed many whose “paths” appear to be that of “the informers”, and many do a great job of that. If it is in your Higher Innards to do that, I encourage you to please follow that Guidance.

However, I’m not concerned at all about what is going on “out there” at this time. Even though I may post an occasional “[Even More] Evidence of the Cabal Takedown???” type or article from time to time, I spend no time whatsoever analyzing any of those things, or saying “Oh my God, look what happened over there”. Whereas some may feel drawn to point out a “This happened here, that happened there, this false flag happened here, that weather event happened there”, that is not my path.

As much as possible, I make no time, nor take any time, in analyzing, talking about, thinking about, cogitating about, researching about, endlessly discussing about, all that “stuff” that’s now going on… out there. That is precisely,

None of my Higher Self’s business!!!!

What you are – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 01, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

What are you, my child?

You are love, you are unconditional love, born out of my essence. You are part of my creation, a part of my Self. You are a beautiful immortal being. Your soul may be young or old, but it is immortal and will “someday” re-merge with me. Sometime in the infinity of Being, we will both completely be also energetically and physically ONE again. You are not separate from me. All separation is only an illusion. In truth as a part of me you are connected as with invisible threads inseparable from me. Enjoy your earthly life, my child. Make your experiences, let your light and your love so beautifully illuminate the Earth, and later, in all eternity, come back to me, my Beloved. ~

Your Divine Mother

Here we go again department: LAX shooter kills TSA agent, multiple victims wounded.

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Ann Kreilkamp | November 1, 2013



Top story, huffpost:

LAX Shooting: TSA Agent Dead, Gunman In Custody At Airport (UPDATE)


Let's see now. How long has it been since the last shooting? Can't remember, but surely not more than a couple of weeks. A few weeks is about right. Just enough time to begin to forget, to need a reminder that chaos rules, and that we crave "security," provided by men in clanking armor with big guns.

The Creator Writings - I Am Proud Of You

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The Creator Writings



My darling child; I know that wave after wave of change has washed over you and, yes, more is coming. I know that “tired”, “irritable” or “cranky” may be the order of the day for you. Whether you are experiencing these things or not, The Universe asks that you be gentle with yourself and be gentle with others. Each of you is going through the changes the best you can and that’s all you can do in this moment. If you reach a point of overwhelm, remind yourself of this; I AM PROUD OF YOU! You are beautiful… are wanted… are my precious gift. All that is going on now will be worth it in the end. ~ Creator 

Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - November 1, 2013

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Divine Union

Archangel Gabriel, please send your angels to help me create new ways to establish Divine Union within me. I am asking for an Angel of Trust so I can remember that there is a way through to Harmony in every area of my life. And so it is.

Find Creative Solutions with a Next Step Reading from Shanta:


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1 November 2013   eva sophia

Life Transitions

~ by Madisyn Taylor

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life.

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to childhood to adolescence and beyond. With each transition from one phase to another, we find ourselves saying good-bye to an old friend, the identity that we formed in order to move through that particular time.

Bentinho Massaro ~ Choosing Your State Of Being

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BentinhoMassaro  October 2013

As you start choosing your state of being moment by moment, you will soon reach a point of re-empowerment, where you have remembered that your state of being is truly up to you, and up to you only; and that all things that show up in your life are derived from your state of being.

Thus, less and less you’ll choose the option that is unjoyful (worry, concern, belief in lack and separation, etc.) and more and more you’ll choose the state of being that is infused with joy and trust in the lacklessness of Now: That which contains All of creation and All possibilities.

You’ll realize that choosing your joy makes all the difference ‘out there’ and you’ll find yourself proving time and time again, that choosing joy/connection/bliss/freedom/trust is an act that contains all solutions to all possible situations. You become a living, breathing, walking, flying miracle, inseparable from the delicious miracle that is All-That-Exists.


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