Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

A Time of Transformation and Living Alongside the Dead, by Caroline K.A.

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Written by Caroline K.A.

A Time of Transformation

I can’t help but marvel at how the universe works with us in every way imaginable.  Some of the changes which have occurred in my life are down right astounding, and long over due, while others scared the wits out of me for a while until I began to understand the meaning behind it.

It’s as if everything that was up in the air, unresolved and troublesome suddenly settled in its rightful place.  Now I see myself, and everyone around me, particularly my family also feeling the “rightness” of these changes, and it truly brings joy to my heart.  The running joke in my family is, “Why didn’t we think of this before?”  A new understanding has been brought into our consciousness.  It’s called clarity, and it comes to us on so many levels.

My 80-year-old mother recently had heart surgery.  Although against my wishes, she had been living alone for a long time.  My job carries me away from the city on weekends, and away from all communication via telephones or computers for a minimum of four days. It’s fairly easy to understand why this stressed me so with constant worry about her health and well-being.

Linda Robinson ~Archangel Zadkiel ~ Your Unique Role In The Expansion Of Consciousness

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 29 October 2013

LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion of consciousness.

Your unique role begins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point of consciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy, inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as an individual. It determines your vibrational level and defines your Soul Signature.

Your own consciousness begins to expand when you live consciously.

Living consciously means being aware of each moment and your role in this moment. You are aware of where you are and what you are doing. You are aware of how your thoughts, intentions, and actions fit with the larger scope of the consciousness of humanity. You are centered within yourself, and you are also aware that your consciousness extends beyond yourself.

~ MADAD ~ Salusa 29 October 2013

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The transformation of yourselves is quickening, and you are beginning to feel the higher energies within you and all around you, no matter what situation you are in. In spite of the old system still playing its game with some intensity, you always sense that of higher vibrations and do not keep yourselves locked in the loop of lower vibrations. This is your choice and we are so eagerly watching all of you that are raising themselves so very high and are giving less and less chance to lower energies to influence your being. More and more you are being drawn into your inner world and are guided to fully feel and experience all the changes within, as nothing happening on the outside world can satisfy your ever greatening request for higher knowledge. It is inside of each of you, and your body is being changed the way that it can easily read and translate the exact part of knowing that you are in need of at each moment that you ask. You are getting ready for all knowing state of being, and we know that you are starting to feel very comfortable with searching for all information in the inside. The more wisdom you receive such way, the more trust in yourselves is created. Do practice it, as it is necessary in the process of your overall change, and no one knows better what you should do next than you.


~Sandra Walter ~ Pure Light For Pure Conduits -28 October 2013

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Notice the change in the Magnetosphere’s reaction to the recent X and M flares. These waves of light are different – they cannot be measured by traditional electro-magnetic standards. The KP index doesn’t show the usual impact of a typical CME or flare activity – for days and days now. It looks like the chart is broken after watching the impact of past flares. So what is this?

Incoming waves of photonic purity

The current wave of light frequencies, which will become much more intense beginning this week, are highly refined particles of light. These purer photonic light waves are the answer to our questions Why do I feel like something wonderful is about to occur? and What is the purpose of my need for solitude, isolation, silence?

The merge passage is upon us. Personally, I have noticed a big jump in (5D and above) lightbeing activity. This is a perception change; quite simply I AM seeing more, hearing more, feeling more of the frequencies because the new light supports it. All of these beautiful beings are more present because I AM taking the time to merge more deeply with my higher aspects. The companion piece to this new light was the preparation for it: the clearing, the detoxing, the silence, the willingness to be open to it. All of that work is paying off. The experience of consistent Unity with these higher realms is absolute Grace. I AM watching aspects of myself coagulate in preparation for something new.

The November Merge

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 29 October

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Good morning my friends. You know, I am asked to ask you so many diverse questions … can you explain to me my hesitancy to do so? Sometimes it puts me off beginning the channelling … feeling perhaps I should ask some questions, being blessed to be in this position. Why do I feel so ‘against’ asking these 'deep and meaningfuls' on behalf of others?

Greetings to you and all that choose to partake in our offering of Love. We understand the reason behind this matter Blossom and it is because in actual fact we do not consider it our ‘discourse’ to do so … So we would say it is more you picking up on our ‘intent’.

So much that one FEELS they would like to know answers to … they do not need to at this time. We encourage you to BE without the continual search. We are not saying do not search for knowledge … yet we would encourage one to search within.

Our quest is not to be of a question and answer conversation. It is more for us to advise on a way of bringing forth the TRUTH of who you are … Assisting you in recognising your True potential. We do not consider our agenda to be one of ‘giving out information’ that we do not consider necessarily advantageous to the soul … should one know the answer or not. Do you see?

Yes ... I personally do not have many questions … As we have discussed before I prefer you to come forth with that which you think appropriate for this particular message in time … so please go ahead. No offence to any one soul who has written in to ask a question … and believe me there are indeed many.

~ Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel: Your Unique Role In The Expansion Of Consciousness 29 October

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Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion of consciousness.

Your unique role begins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point of consciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy, inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as an individual. It determines your vibrational level and defines your Soul Signature.

Your own consciousness begins to expand when you live consciously.

Living consciously means being aware of each moment and your role in this moment. You are aware of where you are and what you are doing. You are aware of how your thoughts, intentions, and actions fit with the larger scope of the consciousness of humanity. You are centered within yourself, and you are also aware that your consciousness extends beyond yourself.

For example, you may see a rose. You are aware of its deep red color, its sweet fragrance, its backdrop of green leaves, and the dew on the petals. You then shift your awareness to the enjoyment that the rose brings to everyone who sees it and how it lifts their spirits – how it brightens their day and helps them to increase their consciousness as they go about the activities of the day. Their increased consciousness expands out to affect everyone with whom they interact.

~ Sandra Walter ~ New Light Waves 29 October

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I was guided to create a video to amplify light encodements with the words of my last two articles. There are incoming waves of light which support an acceleration of the merge. This is an audio of my two latest articles: *The Silence, the Stream, the Fractal* and *Pure Light for Pure Conduits* ~ with footage of the Sunset from atop Mount Shasta. This video is light-encoded to assist your progress if you choose to receive it. Many blessings as we receive these waves of deep change.

~ Tazjima ~ The Light Collective: Are you looking for Love?

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Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima)
We are the Light Collective, a gathering of ascended masters, angelic and light beings, as well as members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Today our theme is: “ Are you looking for love in all the wrong places?”
Inspired by a reader’s comment and refreshed by a walk in the cool autumnal air, our scribe is ready to take on another short piece.
What is love, really?
This has been a perennial question in the hearts of many people, lifetime after lifetime, as hit by the storms of life, seemingly bereft of solace; they have yearned to find true love.

~ Wes Annac ~ Our Universal Family: Every Facet of Consciousness is Inexplicably Connected 28 October

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-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Let an unending banquet of Love wash over you now as you read these words and absorb the energy they’ve arrived with.

All of the pain and disharmony can meld away when allowing yourselves to tap back into the Universal conduit of oneness energy as well as the various perceived personalities comprising such a complex, who our scribe has referred to as your Universal Family.

We are indeed your Family, and we have so much Love and guidance to share with you.

Humanity’s destiny, while being set in stone in so many ways, is ultimately being decided by you as individuals and as a collective. However, we seek to offer the advice and guidance of souls who’ve been through our own respective lower-dimensional experiences and can understand some of what you’re experiencing from the perspective we’re blessed with having.

As you ascend and reach purer states of consciousness you’ll find are everlasting, you too will desire to help as many others as possible open up to and understand what you’ve been able to. The desire isn’t for others to have the same perspective we possess, but rather, to see others bathed in the pure bliss, Love and joy that accompanies entering a purer state of consciousness.

~Ute Posegga-Rudel ~Mary Magdalene: Humanity is ONE at Heart

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Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Mary Magdalene: A Humanity One at Heart, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, October 26, 2013 at

VIDEO (recommended)

MY DEAR ONES, You, who are here to work for the light, are now at the point where your service is being requested like never before.

You will see many things arise and change that will show your still sleeping brothers and sisters that this reality is not continuous or firm and not forever.

This will challenge them to change their point of view that still rests on the illusionary surface of themselves and their world, and to seek the strength and eternity they project onto the outer world within themselves. 

For many this will be a new experience as they never had the opportunity to know who they really are, and they will be very confused. Who can help and support them and show them the way are you, who have dedicated your life to the Truth of your Godhood, the Divinity of your True Humanness.

It is important – and nothing is more in these coming days – that you stand in your heart, the domain of feeling and compassion. That you are rested steadily in yourself, in spite of the many changes and challenges you all will face.

It is only love and compassion that counts in these days, and the wisdom and light that is the basis for finding creative solutions for a new life to emerge.


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