Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Indianinthemachine ~You Raise Your Frequency, Or Are Highly Creative… And Others Attack You, Or Don’t Support You… Why?

Eddie1177's picture

Many of us have been raising our frequency, living our truths, paving the way… in a world like our’s, one might feel like others would appreciate our presence… instead people will attack, act out in rage, get real vicious, and want to pull us back down…  it can be rather shocking, especially when we are growing, evolving, being of service to others, standing in our Light etc…. why????

Personal Update and Message from Multidimensional Ocean and Higher Self ~ 27 Oct. 2013

Eddie1177's picture
VIA Facebook
Feeling the energies of this Halloween in a particularly heavy way, most of it is for personal reasons and blockages I highly suspect.
The energies around me are heavy, dense, there is little light in the area where I have relocated on the litteral and on the figurative level.
Outside: constant layers of clouds, constant wet weather of various degrees, the buildings are all grey or of red bricks, old and run down by the weather.
Inside: this heaviness is affecting me in strange ways, being cut off from friends and family, partner and my cat. However, I find comfort in knowing that this is only temporary, and that it is something that the universe has arranged for me to do at this time for many, many reasons.
As the enerrgies change on the Northern hemisphere, so is the inernal mood for us.

The Creator Writings - Awareness

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The Creator Writings


As the vibrational essence of your Earth-plane rises, you will become increasingly aware of your part in it. Listen to your heart, change yourdirection if necessary and know you are always supported by The Universe. ~ Creator


Stay in your heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 26, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

My child, stay in your heart, whatever happens. This will help you through all the stormsand troubled times. In your heart you can find the peace and safety that lead you through the tides. There you can make and hold the connection to your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides and me. This is extremely important right now. We are all with you, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

Note: The following talk is connected to it:

I: Does this message means, it will now start soon?

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 26 October 2013

Doreen Smith's picture
 October 26, 2013  


My dear friends, we love you so very much.

In truth dear ones, you can never lose God’s love, for that is all there is! Everything increation is fashioned from this love. Everything is unique reflection of this love. In some cases, this love is obvious – as in the miracle of a setting sun, the eyes of a baby, or a situation which brings you great joy. Sometimes this love is hidden, buried beneath the surface – as in the case of a cantankerous or unloving human being, or the thorns of a rosebush, or in a difficult challenge. Nevertheless, the thorns love and protect the roses. The cantankerous individuals are thorny because they do not know a kinder way to love and protect themselves. In your challenges, you find strength.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Breaking out of the shell that was created FOR YOU

Eddie1177's picture

Energies over the past linear few weeks have been intense, at the moment many of you may FEEL that you have no idea what is going on in your life and at times may FEEL almost at the mercy of all that is now unfolding. It is to be remembered that YOU create your own reality at ALL times and that your SOUL is guiding you, whether you are conscious of this or not makes little difference albeit becoming more conscious of this TRUTH will help you when all begins to unravel. It is the unravelling that is now unfolding, for in order to live in TRUTH and to remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH you must first of all dissolve all that you have been taught that you are within the old 3d earth paradigms.  As this is done person to person then the outer waking reality in which the human race has been taught to stay within will begin to break down and crumble.  This is a result of the increase in awareness of the creation of reality at a personal level. This is not something that is happening around you, it is happening within you. I have touched on this subject before and this blog will address it once more for it is relatively easy to fall to the illusion, especially at this time when all APPEARS to be crumbling and the outer waking reality begins to shift continuously.

Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists

Eddie1177's picture - Many think this young girl has supernatural abilities and scientists are puzzled by what she has accomplished so far.

She is now being called a global scientific phenomenon.

According to the family, their 11-year-old daughter has a bizarre ability to set things aflame by just being near them.

The young Vietnamese girl living in HCM City's Tan Binh District has drawn a great deal of attention from the nation's media.

Her father tells it all started about a month ago when the family home's electrical network suffered several short circuits, about a month ago. Electricians were called to fix the short circuit but could not find the cause behind the power failures.

He said the girl was taken to other houses where the same phenomenon took place each time. Her mattresses, fans and other equipment have burst into flames. The hotel room where her family stayed two weeks ago during their holiday on Vung Tau beach also suffered burns from a blaze.

The girl has been examined by doctors at Cho Ray Hospital and the Children's Hospital No. 2 but nothing abnormal has been found.

But a team of scientists from the Centre of Research and Application for Radio-active Geo-biological Energy at Hong Bang University has also carried out tests on the girl and confirmed that she is unusual.


~ Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ Divine dispensation will be resolved now! 26 October 2013

Eddie1177's picture

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans, this is I, Archangel Raphael speaking to you.

This is  a new message that I am bringing to you and with it we are concluding a past series of messages by which I have informed you repeatedly about ascension, health and your activities pertaining to these topics.

Now we shall choose some new direction. And this has been already explained a bit by my brother Archangel Michael in his message of this week.



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