Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Jullie Miller ~ Archangel Gabriel: Allow Breathing Room for Your Transitions to Take Effect October 28, 2013

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You have been told numerous times by many before our message today that change is a part of life, even if you manage to slow down their approach – changes are inevitable and the transitions that result from changes taking place are natural as day becoming night.
As you observe nature you are able to visibly see the changes through seasons and as the season reaches its end there is an acceleration of change occurring that seems to be sudden bringing it to the next part of its transformation and new season of change. You see this as the leaves in Spring begin bud and grow, flowers begin to blossom, crops flourish then as the seasons lead from Spring to Summer through Autumn you can with careful observance see how each plant, tree, even creature grows and changes according to each month within each season bringing them into Autumn then Winter. Within the change of all seasons are cycles of endings and new beginnings – this occurs with your own journey as well.

Eliza: Here be Dragons

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Eliza Ayres


So I really did pick tomatoes today. I dislike seeing the last of my tomato vines going into the compost pile, as it means that soon I’ll be without fresh, really fresh tomatoes. Living in a northern state, we get most of our winter vegetables and fruits from cold storage, California and even Chile. Does not replace fresh tomatoes, etc., out of the garden such as it is.

Now, for an update on the restoration. All extraneous postings are gone and there is still 2.5 pages to reformat. A lot of work, but worth it as it will make it easier for those who enjoy these writings (imagine that!) will be able to find their favorites with an improved category tree.

On an entirely different note, one of my readers remarked how much he enjoys the messages from the Great Divine Director and asked when there would be another one. Simple fact, I don’t know. My writing and channeling is very organic and comes from deep within. While I have lots of constant companions, who are becoming more and more apparent to me everyday, I have had no formal announced guide, ever. I realize that this differs quite a lot from many channelers. Fact is, I hardly ever meditate. Instead, I can “tune in” at any time and hear or rather feel the inner life going on.

The Creator Writings - Do You See Beauty?

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The Creator Writings


Beauty. What is beauty to you? It comes in many forms; movement, laughter, tears and yes, it even exists in what may seem to be an incoherent mess of tangled emotions. Beauty weaves itself through every strand of your life. If you do not see at least one beautiful thing a day, The Universe invites you to take a closer look at what you may have missed. ~ Creator


Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - October 27, 2013

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Creative Solutions

 We encourage you to open your hearts and minds to receive the Creative Solutions that abound in the higher frequencies of Divine Love.

For this simple process, consider the attributes and spiritual qualities that you most need in your life.

Look for Creative Solutions in every area of your life with a Next Step Reading from Shanta. and

Solar flares – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 27, 2013

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(Translated from original language german)

My Child, You may groan under the intensity of the energies that the solar flares carry to you. The purpose of these energies are, to wake you up more and to prepare you for Ascension. The intensity of the light will increase more. You can compare this with your dawn. It will be brighter and you will finally wake up. So it is with the energies of the light. You do not see them already, but feel them in your whole body. Again, my advice to allow, to rest much and drink plenty of water so your body can handle the energies better. We are observing you and the effects of the energies on your body exactly. Nothing is left to coincidence, that doesn’t exist at all, and we make sure that there is not too much for you. ~

Your Divine Mother

Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal 28 October

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Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Pluto sextile Chiron; TUE: Saturn conjunct Mercury; WED: Sun conjunct North Node, Chiron opposite Mars; THU: Pluto trine Mars, Uranus quincunx Mars; FRI: Pluto square Uranus, Mars sextile Mercury, Chiron trine Sun, Uranus quincunx Sun, Pluto sextile Sun, Sun conjunct Mercury, Pluto sextile Mercury, Uranus quincunx Mercury, Chiron trine Mercury; SAT: Mercury conjunct North Node; SUN: Sun sextile Mars, Solar Eclipse/New Moon 4:49am PST, Saturn semisquare Venus

THE PRESSURE is on — just in case you’ve been wondering. This week we have two Main Attractions: the fourth Pluto-Uranus square (Friday) and a Solar Eclipse / New Moon (Sunday). Either of these planetary events by themselves would indicate a turning point or a transition time — to have them within three days of each other is a bit like trying to jump rope and run a hurdles course at the same time.

On top of that, our physical sun has roared to life this week, spouting two X-class (the highest magnitude) flares and at least nine M-class (second highest magnitude) flares over the past three days. Solar flares send waves of electromagnetic radiation into space. If they are Earth-directed (as several were this week), we humans must receive that electromagnetic energy and integrate it.

~ Eileen Meyer ~ Universal Current-cy 28 October

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There are choices now
Yet there are no mistakes
There is the CURRENT-cy of LOVE
And there is the CURRENT-cy of fear
Fuck money
Remember, you can choose LOVE
and everything may still look the same
for a spell


The spell will wear off when you FEEL and BE
Universal CURRENT-cy

Your natural state

Lock it in
And the transformation begins

EM Meyer 102713

~ Laura Bruno ~Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus Square Pluto, Part Four: All You Need Is Love 28 October

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Uranus Square Pluto Part Four
All You Need Is Love
by Timothy Glenn

Uranus and Pluto are still dancing out their seven exact squares to each other as we near the end of October 2013. The fourth exact square looms ahead on November 1, right on time for All Souls Day. We can view this middle of the seven events as a hinge point, a time of make it or break it. We could also compare it to a keystone in the center of an arch, a time upon which a lot is resting.

However you choose to analogize it, we have reached a crucial juncture in our “Global Metamorphosis”. The Hopi expression for our current world situation is Koyaanisqatsi; life out of balance. If we had thought we were living in A Mad Mad Mad Mad World before, we might have been right. But to take a hard honest look at the world now, we see that this experience of Koyaanisqatsi surpasses the seemingly harmless insanity we had tolerated for ages.

The Times They Are A-Changin’

When Uranus and Pluto formed their powerful conjunction in the 1960′s, they gave us what we know as The Sixties. The human world began to morph in earnest; civil rights, women’s rights, the peace movement, the environmental movement, expanding consciousness and a host of etceteras.

~ Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Metatron: The sweetness of Life

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Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

How does one describe the sweetness of life? How can you access the sweetness of life and does life have an eternal sweetness to it that is yours to revel in? These are questions that I wish to speak of today and to ask you to contemplate. Is there such an existence as experiencing sweetness in your life with every moment of your reality and are you deserving of the sweetness of life?

As you are aware, your life upon the Earth is a process of learning, you could say that it is no more than a process of learning. Could you allow yourself to accept that your experiences, connections, interactions with your reality, loved ones, animals and yourself are simply processes of learning?  Surely this would take away meaning, purpose and authenticity from your reality and existence upon the Earth? As always it is for you to decide how you choose to answer such questions and perspectives put to you but by accepting that every aspect of your reality and even your existence upon the Earth is a process of learning for you, you allow yourself to detach from your reality seeking the truth within every experience, feeling or thought. In a reality of learning where multiple options, ideas and scenarios are given, you have the purpose of seeking the truth; this is the truth within your being.

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Ascended Master Hilarion 27 October 2013

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Beloved Ones,

The world around you is filled with many distractions that demand your attention and focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the polarity games as they play out and it is important for the Light Bearers to hold their ground. As you have already experienced many times, the headlines in your news media’s are generated to attract followers. Remember that where you put your thoughts and focus is what in turn, you will bring into manifestation. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and focus on what you want to experience in your personal world rather than that which is dissolving and disintegrating in the higher frequencies. The old world paradigms are no longer working even though there is a frenzied effort to bring them back.

This message asks you to make a concerted effort to radiate your light through your individual methods of application with great determination and intent. Picture the planet surrounded by a golden white light that shines out into the universe. Envision your own light radiating and expanding into your sphere of influence with great love and intensity. Humanity as a whole must move beyond their own individual concerns to a focus of that which is for the greater good for all. Begin to ask yourselves what your Higher Self or Christ Self would do in the situations that confront you. You must BE the light and if, in your personal challenges, you slip back into reaction rather than a loving response, forgive yourselves and others and continue to practice your daily disciplines. Each moment is another opportunity to regroup and renew your focus on your role as Light Bearers.


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