Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report For November - 30 October

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  November is a dynamic month, highlighted by a Solar Eclipse, four planetary stations and another Uranus/Pluto square. These stations include Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune and Chiron. As earth and water signs are emphasized, much activity can happen on deep inner levels and emerge as new realizations or significant shifts in one’s beliefs and values.


   The first week in November is the most potent and intense. On November 1, the fourth of seven exact squares occur between Uranus and Pluto. This means we are past the half-way point of this long evolutionary cycle of social and cultural change, which continues until 2015. This aspect can bring personal crises, breakdowns or breakthroughs. The last square aspect was on May 20, 2013. If a significant change occurred back then, it will come up for another review at this time. The next Uranus/Pluto square will occur on April 21, 2014. Much opportunity can also come at this time, but be sure to clarify details as Mercury is still retrograde until November 10.

The Creator Writings - Past…..Present…..Now!

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


You can spend your time dwelling in the past and letting it continue to affect your life. You can spend your time worrying about the future and anticipate, with fear, anything that approaches. But, these things do not leave much time for your NOW. How do you want to live? ~ Creator

Your Guardian Angels – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 29, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

My child, you have two or three Guardian Angels that monitor and protect you. But they can only intervene if things would turn against your life plan. An accident, for example, which is provided as a lesson in your life plan, they can not prevent; but everything else. You can trust them fully, because they love you. In all near misses or incidents that you got off lightly, they have held their hand protectively over you. Isn’t tthis reassuring? Doesn’t give it you a good feeling? ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.


Uninstalling Ego Programs ~ D. Tamick

Lia's picture


When I was doing my meditation this morning, I had an interesting idea present itself to me. Lately I’ve had to uninstall several programs on my computer that I no longer need and that were slowing things down. I had the thought that the programs I’ve created to run my life are in that same category – no longer needed and slowing things down. Why don’t I uninstall some of them? So I started. I pictured my computer screen and clicked on the proper boxes. I was amazed at how easy it was (most of the time). As soon as I uninstalled one, another would pop up.


I realized in doing this that these programs are not in fact truth or reality but illusion and, as if I was a small child, I was simply pretending that they’re true so that I can have an adventure. When I was 8 or 10 years old I was not really a pirate or cowboy or Indian but it sure was fun pretending I was. Of course after the game was over, I became a little boy again and had my dinner.


The first one that came up was when I was bemoaning my physical limitations as I do quite a lot. My whole life I’ve hated the limitations that physicality presents. So I brought up the program of “pretending that I live in a state of extreme limitation.”

Jelaila Starr ~ Ascension Update

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Nibiruan Council  October 28 2013

Many thanks again, for all the kind words and encouragement.  That means a lot when you are living out on a limb, so to speak.  You’d think that after 20 years, I’d be used to taking the hits but, seems I’m only human after all.  Haha

Is it me or does it seem that the world is still waiting for something waiting to exhale?  It feels as though we are on the brink of something major.  I feel like I am waiting to begin a new mission.  This mission is about learning to live in the new reality; the one just now coming into view.  This may be our last week of waiting…as something is about to shift.

Living in the new reality…it is going to be different than the one we have known.  One of the greatest changes is going to be the level of prosperity.  To maintain and grow we will need to shift how we view abundance.  Many of us used to living paycheck to paycheck, we are used to doing with less buying only when things are in sale.  What will we do when it is no longer necessary to wait in line, travel coach or buy cheaper items because we cannot afford the best?  We will have to learn how to live large and do it gracefully.

Revealing Comments from David Wilcock on Ben Fulford’s Oct 28th Post

Lia's picture

Thanks to Lightworker 29501 for the heads up and Kauilapele for his blog:

I think this illustrates just how much goes on that even we awakened ones don’t see. When the channels and ‘connected’ ones tell us “nothing is as it seems”, we can take that to the bank. We are seeing an illusion. It may be translucent for us while opaque for the masses, but we are still in the dark to a great degree.

Obama, we’re told, is an aspect of the same soul monad as Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. He came with a monumental purpose, and his obstacles are many. Go easy on him, no matter how it looks. Reserve judgement, and I believe we all be surprised by the outcome of this nightmare.

The cabal are masters at this game. Strap yourselves in, my friends for the grand finale. Meditate/visualize when asked and let’s work together to create the best possible outcome for all concerned.  ~ BP


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