Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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Numbing yourself prevents you from confronting your issues and keeps you from ever finding resolution or peace.

We are born equipped to experience a complex array of diverse emotions. Many of us, however, are uncomfortable confronting our most powerful emotions. We may shy away from delight and despair and deny life’s colors by retreating into a world of monotone grey. We may numb ourselves to what we are truly feeling.

It’s easier to suppress our emotions than to deal with them, so we may momentarily turn to pleasures such as alcohol, food, sugar, shopping and too much television. We may even numb our hearts. While it’s normal to temporarily seek distractions as a means of coping with intense emotions, numbing yourself prevents you from confronting your issues and keeps you from ever finding resolution or peace.

When you are numb, there is no pain or powerlessness, but there can also be no joy or healing.

The activities that numb you may seem harmless or pleasurable, but using them to numb yourself diminishes the quality of your life. Numbing yourself so that you don’t have to feel intense emotions can often satisfy a surface need while blocking your awareness of a deeper need. You may find solace in food or shopping when what you really need is spiritual nourishment.

Meredith Murphy ~The Spaciousness Of New Potentials ~ 24 October 2013

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Hello My Friends and Family,

You find yourself, I suspect, increasingly in states of spaciousness.

Today I wish to speak a little bit about the process of creating space, the purpose of opening to new potential and how this will occur as you experience the uplifting energies, infusions of love and and in fact, as you open to a more and more loving relationship with you.

As you open to a more and more loving relationship with you, you rise in frequency and expand. You discover wide, open spaces of new potential.

You may not experience the spaciousness as spaciousness.

You may experience this as a sense of emptiness, your could experience this as loss, and feel confusion, as lack of direction. All of this happens as old ideals and aspirations fade away. You may find you do not know how to live your life as a result of this and in this state of experience. And in this state of experiencing you may even have a more difficult time with these more expansive moments of spaciousness, which occur very naturally as your energy field prepares for higher infusion of the Divine Essence of You.

Mahala ~ The Sacred Holiday Of Halloween ~ 24 October 2013

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mahalaDo you ever think about what Halloween really means?  It used to be a very sacred holiday that was celebrated for many, many years. The reason it was so sacred was because it honored the Goddess or feminine energy. Then the male patriarch took over and turned it into a different type of holiday. One of the symbols of Halloween is the spider. The Hopi Indians have always honored their creator goddess who is Spider Woman. She is the one who spins her web that encompasses everything. She weaves the light grid around the world.

In the Bible it talks about the 12 tribes of Israel, which are all male. The 12 tribes are symbolic of the 12 signs of the zodiac. There are actually 13 tribes or 13 signs. The 13th tribe is the sign of the Goddess (called Dinah in the Bible) who has been hidden for eons of time. Goddess energy is of course the love energy that is within everyone, both male and female.

One of the predictions of the Mayans was that the ships of light would return on July 11, 1991. This happened in Mexico when there was a total solar eclipse which started the cycle of the return of the Goddess. This is when we first moved into the sixth sun. The sixth sun (sign) of the zodiac is Virgo, the sign of the Goddess. On August 22 of 2013 we stepped into the higher frequency of this energy. The Goddess energy (love) is now here.

A Short but Sweet Reminder to Pull Up the Big Kid Pants ~ A message By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

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Hi Everyone! 

I don’t know if you have picked up on this or not but there is some crazy energy happening right now! I’m hearing from people who are really unglued and angry and from others who are floating along in bliss! What the heck?

In a recent session with Ron Head for our Speaking with Self  website, I asked what was up with all the chaos. In trance, speaking as the God/Creator energy, he answered something like this:

There is an increase of energy coming into the planet now. Everybody is receiving this increase, no matter what their belief system is. For those who are already concentrating on the chaos, they will experience more of this. For those that can center themselves, they will detach from the chaos, just observing it and becoming more centered. 

I just sat for this message and felt a gentle yet firm insistance to leave the sanctuary that is my meditation room & get out in the public and spread the signal of love. Something we ALL can do! And as my friend, God mentions, this is not a test!! :)

Telepathic Communication – Starting a wonderful Journey (Part 1/2)

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As Seen at Sirian Heaven Reblogged from Healing4You




Following article has been elaborated with the great assistance of my Higher Self and what the latter really is you will be explained in the following passages.

I am quite young in this realm with regard to being a channeler and subsequent experience of it and it is my great pleasure of being able to channel messages of some light-beings (like the Creator, Archangels, Ascended Masters etc.). All these messages I publish on my blog which I have built up particularly on request of Spirit.

It is since end of March 2013 that I receive weekly messages from the Light which are meant and destined for all humans here on earth. Besides all these public messages there are also many personal ones giving me ever again wonderful and loving impulses and support for my very own daily life. I simply cannot imagine any more to be without  these so beloved friends or better said “family of light” !

~ Jennifer Hoffman~ Archangel Uriel:The Universe works with you.

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Archangel Uriel: The Universe Works With You. Channelled through Jennifer Hoffman – October 23, 2013.

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for October 23, 2013

Do you know that the Universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already energized in some part of your reality.

The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for through your conscious or unconscious intention. As soon as you have defined the intention, you set up the vibrations that create the reality.

Understanding this is the key to manifesting everything in life because it is how everything is manifested. And whether the intention is conscious or unconscious is not important; it is all the same to the Universe, which sees you as infinitely powerful, wise and always acting within your highest good.

When you pray to God, or the Source, to ‘fix this problem’ the Universe is unable to respond to you because you have not created anything, there is no intention, and there is nothing to fix because there is no problem. The Universe knows that, either consciously or unconsciously, you created the situation that you see as a problem. And you must create the solution by energizing the possibility for a new aspect of your reality to be present.

Andy Bojarksi ~ My Release Experience 2 Nights Ago ~ Amazing ~

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Hello everyone…this is Andy Bojarski…I wanted to share something that happened to me…I had the most profound life changing energetic shift on the night of October 21, 2013…It was truly one of the most amazing spiritual experiences of my life…

Thank you for allowing me to share it with all of you…I was sleeping and it was about 1:30 in the morning and my throat was starting to get dry and it felt like there were ants and insects there…

I immediately woke up…The throat area felt like something was there, like I swallowed insects and they were all moving, all stuck there…  My throat was definitely moving and something or someone or more like many someones were there…not knowing how to get out or not wanting to get out…

I felt scared at first and immediately called in Arch Angel Michael and asked him to be with me…I felt this immense energy around me which I knew as Arch Angel Michael and he started to talk to me and I felt his comfort and love…

He clearly in my conscious state said that I was releasing and that I was now in the process of the biggest release I have ever had…He told me that this is the final release of everything that does not serve my highest and best good from this life and from all PAST lives and ALL past realities and existences and parallel Universes…

The Creator Writings - Is This Mine?

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The Creator Writings


It can be almost too easy to get caught up in the emotions of those around you and take them as your own. If you are internalizing thosenegatives, take a step back, a deep breath and ask if the emotion you’re feeling at that particular time is really your own. If the answer is no, feel into what is really going on inside. Fitting in does not mean molding yourself to what others are experiencing. Everything you encounter is an exercise of Free Will; USE IT! ~ Creator


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