Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

SIRIUS A on the full dissolving of 3d earth paradigms

Lia's picture

Greetings beloved ones we are the energies of  SIRIUS A and we come to guide and to support as the chaos appears to deepen and expand and the dissolving fully of all that has kept the human race in vibratory chains now completes. For many of you this is a time of extreme outpouring of emotions, these emotions are the triggers for the old 3d earth teachings and as such are of no servitude to you at any level of this your human form. For many of you at this time you will be unable to piece together the emotion with the outer waking reality that you are experiencing, this may trigger you even more deeply and we guide this is deliberate for only in the full release of all that sits beneath your consciousness can you move out of the lower dimensional frequencies and embrace the DREAM that resides within the heart space.

SaLuSa 11. 10. 2013 by MADAD~ Everything is Changing

Lia's picture
 SaLuSa (1)


Energy field around each of you and around Mother Earth is getting stronger and no longer supporting accumulation of negative aspects of 3D reality. This energy field is filled with Love and Light of high frequency and it works as a clearing shield of all that need to be released. Those who cleared themselves can feel it as powerful feeling of being lifted up from all that was holding them previously down and it is helping them to get used to even higher frequency of Being. Do be aware of this feeling and let this Love and Light that surround you inside through your heart and expect great change once your body adjusts to it. Those who are in process of clearing will feel strong desire and need to free themselves from issues that they cannot longer deny their existence. And those who are still engaging themselves in lower game of illusion will feel heavy pressure inside and will try to search even more of illusions to cover themselves with, but they can no longer influence all others with their negative thinking as it mostly stays within their own energy field. Everybody have already chosen their path and the reality they want to be in as no one knows better what experiences are needed as the one who lives them.


Andy Bojarski ~ Saint Germain ~ How Teleportation Will Change Your World

Lia's picture


Hello everyone, this is Andy Bojarski.  I normally only channel my Higher Self.  However, I was asked by Saint Germain (who’s energy came in very strongly) to give this message regarding teleportation that is coming soon to Mother Earth.

He stressed the importance of this message and asked that I share it on our website with all of you…There is a second part that I will post tomorrow or the next day as I do not want to have a post that is too long so I am breaking it up into two posts.

The second part discusses what you have to do to be able to teleport yourself.  I hope you enjoy these posts…

“Greetings family of light, it is I, Saint Germain.  I am so honored to speak to you in this beautiful NOW moment in this space that you are in.  So much is now unfolding in your reality.  You have heard this before by so many.  Yes ascension is marvelously moving forward because you are marvelously moving forward.  All is always Divinely perfect. 

You are creating everything, and what a beautiful creation it is.  But let me tell you, so much more is moving forward.  So much more awaits you.  So much more will soon be here in your conscious existence because you are all creating this.  You are all master creators by Divine Birth, by Divine Right!

~ Archangel Gabriel~

Lia's picture

Archangel Gabriel

 Meaning ~“Strength of God”; “The Divine is my strength”; “God is my strength”


… Gabriel is known as the “messenger” Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, Gabriel is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament. GAbriel is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon Him will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.


Gabriel can bring messages to you just as he did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a child.


Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your dreams and vision.

Archangeloi of the ELOHIM on the breaking of the human shell

Lia's picture

Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support at a time of mass awakening of all levels of your BEing. For many of you this is a time of supercharging, a time when you can FEEL the flow of the New Earth energies coursing through your human vehicle, for others it is the beginning of the upgrading of the human vehicle, the downloading and uploading of various LIGHT codes in preparation for all that will now flow across and within planet earth. The movement of ALL out of the old 3d earth CREATED reality is NOW beloved ones and we guide for you to LET GO and ALLOW ALL to FLOW.

The ocean does not attempt to hold back the waves for fear of losing part of its fluidity and you in your human form are asked the same. For many of you are attempting to hold back the changes that are now flowing into and around you. Believing that if you are not in conscious control of all then you will lose control and this beloved ones is the teachings of the old 3d earth reality that is now dissolving. For at SOUL level you are in full control, you are navigating your human form into position in order to align fully with your SOUL and your SOUL purpose, for each one of you incarnate into human form has a purpose upon this planet and this will now become more and more illuminated for you from WITHIN YOU.

The Creator Writings - Brilliant Flashes

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


There will be moments, great brilliant flashes of insight that will allow you to see beyond the reality you exist in now. As you continue to grow and learn, they will become more frequent, your vibration stronger and more vital. Allowing these moments to envelope your being is just another step of your ascension process. ~ Creator


Believe me – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 10, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

My child, you are so strong and are able to achieve so much. Believe me this. You have not been chosen without reason to be at this time on earth. You have a strong will, a strong constitution and so much love in your heart. So many other beings have volunteered, but you were also taken. This alone is already a sign of your greatness. You are well equipped for this demanding but so rewarding mission. You can do and you will accomplish it, my child. I know this because I know you so well and bathe you in my love to give you even more vigor. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.


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