Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Owen K Waters ~ Left Behind

Lia's picture


You might ask the question, “What if some people simply don’t want to go through The Shift and leave their old lifestyle behind?” What if they prefer to stay immersed in “them against us” dramas or even “me against the world” dramas?

Humanity was created so that we can find our way back home to the source from which we originally came. God didn’t just create humanity and leave us to fend for ourselves. There is a cosmic plan for the enlightenment of humanity and, true to our gift of self-determination, no one is forced to progress any faster than they choose.

The Shift isn’t just about the planet Earth. Our planet, our solar system, and our section of the universe are about to make a quantum jump in frequency. There will come a mass ascension day when the Earth will rise in vibration and take with her all who are ready to function in heart-centered consciousness.

Andy Bojarski ~ Saint Germain ~ Part 2 ~ What You Need To Do To Teleport ~

Lia's picture


Hi everyone, here is the second part of the channeling with Saint Germain.  Click HERE to view the first part of the channeling.  Sending all of you love and many blessings…Andy

“…Only the purest hearts that are filled with nothing but deep love for all beings and Self will teleport. Teleporting comes from the heart, your precious, love filled heart. 

When you teleport, all of your magnificent energies are moved to your amazing heart from your physical body and then you communicate with the heart energetically, and not the mind or the ego, thus allowing yourself to by physically moved to where you want to go. 

Dear precious hearts, you will teleport when you can be truly open and honest about yourself, and accept yourself as a precious Divine Being of Light.  You are all consciously waking up now and realizing who you are and finding your radiating I AM Presence, and finding Self. 

What a beautiful journey you are all on dear friends.  You teleport when you can honestly forgive yourself and others for the past and when you love yourself like no other.  You teleport when you feel deep and compassionate and pure love for every precious and honored being from your beautiful heart. 

Archangeloi of the ELOHIM ~ the birth of the New Earth

Lia's picture


Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the energies begin to anchor and to expand, for many the last linear 24/48 hours may have seen much emotion arise for you and the flowing of much OUT of your human life experience. We are here to explain the energetic frequencies and their affects on the human vehicle in order you may fully understand that which you have now birthed upon and within planet earth. Many of you may now FEEL the changes in your waking life experience, may FEEL the movement and shift of ALL that is within this life experience and this is something that will further anchor within you over the next linear 36/74 hours in a linear context. We use the linear context to help you at this time for the human life experience is now expanding with the ability to FEEL beyond anything that you will have ever encountered upon this planet in any dimensional timeline.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 13 October 2013

Lia's picture


Greetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as we observe the Light  flowing forth from and to you at this time.  Earth is moving quickly toward a new universal energy which increases with every person who opens their heart and mind to new and higher ways of seeing.  We observe people the  world over questioning and asking themselves if what they are being told by those in charge is actually true.  This questioning  indicates  personal and universal receptivity  to truth which in turn  brings focus and change to the myriad  forms of  powerlessness so many still experience. This is how change happens.

The new receptivity of individual consciousness is bringing an awareness that man is  much more than just a servant for those holding world power.  Illusion  increasingly dissolves with each soul who hears and heeds their inner voice  and begins to awaken to the truth of who they really are.  Most of the world does not yet understand the spiritual nature of the energetic changes taking place.  They desire change because  living as they have always known and accepted,  no longer resonates with them and  many  are finding their voice–experiencing a new courage and strength with which to communicate and live in  new ways.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~13 October 2013 The Destiny

Lia's picture


marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

The heavens smile down upon the Earth as she moves into alignment with her destiny. Seen from the higher realms, the wonder of this movement is beyond reckoning. The celestial movements that are occurring and will continue to occur bring transformation of the highest order. The old ways are fast becoming just a dream and new beginnings are ripe with potential. These are times spoken of through the ages and it is now here at last. First it begins on the etheric energy levels and filters its way into every facet of life and living upon your planet. Profound change and transformation is wending its way into every cell of existence and the Earth is being prepared for a grand ceremony.

All the teeming chaos that seems to erupt is only chasing the shadows as they go. Behind them comes something wonderful, something magnificent, something humanity has envisioned in its heart of hearts. The new reality is moving into place and its movement into your lives is quiet, graceful and filled with peaceful joy and contentment. More moments of the frequency of bliss and ecstasy are becoming more commonplace amongst those of you who have waited long for these moments. Tune in and tune up, Dear Ones, for this is only the beginning. Each soul discovers truly, all that was needed is within them and they are the ones who make it happen in their outer reality. The denser energies are fast departing leaving behind the anticipation of the new.

I love you – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 12, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

I love you, my child. I love you just as you are. Whether you think you would have flaws or you were not worthy of my love. I love you anyway. I love your laughter, your alleged errors and slips. I love it when you look in the mirror and you say to yourself: I love you!

I love you, I love you, I love you!

I can tell you just never enough. I love you in all your beauty. You are beautiful to me namely. You are infinitely beautiful and valuable. Every one of you. No matter what you do or do not do, I love you, my child, endlessly and in all eternity. ~

Your Divine Mother

Re-Post ~Jennifer Hoffman~ Q&A: Where Are My Angels & Guides When I Need Them?

Eddie1177's picture

Dear Jennifer:  I have been asking for guidance from my angels and spirit guides and I feel like they never answer me. It isn’t fair that I feel so unsupported when I thought they were here to help me and are supposed to be offering guidance when I need it. What can I do to get more clear and consistent responses from them and do I have any angels and guides supporting me?

Jennifer’s Answer: Getting answers from you guides and angels depends on the kinds of questions you are asking, how you are asking them, and how you are listening. They can support and guide you, but not when you are asking out of fear, despair, from your belief in disconnection or your anger at yourself for taking this journey in the first place. When we are in fear, our angels are close by but they cannot connect. When we ask and ask and don’t stop asking, we are not quiet enough to hear their answers. If we forget they resonate at the level of joy and need for us to be open to new solutions and transformation, we don’t put ourselves at the level at which they can connect with us. They can help you find a new path when you open that door for them.

Update from Cobra~ Window of Opportunity 2013

Lia's picture
A new Window of Opportunity will open on the surface of this planet. This Window of Opportunity will mean an increased probability for the Event, although it will not yet be the most probable time. Within this Window of Opportunity, a solar magnetic field reversal will happen. Scientific studies of professor Tchijevsky have determined that 80% of important societal changes happen within 2.5 years before or after the solar cycle maxima:



The Window will open with a penumbral lunar eclipse on October 18th. This lunar eclipse will trigger an acceleration of clearing of all remaining non-physical negative entities from folds of distorted etheric space and this clearing process might get pretty intense.


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