Tuesday, 25 June, 2013 (posted 8 October, 2013)
Yael and Doug Powell
Beloved ones, when you rise up into the Real of Love, heart open, present with Me, then the whole sub-creation of duality falls away, and you are free to be the presence of Love giving itself to the world. When you are living in the heart and not the mind, there is no separation between you and the experience of Real life, and you are free to be the movement of God I Am -- reaching forth to love the world and to bless it, however the world seems to be appear through the vehicle of the ego mind.
You can live in this Reality of Love alive to the blessings of the immersion in life. And you can be fully functioning in the world but instead of seeing it through the eyes of the ego, interpreting everything in relation to "me" (your ego self), you are rather seeing with the single eye of Love and aware of yourself as My movement, My outreach in each joyous opportunity to give, and to bless, and to see right through the idea of separation into the Real and ever-living bliss of this Now Moment.