Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q&A: What Happened To All of My Friends?

MomT's picture

Enlightening Life By Jenniferr on October 9, 2013

Dear Jennifer:  I am a friendly, easy going, fun person to be with and until six years ago I had lots of friends and people I enjoyed spending time with. Then all of a sudden I started losing my friends and don’t have anyone I want to be with any more. I do have many people around me, but there is no one I trust enough to share closely with, although many people pour their hearts out to me. I am very lonely and want to have good friends who love, honor and respect me. But every time I open myself to others, the door gets slammed in my face or they take advantage of me. This is so much like what I experienced with my family, the back and forth and not being able to trust them. What can I do to invite new friendships into my life and have close friends again?

White Tara with a message of Hope

Lia's picture

I am so happy to be able to share with you once again the love and the energy of such a lovely and amazing being as the White Tara is. My God if only i had the words to describe such a beauty, but my only hope is that you feel her love and her sweetness through her words.
Love be with you my dear family,


I come to you again in this beautiful day. So much expansiveness and incredible amounts of downloads are happening and will continue to happen until the day when the long awaited moment of truth arrives.
It isn't a moment in time but a moment in perception because you have all reached the new Earth. you have all been there for a while now.
What has been happening is the clearing of the layers. Imagine an over imposed image being removed from the true image.
My word the true reality is so colorful and beautiful and many of you are now seeing and feeling the new energies of the new Earth.

10.7.13 Where the Action Is NOW– Relationships

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Judith Dagley

Just in case you haven’t tuned into it yet, here’s a heads up– we seem to be in the midst of quite a shift. More specifically, ever since our Libra New Moon on 10.4, we seem to have entered an initiation into experiencing ”expansion” as the process of LIVING it truly is, rather than conceptualizing it as lessons to learn and/or something to wait for. That this initiation is also a process is indicated by the full Aries moon/lunar eclipse that follows the new moon by two weeks, and the Scorpio solar eclipse that will follow that, two weeks later.

Mind you, all that I’m sharing with you comes from my own intuitive guidance, my own experience, and through the perspective that matches my current frequency signature. But, since truth is a matter of perspective, it may not resonate for you if yours is very different– just as you can’t pick up a radio station if you are not in range of its signal. So if what I write sounds like nothing but static– stop reading and forget about it! Its not for you, that’s all, and since YOU are the sovereign authority of your own life, find what does resonate, instead.

The Creator Writings - Just Breathe

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


When you are wrapped up in a moment of your reality, things can seem very far away, unattainable and out of reach. Breathe into the moment and let it pass. Earth-existence is a very transitory space and will change in an instant if you only let it. ~ Creator


AdaptingToGrace – Eileen Meyer – Actually – 9 October 2013

Doreen Smith's picture


08 Tuesday Oct 2013   

The transformational dreams, messages, and experiences have been quite profound lately. For the past few weeks the energy delivered poetry. This Sunday morning the energy blended with me and delivered these unusual sounds at the start:


Maya Kitty loves the altar… feels she belongs


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