Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Chaos Is Now Very Evident~from Jean Haines

Lia's picture

Commentary from   This message from Jean caught my eye as I am lying in bed, resting. And healing. Interesting how the prior dental work I had, namely, extractions, may relate to the entire country of the US. In that now is a time when not only the truth is coming out (being extracted), but anything that blocks it is being “extracted” as well.

And although the “extraction” of the old fiat financial systems may feel a bit “painful” at the beginning, it’s leading to a healthy, Eternal-I centered one.
The Chaos Is Now Very Evident

From ~Jean [Haines]

It seems as if the dam has broken and the truth is finally coming out. In fact, what I am reading and hearing this morning is almost overwhelming. How much of it is ‘real’ truth? I simply do not know right now. I think, however, there is something more important with which we can occupy ourselves than spending our time trying to decide what is really factual information.

Solar Shock Wave~ Update On Energies Courtland

Lia's picture

Update from October 8th 2013

it was one of those intense energy days, one of the most intense ever  ~ heart palpitations, quickenings, audio tones  ... even some dizziness ~ to the point, I asked Guidance ..."whoa dudes, what is happening here" (figure of speech ~ LOL)  ... no sooner did I ASK  ... the little alert tone went off on my phone ... from 3D and Spaceweather, simultaneously!  see below!


CME IMPACT, GEOMAGNETIC STORM: An interplanetary shock wave, possibly the leading edge of a CME, hit Earth's magnetic field on October 8th at approximately 2015 UT (1:15 pm PDT). The impact has sparked a minor (G1-class) geomagnetic storm that could intensify in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.


SIRIUS A ~ moving into the higher dimensional frequencies

Lia's picture


Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from Sirius A and we come to guide and to support as you now move into the anchoring of the higher dimensional frequencies in TRUTH. For many of the human race this will appear as an increase in chaos, an increase in the need to “have” control as the triggering of the lower dimensional frequencies begin to reach new heights. As we have guided previously this is but a residue of the old 3d earth paradigms, taught in order to firmly restrict the band width of your energy signature.

Meredith Murphy ~ Message From Sanat Kumara ~ Moving From The Material To The Multidimensional

Lia's picture


Greetings Dear Beings of Light,

I come to you today recognizing your abundant realizations about the true nature of things on Planet Earth. I celebrate with you as this increasingly accurate assessment of the dynamics of life open. This unfolding is altering your individual experience, the capacity for life on Earth and Earth as a field is more vibrant, more available and thus connecting with and accessing broader fields of light. This is benefitting everything that is and is part of the Divine Plan as all life returns to the ultimate reunion, as One.

You have invested yourselves in opening up more fully to the inner knowings about your situation here and to the inner connection to Source which is your true identity. You have grown to trust all of this. You are allowing and focused upon living, more and more, from this knowing. You are shifting from living in the time/space realm of the material into the simultaneous time of the multidimensional, en route to the Universal experience of the ultimate reunion, as One.

The realizations of these layered, nested implications to awakening come forth in many ways and are sequenced by your vibration. Your resonance with various levels of energy open up perspectives to you and create your awareness and your understanding.

Undergoing Release and Transformation

Lia's picture

130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_17Currently I’m awaiting the next phase of this journey, and am undergoing some release, or “ballast release”, and transformation. Whatever that means.

I could say, “It’s a pain”, but it is not, even though literally, 3D-wise, it is.

There’s so much that is occurring now in many people’s experiences that I’m sure this is all part of that “Ascension” thing.

Sometimes it feels that my “Ass” is “ending”, but that’s the way it seems it has to be.

Until later, Kp

SIRIUS A on the birth of the new paradigms of human consciousness

Lia's picture

Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from SIRIUS A and we come to connect and to guide and to support as all now moves and shifts to a higher frequency and the higher dimensional timeline realities are birthed into the waking consciousness of the human race. We come to guide on the movements of ALL at this time as the new higher dimensional frequencies begin their work in TRUTH upon planet earth. The outpouring of lower dimensional frequencies from the human race will show as much anger, frustration and fear and this will ripple out across the planet earth as those who have stored these frequencies now release in order to anchor the higher dimensional frequencies. It is to be noted that the processing of BOTH sets of frequencies is underway within the human vehicle and at times it may be that you swing from one “extreme” to another, this is merely the human vehicle trying to find balance as you begin to align with the higher dimensional reality that is chosen by your SOUL. For the SOUL is guiding this human journey and the SOUL is now fully aligning with SELF at a human conscious waking mind level.

Monthly Frequency Overview October 2013 ~Month of Conception

Lia's picture


The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex

The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine


Friday, Oct. 4th, 2013  Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine

Friday, Oct. 4th, 2013
Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception
The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex
The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine

 The Main Frequency combination for October is…

Main Frequency – 111

Sub Frequencies – 11 & 22

Minor Frequencies – 4 & 8

Honesty – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 08, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture



(Translated from original language german)

My child, it is quite evident in the higher dimensions, if a being is telling the truth or not. We can read our minds and also our energy field is changing, depending on whether we tell the truth or whether a being is lying or just a bit cheating . In this way we hear, see and feel if a being is honest. You should therefore get used to tell the truth, in your own interest. It not only has the advantage that you do not need to memorize what you say, but it serves you as an exercise for the higher dimensions and it also sustains your higher vibrations. Lies however lower your frequencies. The sooner you start it, the easier it will be for you later to always be honest, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother


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