Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Kryon: The Human Soul

Lia's picture
The Human Soul


If you have awakened to spiritual truth in a past life, there is strong potential it will greatly change the next life. So an old soul will go to another place that perhaps a young soul would not go. All of this is in the planning before the Wind of Birth, and you’re ready for it. You really are. Listen: No Human soul comes to the planet unwillingly or as punishment. Perhaps you should memorize that statement!

~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part I: Pleiadian Healing Technologies

Lia's picture

pleiades and stardust


Greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council.

We wish to speak to you of the Pleiadian Technologies, and high technologies of the other star nations in your universe, that we will be bringing to your societies after our Grand Reunion. These technologies are an incredibly advanced alternative to many of the ways that your society functions; which in many ways are archaic compared to the advanced higher dimensional technologies we use in our dimensions.

The Creator Writings - Without A Safety Net

Doreen Smith's picture


  The Creator Writings



There are times when you have to have faith and experience things without your ‘safety net’. When you reach the point where you trust The Universe THAT MUCH, you will be willing to jump and KNOW there will always be something/someone there to catch you. ~ Creator


Cobra Update~ Event Situation Update

Lia's picture
Our internet poll has shown that 90% of the awakened population (14,112 of 15,660 people who voted) is in favor of the Event taking place now and is at least theoretically willing to take risks that triggering the Event might entail.


Our street survey of the general population has brought similar results. Around 20 volunteers did »sociology research« in various locations on all five continents. I gave them the following instructions:

»The purpose is to conduct this survey on a busy street or inside a shopping center in  a large or small city where you can stop many people anonymously. The purpose here is to get an accurate sample of the general human population. Do not search for awakened people or people of a certain age, gender or social status. Do not try to convince people into anything. Do not give any explanations about the Event, ETs, Cobra, the new financial system, etc. Do not try to convince anybody into participating in this survey, there are many that will be willing to stop for a minute and cooperate. Just say that you are conducting a street survey for a sociology research and you can then give them the document I attached to this email (of which you will make many copies) to those who are willing to cooperate. They can either circle an answer YES or NO. The goal is to collect between 200 and 1000 answers in the general area where you will be conducting the survey. Please send the results (numbers YES and NO) back to me as soon as possible.«

~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: Gold is Refined Through Terrific Heat

Eddie1177's picture

IMG_1977.jpgGreetings Dear Ones! We come to you at the close of another Earth year with great excitement and joy for all that has come to pass within you and in turn within Mother Gaia at this time. This past year has been one of great healing and transformation.

You are no longer the same as you were at this point one year ago. While from our perspective time is fluid and non linear we encourage you to use the last remaining days of this blessed year to reflect upon how far you have come.

For the most part we encourage you to always be in this moment now, and yet we know that this moment is a perfect one for you to reflect back. Close your eyes and find the stillness...once you have centered, we invite you to look back on the person that you were last year. While the changes are not always ones that can be measured with your physical eyes, we know that the feelings and the knowings are strong within you for we see them manifested in the beautiful, powerful, Light that is emanating from lovely Gaia at this moment. The Golden Light of The Christ Consciousness is so bright, so lovely, so magnificent! A beacon of Love and compassion that is anchored within you is lighting the way for those that are just now or who are continuing to wake up. You are so precious, so important, so needed at this time, at this moment. 

~ Message From Ann and The Angels ~ Creating 2014

Eddie1177's picture

AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.

As the year draws to a close, we know you have a tendency to look back and say, "Oh it was a good year!" or "It was a hard year! I'm glad its over." As human beings you give yourselves permission to dream anew at the turning of the clock on midnight, December 31st. But in reality dear ones, you can dream new dreams, and create new realities with every breath you take, in every given moment of time.

In every moment, you are creating a New You. So regardless of what 2013 has brought into your life, take a moment at midnight on December 31st and focus on the spark of light that glows so brightly within your own heart. Imagine at that instant, the light in everyone's heart on earth is glowing brightly, expanding, connecting and uniting you all in one beautiful bright and brilliant sea of light. Imagine that you can see yourself this time next year, and feel the joy of having all your dreams come true. It is magical from our perspective to see into human hearts at midnight on December 31st. Much of the world is hopeful. Much of the world is allowing themselves to dream their dreams. Many in the world are taking the time to do something meaningful for themselves, whether it be standing in a crowd toasting the new year, or staying quietly at home in prayer. There is SO much positive energy in this instant, not because it is the end of an arbitrary marker on the calender, in a scheme of eternal "nows" but rather because humanity chooses to give this moment significance. Humanity chooses to celebrate, chooses to dream, chooses to live in a positive way. So join your hearts in that wonderful vibration of hope, joy, and celebration and allow it to amplify your own light.

~ AdoptingToGrace ~ Building Bridges – From Jobs to Joy

Eddie1177's picture

peoplebridgeMany of you have written to me since my last post, expressing your concern about my well being – living without a revenue stream from the old paradigm. I assure you, I am being present with every fear that arises, and whatever insights or accomplishments I make on this journey into the conundrum that faces us all, I will be happy to share here. Ultimately my new adventure involves building bridges. I love building bridges, and though I have tried numerous times in the past to build them on my own, I always return to the realization that we must do this together.

The conundrum, as I see it, is how to extract myself from the individual and collective belief that terrible things will happen to me if I am not in the system; the system meaning that I have a “job”, along with health insurance, car insurance, renter’s insurance… whatever insurance and assurance I need from the system so that I will continue to report to work everyday and perpetuate this limited 3D slavery madness. Instead, I want to BE and live my passion now (5D?) – with all of you. Healing this conundrum between the two camps, or dimensions, is my destiny. Which camp do you live in? Where does your heart lie? Are you participating in deepening the chasm and keeping them separate? Or are you helping to solidify a new Earth and grounding in a more joyful, wholistic way of being?

The Creator Writings

Doreen Smith's picture


   The Creator Writings


You do not have to be anything than what you are in this moment. If you are sad, be sad. If you are happy, be happy. If you are in anticipation of change, enjoy the anticipation. Each human emotion you express has a purpose, a meaning and a growth experience in it. Do not deny, but do not cling to it so tightly that you let the next arrival pass you by. ~ Creator


2013: When We the People, waking up, began to Occupy the Whole Earth

Doreen Smith's picture


Dec 27, 2013  Ann Kreilkamp

This end-of-year list looks like it was designed to help buoy us up during dark times. And it does! For a mostly-downer list see the last post. Remember: if we wish to transform Life on Earth, then let us expand our awareness to include and integrate both darkness and light, without judgment or blame, especially the darkness and light within the self . . . For more on that in me, see next post.


CLN’s Conscious Trends of 2013

December 27, 2013


By Cassandra Sturdy and Ross Pittman, Conscious Life News Editors


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