Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 27 December

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Here you are at the end of yet another year that has been momentous in many ways. Time has continued to speed up, and a clear division can be seen to be taking place between the old and new. The dark Ones are not progressing as they would have wished, after feeling that they were on the verge of taking control of the world. They reckoned without the increasing amount of Light that has been grounded upon Earth. So much so, that almost unnoticed it has become the most powerful force for good. No longer can its progress be delayed, and it is destined to be the means of removing the dark Ones.


This cycle has completed its course and the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth. The apparent turmoil is but a sign of it restricting the ability of the dark Ones, to continue their onward march to world control. It was always planned this way so that no matter how much they extended their power over the people, they would never achieve complete control. The cycle has run its course and a new one has commenced that will bring complete peace and happiness to all souls. There is no longer a place for the dark Ones to wield their power over the Human Race.


~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul: 2014 New Year

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Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This is about the New Year 2014 and how best to use the energies. We have quite a lot going on and I’m going to say the best time to really ring in the New Year technically speaking is going to be on Sunday December 29.

The energies are just much bigger and better for that. So you may want to have a special dinner or some special event or maybe share with your friends on Facebook about ringing in the year then and Twitter as well because that’s the optimal day to project into 2014.

On New Year’s Day itself, we have some interesting aspects and it makes it more of a kind of retreat, stay inward, journal a little bit; write down positive things that you do want for 2014.

And generally speaking 2014 is going to be a lucky year for many people. Individually that is. Now when it comes to governments and financial institutions, still a lot of challenges because essentially old structures that no longer work must be torn down or shaken apart or restructured in some way in order to comply with the other heavenly aspects that are going on. Specifically Uranus and Pluto squaring off a total of 7 times in a three year time period and that won’t end until May of 2015 and also Pluto in Capricorn until the year 2023. So you have a lot of rebuilding to do basically.

But individually it’s going to be Chinese Year of the Wood Horse, or Green Horse, and the Tibetan New Year rings in on the New Moon after the Chinese New Year and that one also will be Wood Horse. So a lot of good luck and I wish you the best in 2014.

Using the Rainbow Rays to HEAL You

Doreen Smith's picture


December 27, 2013    Ari Ellumina


You can significantly RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY by working with the Rainbow Rays.

People are very much affected by COLOR. That’s because color is ENERGY MADE VISIBLE.

Each color is a different frequency of LIGHT.

Since people are now realizing Light has Consciousness, it is easier to understand that color affects our lives every day.

So, it is very crucial to understand at least the basic Metaphysical properties of the Rays.


By lighting a colored candle, you are inviting the ENERGY of that Ray into your home and Spirit. ^_^


A New Year like no other ever have been!

Lia's picture
Dear friends, I wish you all for this New Year, that you could experience what I experienced last night!
The Unity of all that is and the certainty that we all will be experiencing it very, very soon!
We are all but One Being, One Consciousness and One Soul!
It is my desire that we all understand that many of us are awake, but that many are not, and to bring these ones to our awakening, we need to love and forgive them without any misgivings, so that they also can feel the love that we feel
and return to being the part of us that they have always been!
Just love to the evil to disappearance, that is the real answer of the meaning of life!
We have believed in the Illusion of Evil and darkness for too long, let us really quit it right now, let us Unite!
Let us all sing a song of love and acceptance that will resonate all over the World!

Oneness, we are the One!

We are the One Body, One Soul, excluding none!

~ Bella Capozzi ~ ♥ Mini-Message From The Angels. “Regroup And Reconnect.”

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387566_10151178210516602_624097127_nHey, Friends!  It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a message on my blog.  This has been a wonderful, but very hectic, Holiday Season; lots of baking, decorating, working and entertaining…  I love it when it’s my turn to host Christmas!  My Angels and Guides have been my ever-present companions and co-conspirators as I set about to create an experience for my family and friends that truly embraces the true meaning and traditions of this magical time of year.  Now, today, I’ve decided that it’s time to get back to my blog and my wonderful friends around the world. This decision is not without it’s challenges, however.  I’ve already been interrupted twice to retrieve shredded gift-wrap from the dogs and to make cinnamon toast.

I’ve decided to change the name these posts form Mini-Readings to Mini-Messages, because that’s more of what they are about.  I find myself working less with cards and more from the clearer flow of information which  seems to naturally be coming through as we progress through our ascension process.  And that’s exactly what The Team would like me to pass on today.

~ James Tyberonn ~ The Christ Energy

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“For time never was when there was not a Christ and not a Christ mass.” (EC 262-103)

Edgar Cayce stated in his readings that there was never a period in (duality) earth in which the Christos energy was not present. He stated that Jesus (Jeshua ben Josef) was the first ‘man’, the first human soul to complete the process of the earth cycle and return in full to the Divine Source. He stated Jesus had ten incarnations prior to the one as Jesus. We celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th, and December 25th was the Solstice prior to to the 3rd century AD. Read more (below) to learn the importance of the December Solstice and the true meaning of this time.


A Time of Rebirth…

Christmas is a time of celebration in modern society, a time of family gatherings. Yet for many, especially those who live alone, it can be a time of loneliness, a benchmark of remembrance of years past. So take time this Holiday Season, this time of Christmas & Hanukkah, to reach out to others, to express love. Take time in the energy of this solstice to contemplate and meditate. As the Sun completes an annual cycle, find time to meditate and contemplate the rebirth of the planet Earth, and the new role of humanity as co creators as we complete Year One of the New Earth.

James Gilliland ~ Making It Through The Holidays

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ECETI December 25 2013

An interesting phenomena is unfolding and it is unfolding on or just after the holidays.

Two intense waves of energy came in creating quite a process. The sensitives and light workers felt it first and much of the negative lower frequency energies were transmuted through them in abstentia. Last Sunday seemed to be the hardest yet most are still feeling the effects.

All I can say is lay the body down, pray and meditate. Ask that this move through quickly with no residual energies and ask for help on high to remove all lower frequency energies, fear, guilt, sadness, unworthiness, all wounds and traumas from past experiences. We need to release the past and there are legions unseen waiting to assist humanity and the earth in this process.

The shift is really hitting the fan. You will see intense changes on every level. 2014 is going to be quite a ride. Love the new world into being and let go of the old. Do what brings you joy in service to the Creator in all Creation. The separation game of the elite is coming to a close. It is unsustainable and not frequency specific to the evolution of Earth and all her inhabitants.

Be kind and loving to yourself, others, all life and set any necessary boundaries with those who are not. This is the foundation for Universal Law and it is the law of Creation pressing hard upon the Earth. We have nothing to lose other than the suppression that has held back heaven on Earth for eons.


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