Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

2013 Winter Solstice Hangout with Nassim Haramein, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Foster Gamble

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Join us as we reflect upon the breakthroughs and events of the first year following the global celebration of Winter Solstice 2012 and encourage and inspire each other to set a courageous course for the coming year. Presented by the Resonance Academy and hosted by Adam Apollo and Teresa Collins.  Join the adventure in the Inquiry Lab at:

Waking Times – Adam Lanka: Everything I See is Me

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Thanks to:

Adam Lanka, Contributor for Waking Times,

I AM . . . life.

In life, every single instant and interaction exists for the growth of the self and the universe into the highest harmony of All That Is.  Toaists like to refer to this as the Tai Chi, or the Supreme Ultimate, which can also be described as Unity.  At the center of all existence is the infinite singularity of All That Is Here and Now, the roar of Ohm, the spark of transcendent being-ness that permeates the entire universe.

This is the universal substrate from which you and I and every single being of energy in the universe arises.  An amazing thing about the Supreme Ultimate is that it holds within itself all of the infinite potential and possibilities in the universe, yet it itself is beyond differentiation.  In this way it is referred to as chaotic unity, and is at the center of all being.

A New Christmas Story! – from Neale Donald Walsch

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My Dear Friends…

I have had many requests through the years at Christmas time to re-publish a commentary that I offered to my audience back in 2007 about this very special time of year. And so, I offer this article here, and I am glad that it has been so well received that each season I receive requests to run it again…

I couldn’t sleep last night.

I was up from 2 until 6, having another one of my Conversations with God.

“Tell me about Christmas,” I said. “What is it really all about?”

And I heard, “What do you mean, what is it really all about? I’ve told you a million times what it’s all about.”

So I said, “Tell me again. I think I may have missed it.”

And suddenly my head was filled with a Christmas Carol – one of the happiest and most triumphant of all the melodies of Christmas.

“Joy to the world,” the song began, “the Lord has come.”

But I couldn’t get into it. I kept wondering, what is joyful about the coming of someone who is going to be a lord over us?

God! I said…I don’t understand this!

And God replied, “You’re right. You don’t.”

Keeping Pace With The Shift - Winter Solstice Edition

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According to international teacher, speaker and author Jim Self, what once seemed unthinkable is now a looming reality—America's star is rapidly waning, the world's global power structure is tilting to the East, China is no longer buying US debt, and the future of oil, gold, and petro dollars is becoming more and more uncertain. If that fills you with anxiety or panic, be aware that, actually, all is very much in order. For the long-awaited "shift of the ages" is now well and truly in progress, and while its erosion of every facet of life that we used to believe in and rely on is unnerving for many, the truth is that the only foundations that are shaking, are those that have become so unbalanced as to be completely out of kilter with where we are heading.

What IF What You Believed to be True was an Illusion? Illuminating the New Earth

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What if there are cures and alternatives for treating cancer and other dis-eases but they have been suppressed due to greed and control?

What if 9/11 was another false flag operation carried out to instill fear and anger within the people of the United States so the invasion of other countries could be carried out? In addition what if explosives were used to implode the buildings in New York city? Two planes did hit two buildings that day but “three” building fell down.

What if the illuminati and a worldwide control program is real?

What if vaccinations actually cause more imbalance and long term side effects within the body than what is being acknowledged? In addition what if one of the main reasons for the increase in the amount of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccinations being given to children and adults today compared to 50 years ago is pressure coming from pharmaceutical companies so they gain more profits?

What if free energy technologies exist?

~ Judith Dagley ~ 12.24.13 MERRY EVERYTHING!

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judithJudith here, just “popping in” on Christmas Eve– at least in L.A., it is!– to share something with you at the celestial team’s request. Actually, at their “exuberantly fizzy nagging” would be  a more accurate way to put it, lol…

The “fizz” began about two hours ago, when I sent a gift over the air waves to my Beyond Therapy FB page. (Yep, no more chimneys for me– I’m a cyber-space Santa NOW!) So what was the gift? My own personal favorite example of what “enlightenment” looks like… AND feels like, because when you see it, “you just can’t help it!” as Scrooge would say. You just feel it… and its very “fizzy,” come to think of it…

Well, I guess that’s a clue as to why the celestial team LOVES that example so much that they’ve been fizzing at me non-stop to share it with you … and here they come to tell you all about it–

We do, indeed, Love your Alistair’s expression of enlightenment, Beloved! In truth, his expression of enlightenment, in human form, as in your movie “Scrooge,” is what might be called the epiphany of his service on your planet. You may also like to know that it is much celebrated in your cosmos, as it seems quite accurate to many in the higher realms, and demonstrates quite a few truths most elegantly.

One is that what You call “transformation” is simply a leap of awareness into Love. Another is that the external is transformed internally, which is what our Judith calls “an inside job.”  Or, as Yeshuwah has repeatedly transmitted in our messages,”the eye of the needle is within You.”

~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Sacred Geometry Of Frozen Light

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Everything within and upon the planet earth has a sacred geometry, a light, and a sound.  Your very snowflakes are sacred geometry’s that come to give you the gift of ungradement. snow is solidified light patterns.  Light that has landed like miniature frozen crop circles.  This solidified frozen geometric light comes forth to infuse you with sacred patterns of ancient /future knowledge.  Imagine trillions upon trillions of snowflakes, each one holding a different geometry, a different pattern of living light. 

When you look up and see these magical snowflakes open your mouth like a small child and let them land on your tongue. They will give you sacred solidified light equations to help you move into another level of self and soul. As you walk upon them a crunch is heard, as the geometries break apart in activation. Imagine yourself walking through every crop circle that was ever created all at once, what a thrilling experience that would be.

You are asked to enter the quantum fields of reality where you direct the orchestra, where you direct the energies, where you direct the creations without fault, without fear, without falling, or without failing.  You are each Maestros of Light.  Nature has have held the sacred text and the sacred truths until humans were aware enough to embrace them in love.  All of life has messages hidden within it.  It is time to release the bounty that lives within the rocks, the clouds, the sky, the snow, the trees, and the water.

~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ White Cloud: On Seeking the Savior Within

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"They seek him here, they seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere,
That damned illusive Pimpernel!”

These words were written by an English lady in the last century (The Scarlet Pimpernel) yet they ring true today. You merely need to change the last word for any savior that the individual or collective seeks always outside of themselves.

Last night you received a message from the mother of the one whom has been called by many the only Son of God. Yet this one, Yeshua, does not claim this title as his own. He has fully accepted his place among the ascended masters and cosmic beings and realizes that he is one among many.

Among some of the Light workers, there are those who seek to be saved by their star kin. There is resentment and anger among these individuals due to the fact that the galactics have not landed upon our shores and begun the work that has been promised through some channeled messages.

Do you not realize that you are the Ones that you have waited and longed for, beloved? Until you do, your star kin will be unable to meet you halfway up the staircase to Heaven.

You question our words and our veracity; such is the wont of those who will not accept responsibility for thought and action. Constantly these project their own self-loathing and judgment out upon others, including the galactics, the ascended masters, the cabal… whoever is supposed to save them or to refrain from destroying this world.

~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ Mary: The Magick of the New Dawn

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Northern Lights over Finland

Note to Reader: Never before have I brought forth a message from beloved Mary, but tonight on Christmas Eve I feel Her Presence. She is very familiar to me, her signature frequency as I have interfaced with the Archangels through the years. Occasionally she visits me at night and tonight, she blesses all of us with hope for the future. Adding my blessings to Hers, I give you Mary…


I Am Mary and I greet you on the dawn of the morning of the Christed Ones. You are the ones you have been waiting for and now is your time.

Even as the stars gather in the heavens, and the waning moon shines bright, we see your Light brighten the world and all within it.

You are the Ones of whom the legends spoke; you are the Second Coming of the Christ. In you will manifest the beginning of a new way of life for all upon your world.

As you awaken to the love that flows through your blessed hearts, you will begin to feel a lessening of worry and anxiety. No more will you accede to the demands of tyrants, for you have tasted freedom and now begin to claim your sovereignty.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Death is the road to AWE

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Traditionally within the old 3d earth paradigms this is one of the “darkest” times of year, fear piled upon fear, whether this be fear of not being “perfect” or fear of the emotions of both self and those around you, the “xmas” period is one that brings up a variety of emotions within each human being alive upon this planet.  For underneath the glitter and tinsel is a sting that many of you may have felt over the past linear 24 hours or so.  At this time Mother Earth is HEIGHTENING and EXPANDING her energetic signature, this is being reflected in the 3d overlay as storms, severe weather and disruption outwith what is considered to be “normal” for this time of year.

Personally I do not read newspapers, watch tv or interact with the old 3d earth unless I am guided to or it is placed in front of me. So whilst out grocery shopping the other day the weather was placed in front of me, literally. As I was standing at the checkout I realised I was actually standing on a newspaper that had managed to find its way to the floor. Picking said newspaper up the headlines were attention grabbing to say the least. Storms and disruption, the CHAOS of people trying to get home to loved ones, the outpouring of emotion as the disruptions took hold, lack of electricity, lack of COMMUNICATION all working to release that which is usually kept fully anchored within.  It was a very brief glimpse as I handed the paper over to the assistant at the checkout who folded the paper in half hiding the headlines. In that split second it was overwhelming the frequencies spilling out of the wording and the images that accompanied said headlines.


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