Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ RAP-TURE

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Ole Grandpaw goes on a tare... and when he gets there, we find Every One There... too... Hmmmmmm...
(Ya just might find this to be the most intriguing 7 minutes you've spent in a while... )


Eileen Meyer ~The Magnetics Of Gold ~ Release The Slaves! ~

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 23 December 2013

This past Friday, Winter Solstice, I did something that I’ve never done before in all of my days as a slave. I walked out of my office day-job (executive assistant to the CEO in media and advertising) because my truth-telling and integrity in this particular environment reached its peak of contrast and acceptability. I am chuckling as a write this little summation. You can imagine there is so much more to the story, but I notice with the precision of this particular solstice energy, I have no more attention span for the past and old paradigm ways of being. I feel a definite cosmic line was drawn. So in the past few days I’ve been healing and making sure my cosmic telephone is charged and ready to go, along with practicing trust that I will “attract” all of the resources that I need to thrive now.

James Gilliland Update: The Days of Tyranny, Enslavement and Manufactured Oppression are Fast Coming to a Close!

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Self Healing and Leadership
We spoke earlier about the incoming energies one wave peaking just after Thanksgiving with a build up before and assimilation period after. Now we are moving into the second wave which is exponentially stronger than the last wave. If you were resisting the process, in denial and shifting into blame and projection this next wave will be even more intense. Many ask when are the Ets going to help. This is help, it is coming from the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, the ultradimensionals which would better be refered to as the greater family of man/woman. They know how to work on the level of cause or consciousness as well as working with the consciousness and energy grids of the planet. This is where the real power resides yet this does not diminish the need for hands on work in the physical. Much of this is up to us. There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. This is universal law and fits within the prime directive. Because there has been so much interference and manipulation by the regenerate Ets they are having to intervene for the sake of humanity and the earth. This does not however diminish the need for the ground crew, the awakened ones on earth to do their part.

~ Nancy Tate ~ St. Germain: Celebration

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I, St. Germain greet you on this day! As we go through these coming times, and we spend the next few days in the celebration of the Holidays, we do so with the full knowledge that all of life is a Holiday. All of life gives us the ability and opportunity to make every moment a celebration of that which is Holy and in keeping with the Creator in all of us. As we see the proof of that come into our lives and our manifestation of that which we intend, we are in the shoes of the Creator and the Arms of the Source. It is a mission that has long been in effect, and as we drift into the coming events of the ascension of all of us, we see what it means to come back to who we are. We decorate our lives with the beauty that represents each leaf and needle of the tree of life, and the wonder of the power that the roots have in the Creation of all that is with us from the trunk and branches of that which is in place for all of us. I join you in the celebration of the day and I see the beauty in all of You.


~ DL Zeta ~ Wayshowers Provide Alternate Means of Transport into the New Time

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Decades ago, many souls began the long process of awakening to their purpose as wayshowers who would someday guide others into the new time. For the most part, in earlier times these souls didn’t know the scope of their mission. This was by divine plan to help these future guides remain in the present moment and learn to build trust in their internal guidance system. This trust is essential in becoming adept at navigating the unknown terrain of the new world.

As these souls strengthened the bridge to their higher knowing, they received downloads of guidance that, in one way or another, led them to set intentions of love and service. It is through setting higher intentions that we reset our inner compass and begin moving through life based on our spiritual mission.

Embracing the Identity of the Wayshower

~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ The Sirians: Greetings from Your Star Kin

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The Sirians: Greetings from your Star Kin

Greetings! We are the Sirian emissaries of whom our scribe has written in recent weeks. We come in peace and with greeting of joy as you reach the end of one year and enter a new one. And as you enter a new world and leave an old one behind.

We know that this past year has been a difficult one for many. The rate of change and the thrust of different agendas have torn countries, communities and families apart. Change will continue to dominate your awareness, although it may take on a more refined appearance or strain the very edges of your ability to hold your center. We encourage you to all embrace whatever change emerges into your world and to open up to the possibility that challenges mean new opportunity, both for growth and experience.

In this new year and the ones following, our star-born children will begin to truly awaken to their gifts, that have been locked away in their DNA to be activated by the incoming cosmic waves of Love that you have been experiencing lately. You will see many begin to step from the shadows and claim their birthright to be sovereign and powerful. And it is these formerly quiet, sensitive beings that will lead the rest of humanity into the new dawn. They have the ears to hear the symphony of heaven and the eyes to see the silver path that lies ahead drawing them onward towards their hidden goal.

~ Karen Downing ~ The Power of Love Takes the Lead

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By Karen Downing


As the Earth approaches the end of another year, there is much to ponder and reflect on. One of the biggest and most obvious changes that has taken place is how humanity is beginning to permit the power of love affect their lives in new ways. Yes, there have been many stories of violence, anger and fear. But also, as the year 2013 has gone by, you have been able to witness the Power of Love take hold on the planet in more ways than ever before.

Moving into 2014, the New Earth will start to take on a new energy; a change forged by the power of love. The power of love in your own life will be seen in many new ways.  Everything from the smile of a stranger, to surprise opportunities and possibilities can come your way. One of the signals ushering in this change is the passing of Nelson Mandela. He is a shining example of living life from the heart. Now that he has passed on, he will be continuing his work in Spirit, leading and guiding many lightworkers to transform the world through the power of love.
On an energetic level there are many changes that body is going through as a result of this change. The Universal Love chakra has now entered the body through the Crown chakra, on its decent down to take its position at the Heart center. As the Universal Love chakra comes into contact with the crown, it is causing physical discomfort. Symptoms such as spaciness, feeling "out of it," having difficulty concentrating, dizziness, ear popping and whistling, headaches and body temperature fluctuations are all signals of this chakra transition. Read more about this chakra transition here.    

With the Universal Love chakra entering the body, it is another sign of this changeover. The world has reached the tipping point, and where Earth was once primarily ruled by fear, Love is now beginning to take over. In order to best utilize it, the power of love must be truly understood.  Many people identify love with lust, weakness, or obligation. However, love is none of these things. Love is about allowing each person to be who they are, and therefore allowing your own essence to shine through as well.

~ David Eaglechild ~ Christos – A way of being

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GFP Commentary: There is no such thing as Divine Mind. The Mind is the Programming and the source of all Humanity's Fear Pain and Suffering,it's not Real and definitely not Divine. However, the Balanced Right/Left Brain and Heart are. Discern, please.

Christos, Christ, what is this word, this name really?  What does it mean or imply?

My dearest brothers and sisters, I am gathered here with quite a heavenly host to aid me in  this writing.   The angels do not seem to care if mentioned or not, but quite a few are present, especially AA Uriel who wishes to aid me in finding words or phrases to try to explain an infinite subject that defies the limitations of words.  And special to me are two dear and beloved spirit guides who saw me through many of the more difficult and confusing times of my life.  I know them as Thaddeus and Jeremiah.  Their return to help with this effort is greatly appreciated.  So it is a great joy to have a bit of a Holiday spiritual family gathering for this very important effort, at this very important time.

Now let me be clear, what I receive is energy messages, not words or statements.  It is up to me to utilize my higher self to find the words and phrases that I type.  So what I write is my understanding, as inspired by the many angelic and heavenly hosts who contribute energy to this effort.  Not channeling.   More like a spiritual roundtable and I am the scribe. I participate fully, while listening to the others.


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