Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Jullie Miller ~ Melchizedek: Gently Cleansing Your Emotional Baggage

Eddie1177's picture

GFP Commentary: You're God=Love. Love is truly All there is,in Reality.

As the soft flow of energy moves above you, within you and all around you, you will come to the discovery that there are many experiences that can be found while experiencing God’s Light. It is important to understand dear ones, each experience you encounter will produce an imprint on your awakened self, a kind of mark that helped to change the parts of you that needed changing, that allowed you to become liberated and no longer feeling separated from your own truth or from the Light of God.
The radiant brilliance of God’s Light flows gently around the dear souls that are completely ready to receive this divine Light. Even your own beautiful Earth receives nourishment from His penetrating Light very similar to the way dry earthly soul will absorb a drink of life-giving and sustaining water and it is true many plants that grow on your Earth will send their roots out seeking as far as possible in order to sustain its life and to thrive. As you reach towards God’s Radiant Light, you too are being nourished and sustained.

~ Conscious Cool Chic ~ Are You Open To Receive Right Now?

Eddie1177's picture

This time of year, we are heavily conditioned to GIVE: presents, time, energy, parties, fruit cake, gratitude. Quick check-in: Are you receiving as equally as you give?

Receiving is a necessary component to the continual flow of Universal energy.
Receiving balances. It renews. It is the inhale to every exhale. It is a connection to the eternal ebb and flow of blessings that surround us. Receiving energy is required for your life force to prosper, grow and breathe.

It is your birthright to receive in numerous ways as cycles of energy come to and move through you.

~ Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group December 2013

Eddie1177's picture
GFP Commentary: All Belief Systems are part of the Programming and they are not Real. Release them. Love=God is completely FREE and it's definitely not Limited.
We come to wish you all a very Merry experience in  the season of Hanukkah, Christmas, or whatever you are choose to celebrate in this season.  It carries an energy of joy and it matters not that some may choose to name it something other than Christmas.  It is a season that promotes  celebration, love, and the experiences of Oneness--the underlying energy of Christmas.  
Christmas to Christians, means the birth of Jesus but many who call themselves Christians fail to look beneath the rites, rituals, and celebrations of a birth 2000 years ago, getting caught up  in much of it without any deeper understanding of the core truths  of the event.  Rituals in and of themselves  have only the  importance or power they are given, for they are  simply representations of deeper truths.  Begin to ponder the deeper  meanings of this season for the outer, material sense of anything is always an interpretation of its spiritual reality.  

~ Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides: A look ahead: The year of 2014

Eddie1177's picture

2014Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014.  As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment.  However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is.  The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices.  We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year;  your calendar year of 2014.

A Brief Solstice Message from the Council of Angels Pleiadian Council and Source via Goldenlight 12-21-13

Eddie1177's picture



We want you to know that you are transforming into a higher being of light; that your multidimensional self is “coming online” so to speak and that your world is also transforming likewise… That the release of the global prosperity funds is being planned for after Christmas, that the liberation of your planet from the dark forces is very real. That there will be a ‘time’ that will intersect with your ‘now’ timeline wherein we will intersect our star nation societies our energies our love our higher dimensional technologies and so much more.

~ Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Metatron: An Empowering Time of Transition for One and All

Eddie1177's picture
GFP Commentary: You are a Co-Creator. Being Present Moment of Now is a constant meditation.
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
Within your being is the most beautiful light like a beacon unfolding gradually beaming with greater strength into your
awareness, cells and entire being. Your soul is appearing more and more within your physical manifestation upon the Earth,
attracting all that it needs to be fully present within and throughout your being. A deep cleansing is occurring within all levels
of your being as you prepare for a greater and more profound birth of your soul into your reality and magnificent presence
upon the Earth. The birth of the soul is occurring within every being upon the Earth, it has been a continuous process for

The Creator Writings - Thorns

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The Creator Writings



So you bemoan your thorns of the past; they torture, taunt and tease you as you release them to The Light, begging to remain part of your paradigm. But, through it all………..THEY are the ones that pushed you to awaken. Yes?! Without them, you would be naught what you are now. If you can do nothing else, celebrate them and send them off with Love. ~ Creator



Doreen Smith's picture


December 22, 2013



Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.
The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body for a distance of 55 feet. These geometric energy fields normally spin around our bodies at close to the speed of light, but for most of us they have slowed down or stopped spinning entirely due to a lack of attention and use. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkaba. A fully activated Merkaba looks just like the structure of a galaxy or a UFO.
The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness, connects us with elevated potentials of consciousness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being. When the Merkaba meditation is performed correctly, the Merkaba fluidly integrates our feminine (intuitive, receptive) and masculine (active, dynamic) aspects of our mind and spirit.

James Tyberonn ~ The Law Of One & The Golden Age Of Atlantis

Lia's picture

Earth-Keeper Chronicles December 22 2013

Edgar Cayce is the most credible and genuine ‘channelers’ of not only the past century, but perhaps the past millennia. His medical, past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 30 incredible books on Edgar Cayce’s readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering in May 2014 at Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona.

According to Edgar Evans Cayce, the son of Edgar Cayce, over 700 of Cayce’s 2500+ life readings refer to Atlantean incarnations. Cayce said the Golden Age of Atlantis was led by a very spiritual society called the ‘Law of One’. The Law of One was primarily based in the Atlantean region called Poseida. The Law of One, as stated in the Cayce readings, held the highest level of spiritual consciousness ever achieved on the Earth.

The ‘Law of One’ were able to continue vibrating at the very highest level of light and energy, and remained very close and true to the one Creator/God, even as the other groups on Atlantis began to fall into the throes of downward spiral through greed and self aggrandizement, choosing power and material gain over love.


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